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[移民入籍] 急问,周末带娃回国探亲,移民局来信约入籍面试 [复制链接]

发表于 2018-7-12 01:51 |显示全部楼层
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        第一封里要我提供一份“Original overseas penal clearance certificate(s)”这个是必须国内的无犯罪形式记录公证吗(我只在国内呆过超90天)?有免责条款,就是没有这个certificate,但必须提交证据“provide evidence that you have applied for the required penal clearance certificate(s).”这国内咋个弄申请收据呢?如果是无刑事犯罪记录公证的话,国内有两机关,先是派出所或街道办出证明,下来才是公证处,谁给开这收据证明呢?
原文如下:In addition to the documents you submitted with your application you must also bring the following document(s) to your Citizenship appointment.

Original overseas penal clearance certificate(s)
Please bring the original copy of your overseas penal clearance certificate to your appointment.

An Overseas police clearance is required if:

·        the applicant has lived or travelled outside Australia since turning 18 and
·        held a permanent Australian visa at that time and
·        the total time spent outside Australia added up to 12 months or more and
·        the time spent in any one country was more than 90 days.

Applicants who meet the above criteria must provide police clearance certificates from all overseas countries where they have spent a continuous period of more than 90 days or more since the age of 18 years.

An examination of your application and departmental records shows that you have spent more than 365 days overseas since you were granted permanent residence / turned eighteen. As a result, it is necessary for you to provide original penal clearance certificate(s) from the overseas country or countries where you have resided for a continuous period(s) of 90 days or more since you were first granted permanent residence / turned eighteen.

Please refer to the DIBP website for more details: http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Trav/Citi/Appl/What-documents-do-you-need/good-character-and-offences

Frequently Asked Questions: Overseas Penal Clearance
How should my name appear on the Overseas Penal Clearance?
Your penal clearance certificate must include ALL names and aliases that you have ever been known by. This includes (but is not limited to) married and maiden names, anglicized names, name changes through Deedpoll or the Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, or name changes completed outside of Australia.

What do I do if I cannot get my Overseas Penal Clearance before my appointment?
·        You should still attend your appointment, even if your penal clearance certificate (or evidence of your penal clearance certificate application) is not available at that time.
·        You should provide evidence that you have applied for the required penal clearance certificate(s). For example; confirmation of receipt of your application, a receipt of payment of any application fee, or a copy of your application.

What do I do if I need to provide a letter from DIBP when applying for my Overseas Penal Clearance?
Your Citizenship Case Officer will provide you with a letter at the time of your appointment.

Please note:
·        The period is calculated from the GRANT of your initial permanent resident visa and is not limited to the last 10 years
·        Police clearances are only valid for 12 months from the date of issue of the document by the overseas authority.
·        A current penal clearance is required regardless of whether you have, or have not, travelled outside of Australia since any previous certificates were issued.
·        Case officers can request an overseas penal clearance certificate irrespective of the amount of time a person has spent overseas, or the period of time spent within a country.

This documentation is required as evidence that you are able to satisfy the requirements of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007.

3,移民局的第二封信里提出面试要带三个证明身份的文件“at least three documents that collectively show your photograph, signature, current residential address, date of birth, birth name and gender”


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