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· 我又找到工作了,庆祝一下!(完) (2005-3-16) 大飞熊 · 发动机半大修,自己动手维修cylinder head (2013-7-1) 大球球

[外汇债券] 为什么比特币 ? 进展和争论 [复制链接]



发表于 2018-6-25 19:41 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-25 19:46 编辑





「我们打算做一个区块链分发平台,通过 Token 来鼓励上传和分享。」

如果有人对你这么说,你能想到哪个项目?TRX?IPFS?还是 NAS?

在本文要介绍的 e-hentai 看来,这些项目「统统都是小儿科」。

怎么讲,这个你可能从未听说过的色情网站,通过分布式系统已经稳定运行 9 年,托管了 50 万色情资源。主网站访问量世界排名 600,日均 PC 活跃用户 60 万(不包含移动访问)。


「臭名昭著」的 e-Hentai

在谈到为什么 e-Hentai 是目前最成熟的 dApp 之前,我们首先要科普一下什么是 e-Hentai。

如上所述,e-Hentai 是一个非常火爆的非盈利性色情网站,以无广告、崇尚分享和「没有底线」而闻名于世。之所以不如草榴、PorrnHub 那样在中文网民中知名,是因为这网站一没有中文版,二是它只分享二次元相关的色情内容,也就是只分享色情漫画和「同人本」。



e-Hentai 的前身成立于 1999 年,那时它还只是 Yahoo Group(雅虎的贴吧服务)中的一个吧「EVA Hentai」。很快地,因为发展的需要以及来自雅虎的压力,e-Hentai 不得不从 Yahoo Group 出走,建立了独立的站点,这也就是延续至今的 e-Hentai。

和 PornHub 有着良好的口碑(比如拒绝裸贷资源、有各种黑科技)不同,e-Hentai 甚至在「主流色清圈」(这是个什么圈子!)里都风评极差。

即便是那些被判定为对所有人类都有冒犯意味的资源,e-Hentai 也仅仅是提示一下

这主要归功于 e-Hentai 在两类内容上的「放任」甚至「鼓励」,第一类是侵权类内容,第二类是儿`童`色`情类内容。

饭圈的人都知道,只要侵犯了迪士尼和任天堂的版权,就算你逃到南极,法院的传票也能寄到。但是你在 e-Hentai 上用 Mickey(米老鼠)和 Pikachu(皮卡丘)都能搜到大量资源,更别提 Snow White(白雪公主)和 Ketchum(小智)了。

而对于儿童色情的放任就更不可饶恕了……是的,e-Hentai 在里区并不限制儿童色情,因为其创始人认为描绘儿童色情的漫画并不像其他儿童色情那样需要真人儿童出演,并不伤害儿童。

然而,这直接导致了无论是 e-Hentai 的运营甚至是浏览,在世界上绝大多数国家都是违法的,包括那些允许开展色情业的国家。

在这两条罪状面前,e-Hentai 上的资源都是盗版简直不值一提。

在 e-Hentai 上名副其实的聚集了这个世界上最变态的一群人,他们在社区里有着良好的交流机制、大家主动分享新的色情资源、为资源评分、甚至为留下豆瓣式的长评……

武断的来说,虽然上 e-Hentai 的不一定是坏人,但一个好人肯定不上 e-Hentai。

那么问题来了,这样一个全球公敌式的网站,是如何运行了 17 年之久的呢?



作为一个以图片为主的站点,e-Hentai 的流量和存储压力那不是一般的大。


因此,e-Hentai 在 2005 年就推出了基于 BT 下载的 EHTraker。

EHTraker 是一个 PT 服务,玩过 BT 下载的都知道,PT 就是私有 BT 网络。他和我们大众所使用的 BT 最大的区别在于,它通过一套积分系统来强制用户必须做种才能下载。

这缓解了 e-Hentai 的一部分压力,但并没有解决根本性问题。为什么呢?

因为这特么是个黄图站啊!漫画和小电影不一样!一个本子看个 5 分钟就结束了,用户为了 5 分钟要下载种子,打开 BT 下载,解压文件——早软了好吗?

作为黄图站,e-Hentai 必须达到像你在浏览新浪微博时的那种畅快体验,才能满足用户的需求。

然后,e-Hentai 在 2008 年发布了 Hentai@Home 项目。这也是标题里 10 年的来源,在这一年 e-Hentai 开始寻求去中心化的解决方案。


这名字有个梗,2008 年的时候其实去中心应用流行过一段时间,不过不是因为比特币,那会儿还没人知道比特币是什么。主要是因为互联网带宽爆炸式增长,计算机性能爆炸式增长,很多人觉得自己的电脑闲着也是闲着,就加入了各类分布式计算平台。

其中最著名的是加州伯克利大学发起的 Seti@Home,这个项目会把射电望远镜 24 小时不间断接收到的信号拆分成数据包,分发给所有参与成员进行计算分析,以在其中寻找外星人存在的痕迹。

除此之外还有帮助医学家折叠蛋白质的 Folding@home,帮助大型强子对撞机寻找上帝粒子的 lhc@home,帮助天文学家建立银河系模型的 Cosmology@Home。


而 Hentai@Home 顾名思义,就是用你的闲置带宽和存储空间来帮助 e-Hentai 服务更多变态咯……

Hentai@Home 基于 Java 编写可在 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 平台上运行,它只有小巧的 100k,而且对计算性能要求很低,可以运行于各种终端甚至是树莓派。严格来说,它并没有使用完全去中心化的区块链技术,而是使用了上一代的分布式计算技术,采用中心分配任务记录积分的机制,同时采用 bittorrent 协议(没错就是刚刚被波场收购的 BitTorrent)作为文件传输的通道。

当普通用户访问 e-Hentai 网页时,e-Hentai 的中心服务器会实时从 Tracker 上搜索当前资源是否有可用的 Hentai@Home 节点。如果可用,那么会直接让用户去连接这个节点分享的资源,而不是中心服务器上的资源。

当一个 Hentai@Home 用户访问 e-Hentai 时,e-Hentai 会在可能的情况下全部切换到 Hentai@Home 来驱动。Hentai@Home 除了记录每个节点上传量之外,还设置了 Quality 和 Trust 两个参数来衡量每个节点的网络稳定性和质量,这两个参数会参与到 Hentai@Home 每个节点最终的挖矿所得计算中。

上图是作者新开的帐号,但是在公司内网环境下是不能帮助做种的所以是 Offline 状态

目前,Hentai@Home 大概为整个 e-Hentai 提供 10 Gbit/s 左右的峰值带宽,并且覆盖全球。如果在阿里云买同等的全球带宽,成本大约是每月 100 万人民币,这还完全没有把存储成本算进去。

2009 年时,其创始人曾经公布其当年的月均运营成本已经达到 5 万美金/月,而当时 e-Hentai 上的资源只有 15 万个。可以说,Hentai@Home 的出现几乎挽救了这个完全无广告的色情网站。

虽然技术并不先进,但 Hentai@Home 和 e-hentai 整个网站所要实现目标的整合度就已经吊打目前所有宣称要做分发系统的区块链项目。

而 Hentai@Home 最精妙的还并非是技术本身,而是经济系统的完备性,甚至超越了目前 IPFS 激励层 FileCoin 的一些设想。

一个让 e-Hentai 经久不衰的经济系统

当我们谈及区块链的时候,区块链和 Token 所衍生的经济属性经常被忽略。


简单来说,如果一个 Token 每日涨跌幅超过 10%,那它就不会对它所宣称的落地场景有任何激励作用。因为在这种波动下,屯币、炒币,会比贡献(比如共享带宽、数据、写文章)工作量赚的更多。

数值策划这个词来源于游戏设计,专指在游戏中设计数学模型的那些人。举个简单的例子,一个游戏 5 种职业,你怎么让他们之间相生相克,怎么让每个技能之间相互平衡,回归到本质都是数学问题。




在这一点上,大多数的区块链项目还不如 e-Hentai。

和之前提到的众多科研类 @home 项目不同,Hentai@Home 是有回报的,它的回报被嵌入到一个更大的经济系统里。这个经济系统有 3 种不同的代币,是整个 e-Hentai 社区长盛不衰,持续有人分享与活跃的关键原因。

因为真的太长了,我们简单介绍,正在写白皮书的同志可以直接到 e-Hentai 官方 Wiki 上去抄袭这一段。

Gallery Points(简称 GP)
e-Hentai 的最主要代币,应用于 e-Hentai 核心功能的运行,主要消耗途径是下载资源。
GP 的主要获得方式有:发布全新资源、运行 Hentai@Home、在交易所与另两种代币兑换、法币购买(赞助)。
次重要代币,应用于 e-Hentai 的社区活跃奖励,主要消耗途径是用于购买无需下载直接在线观看色情资源的流量配额。
Credits 的主要获取方式有:每日登陆、完成别人的悬赏任务(我想要某个本子)、玩网页游戏《Hentai Verse》、在交易所与另两种代币兑换、法币购买(赞助)。
Hath(Hentai at Home/哈希点数)
Hentai@home 的专用代币,Hath 可在交易所中兑换大量的 Credits 和 GP,以及购买一些特权。
主要来源除了挂 Hentai@Home 之外,还有诸如参与官方活动、《Hentai Verse》游戏中的稀有任务、累计法币购买额(捐献额)到达一定程度等。

在 e-hentai 的个人页面首页,可以看到你当前都有哪些行为正在赚取积分

区块律动 BlockBeats 简单总结一下这个经济系统,它的基本原则是这样的:

做任何有助于 e-Hentai 的、可量化的事情,都会得到代币奖励。

做任何需要 e-Hentai 支出运营成本的事情,都会扣除代币奖励。




这套完整的经济系统,解决了 e-Hentai 作为一个几乎没有运营人员的大型资源共享社区的许多问题:谁来上传新资源、谁来整理旧资源、谁来给资源评论评分、谁来为网站寻找 BUG……

虽然 e-Hentai 并没有做到像真正的区块链项目那样「自管理」,但它的「自管理」程度远超所有的色情网站,甚至可能超过 Wikipedia。

另外值得一提的是上文反复提到的游戏《Hentai Verse》,这是 e-Hentai 为了活跃社区制作的一款非色情类网页文字 RPG 游戏。

里面有非常丰富的玩法,比如角色培养(带职业和技能点)、战斗、道具、装备(分职业,甚至还有耐久)、交易等等……而且游戏中的货币系统与上述的 e-Hentai 主站无缝对接,比目前的区块链游戏不知高到哪里去了!




发表于 2018-6-25 19:52 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整







区块链与色情产业的结合早在 2011 年的暗网 BTC 时期就已经开始。

据 2013 年曾经拿下了「自由主机」二代网站的匿名者黑客组织介绍,「自由主机」中超过了 50%的内容与儿童色情内容有关。

根据国际刑警组织和联合国国际劳工组织 ILO 的报告:2007 年全球每年的跨国人口贩卖是 80 万;但这一数据在 2015 年,已经达到了 600 万到 800 万人,直接增长了近十倍的规模。

联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室在 2014 年的报告数据显示,有 49% 的被贩卖女性在 18 岁到 30 岁之间,有 21% 是 17 岁以下的女童,两者合计的受害者达到了 70%,这些女性大多都沦为了色情产业的「色情」工作者。

在 2015 年以前,区块链更多只是作为色情产业「性奴买卖」的支付手段,性工作者本身并不是数字加密货币的直接受益人。

在 2015 年这种状态发生转变的原因在于:一家颇受色情从业者喜欢,并专门用来投放私人广告的网站 Backpage,开始为色情工作者提供加密货币货币的支付服务。


对于这一现象的发生,Bits and Chians 媒体在日志中写道:





2017年1月,伴随日本的色情视频平台“Animation Vision Cash”推出的数字货币项目AVH,色情与区块链技术的深度融合又再次创造了新的里程碑。







跟据流量统计网站数据,互联网上平均每过一秒,就有 28258 人在浏览成人内容,并产生 3075 美元有关成人内容的消费。在全球的所有网站中,12% 是成人网站,35% 的资源下载是成人片,25% 的搜索是和成人相关内容。Disrupting the oldest profession with the Blockchain跟据流量统计网站数据,互联网上平均每过一秒,就有 28258 人在浏览成人内容,并产生 3075 美元有关成人内容的消费。在全球的所有网站中,12% 是成人网站,35% 的资源下载是成人片,25% 的搜索是和成人相关内容。

世界上最大的成人网站 某videos 的每月访问量已经达到 44 亿,这个数字是 CNN、ESPN 电视网站访问量的 3 倍,是热门社交新闻网站 Reddit 的 2 倍。


在技术方面,色情产业中已经出现成功落地的信息安全项目 http://Hussy.io,它会帮助检查每个性工作者的健康状况,并将这个不可更改的信息发送到区块链上,让每一个「客人」在过程中可以放心、安心。同时,这个平台也会以超强的私密性,核实客人的身份,保护性工作者的安全和利益。

根据最新的数据统计,目前色情行业在全球的年收入已经高达 970 亿美元,有经济学家戏称,色情行业足以让日本在未来 50 年不爆发经济危机。这样的说法无从查证,但色情产业的重要性可见一斑。




您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册



发表于 2018-6-25 20:13 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原创: 数字货币趋势狂人 数字货币趋势狂人  今天



























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Te Amo

发表于 2018-6-26 00:49 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 猫儿不笨 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 猫儿不笨 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

新闻来源: 观察者网 于 2018-06-25 1:38:43








观察者网此前报道,国际咨询公司普华永道雇员Alex de Vries表示,电费在挖掘比特币成本中占60%。这意味着,随着比特币价格跌幅大跌,比特币价格已经快触及其成本价。



道琼斯旗下新闻网站MarketWatch此前援引新泽西一家电力公司Elite Fixtures的研究显示,世界各地采矿比特币的成本差异很大,从531美元到惊人的26170美元。























发表于 2018-6-26 17:18 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-26 17:59 编辑





I would like to thank the Australian Business Economists for the invitation to provide a Reserve Bank perspective on cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology. This is a topic that is of great interest across the community. It is an area that the Bank has been watching closely for a number of years as it could have implications for us from a number of perspectives. It is also of interest to our international counterparts and so has been the subject of a lot of joint work done in the various committees that we participate in at the Bank for International Settlements.[1]
I am going to talk about cryptocurrencies by focusing on bitcoin, which is the most prominent, and will also touch on the somewhat-related issue of whether the Reserve Bank should consider issuing a new digital form of the Australian dollar. I do not claim to be speaking today as an expert on cryptography and related technical matters. Rather it is as an economist who focuses on payments issues and has been following developments in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies since early 2013. As we at the Bank analyse new payment methods, we often try to get first-hand experience of them. So perhaps I should offer a disclosure, namely that I have had a bitcoin wallet since June 2014. It contains a small amount of bitcoin and I have used it for a few small transfers and even a retail transaction at a café that accepted bitcoin.
A Quick Primer on Bitcoin[2]
Bitcoin and similar assets have variously been called virtual currencies, digital currencies and cryptocurrencies.[3] As I will discuss shortly, the use of the term ‘currency’ is really not appropriate given that they share very few of the attributes of other currencies or monies. A more appropriate term for them might be ‘cryptoassets’. However, because this term might also include initial coin offerings (or ICOs, which I will not cover today), I will continue to use the popular term cryptocurrencies.
Let me start with a very quick overview of bitcoin. Many of its attributes are shared with other ‘first generation’ cryptocurrencies, so this is useful background for any general discussion of cryptocurrencies.[4]
As is fairly well known, the protocol or computer code for bitcoin was launched in 2009, following a 2008 paper authored by an individual (or group) using the name ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’.
Bitcoin was designed to electronically mimic a cash transaction: to allow quick, peer-to-peer transfers of value, without the need to know or trust the other party in the transaction or for any central body to intermediate the transaction.
Bitcoin has a ‘blockchain’ of transactions. The ‘ledger’, or record of changes in ownership, consists of ‘blocks’ of information linked together in chronological order (a ‘chain’). Every 10 minutes or so, the bitcoin blockchain is updated to include a block of new transactions. Addresses (or ownership) on the ledger are in terms of alphanumeric pseudonyms rather than legal names.
Most conventional payment methods – cash is the obvious exception – rely on some central party to keep and update the ledger or record of holdings. For example, the Reserve Bank maintains the ledger of commercial banks' Exchange Settlement Account holdings. And commercial banks maintain records of their customers' deposits. By contrast, cryptocurrencies rely on a distributed ledger. The bitcoin ledger (the blockchain) is replicated across the ‘nodes’ (i.e., computers) connected to the network. The idea is that each of the nodes ends up with an identical copy of the latest version of the ledger.
If a ledger is open to participation by any party, and any party can propose changes to the ledger, it is known as a public (or ‘unpermissioned’ or ‘trustless’) ledger. Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies are examples of trustless distributed ledgers. The user does not need to know or trust any party on the network, but in effect needs to trust the algorithm and the cryptography used. This allows parties who do not necessarily trust each other to transact without the need for an intermediary.
The security of the bitcoin system relies on public/private-key cryptography. The transaction verification methodology is referred to as ‘proof of work’. Participants in the system (or ‘miners’ as they are known) compete to successfully verify (or solve the computationally intensive calculations for) a new block of transactions, with each block consisting of up to about 2,500 transactions. The first miner to do so earns a reward of newly ‘mined’ coins, currently set at 12½ bitcoins (worth around US$80,000). The successful miner also earns any transaction fees offered by the people initiating the transactions.
This reward leads to an arms race in bitcoin mining technology, as miners (or pool of miners) invest in faster computers to increase their chance of successfully mining a block.[5] As the computing power of the network increases, the bitcoin protocol increases the difficulty of its proof-of-work challenge to keep the rate at which new blocks are added to the blockchain broadly steady, at about one block each ten minutes.
Higher processing power obviously requires more electricity, mainly for air conditioning to cool computer servers. Currently, the majority of bitcoin mining is based in China, reflecting its low-cost electricity (and for some locations, low average temperatures). No doubt you will have seen references to the enormous energy usage of the bitcoin system – the latest estimates suggest that the annual energy consumption of the network is similar to that of entire countries such as Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Chile or Austria.[6] So it is not surprising that it has been criticised as an ‘environmental disaster’.[7]
Conventional national currencies (or ‘fiat’ currencies) get their value in part from the fact that legislation says that they are legal tender and can be used to settle financial obligations such as taxes. However, bitcoin has no such intrinsic value. Any value that cryptocurrencies have is based on expectations that others will attribute value to them and that their supply is somehow limited. In the case of bitcoin, the protocol specifies that around 21 million bitcoins will eventually be created (with each bitcoin divisible into 100 million satoshis). There are currently just over 17 million bitcoins on issue, with additions to supply programmed to gradually decrease until 2140. As the protocol's rewards to mining decrease, the transaction fees received by miners can be expected to increase.

Graph: Projected Bitcoin Supply
That is a quick overview of the design of the bitcoin protocol and system. My understanding is none of the various components of its design were new, but that their combination in bitcoin was. Indeed, even if one is quite sceptical of whether bitcoin will have a significant role in the economy in the future, I think it is hard to avoid some admiration for its design.
Recent Market Developments for Cryptocurrencies
I can illustrate some of the consequences of the design of the bitcoin system by looking at the sharp run-up in prices that occurred in the speculative mania seen in late 2017.
This graph shows the US dollar price of bitcoin, starting in 2013 when the price was about US$10. There are only limited data prior to that, though there is a frequently mentioned transaction back in 2010 when a programmer bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoin, which corresponds to a price of about 0.3 cents per bitcoin.

Graph: Bitcoin Price
As we look back over bitcoin's history, I think the run-up in prices has reflected demand from a range of groups, in the following broad sequence.
Early adopters included three groups:
those who were attracted by the innovative design and technology of the bitcoin system;
those who were looking for anonymity in their payments (including for shadow-economy or criminal activity); and
those who we might call ‘crypto-libertarians’.
I would characterise this last group as mistrustful of the traditional banking system. Some of them assert that the quantitative easings undertaken by major central banks in the wake of the global financial crisis have somehow debauched the value of traditional national currencies. Of course, I don't need to point out to this audience that, nearly 10 years after those quantitative easings, inflation in the major economies remains quite subdued.
A subsequent group of adopters were those who believe that cryptocurrencies (and distributed ledger technology more broadly) could play a significant role in the economy in the future.
A further type of demand began to emerge around late 2016 and was associated with initial coin offerings.
And the final type of demand that we saw most clearly in late 2017 was conventional speculation. This is where rising prices – and media reports of price rises – encourage more buyers, regardless of the fundamental value of the speculative assets. Many of these buyers would have had very little knowledge of cryptocurrencies except what they had seen on TV or heard from acquaintances.
The sharp run-up that was seen in bitcoin in late 2017 was also seen in many other cryptocurrencies, including those from the Ethereum and Ripple systems.

Graph: Cryptocurrency Prices
The price of bitcoin reached an all-time peak of over US$19,000 in mid December, around 20 times its value at the start of the year. And the total implied ‘market capitalisation’ of the cryptocurrency sector rose to around US$820 billion in early January this year (though that would be an overestimate because it does not account for all those holdings that are no longer accessible due to loss of private keys). At that point, the bitcoins used to buy the two pizzas mentioned earlier would have been worth close to US$200 million.

Graph: Cryptocurrency Market Capitalisation
However, the price of bitcoin has fallen by nearly 70 per cent from its peak, to just over US$6,000 currently, and there have been sharp falls in most other cryptocurrencies. Much of the public frenzy seems to have calmed and the market capitalisation of the overall cryptocurrency sector has fallen back to around US$250 billion.
To put this in context, the global equity market is valued at around US$80 trillion and the global money supply is something around US$15 trillion for currency and US$90 trillion for broad money. People might reach different conclusions about the relative importance of the cryptocurrency sector from those comparisons. But I think it is clear that the market capitalisation of the sector is still at levels that we would have thought unthinkable a few years ago.
My next graph shows that the number of confirmed bitcoin transactions briefly got to over 400,000 per day in December when the speculative frenzy was greatest.[8] That corresponds to a peak of about 4½ transactions per second (TPS). But, to put that in context, Visa Net has a theoretical maximum of over 65,000 TPS.

Graph: Bitcoin – Confirmed Transactions
However, the peak in submitted bitcoin transactions around this time was higher, closer to around 500,000 per day. As a result, the number of unconfirmed transactions was building up. At some points in December, there were over 100,000 transactions in the queue waiting for confirmation.

Graph: Bitcoin – unconfirmed Transactions
This episode points to the scalability and governance problems of the bitcoin system. Part of the attraction of bitcoin for its proponents is that there is no central governing authority. Instead, changes to the bitcoin protocol require a consensus among participants in the network. In principle, any user can propose a change to the protocol, as the code is open-source. And if enough nodes adopt the change, it becomes the new protocol. In practice, however, bitcoin's lack of a central governance structure has been a weakness in dealing with the capacity problem that results from the fact that the original protocol limits the block size to no more than 1 megabyte. There have been several proposals for changes to the protocol to deal with this scalability problem but none has yet been entirely successful.
When there is a queue of unconfirmed transactions, miners attempt to verify blocks of those transactions that offer the highest transaction fees. So as the queue lengthened in late 2017, people keen to have their transactions processed were offering to pay more. This next graph shows that at one point, average fees briefly reached over US$50 per transaction.

Graph: Bitcoin Average Transaction Fee
Since then, as the bitcoin price has fallen, and the mania around getting into bitcoin has eased, the volume of transactions has fallen, the queue of unconfirmed transactions has fallen, and fees for transactions have fallen. Reports suggest that some of the computing capacity put in place in late 2017 when there were high returns to mining – both from transaction fees and newly mined bitcoin – is currently uneconomic.
Are Cryptocurrencies Money?
The graphs of transaction fees and the queue of unconfirmed transactions raise the broader question of how well bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) perform when we look at the key attributes of money, namely that it should represent a store of value, a medium of exchange and a unit of account. Here, I think there is fairly substantial agreement.
First, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are yet to establish themselves as reliable stores of value. This is most obvious in a comparison of the volatility of bitcoin as opposed to national currencies like the Australian dollar. This graph illustrates the high degree of market risk in holding bitcoin.

Graph: Daily Price Change
And there have also been many hacks of cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets over the past few years. That shows there is also a lot more risk in bitcoin intermediaries than there is in the supervised banks and financial institutions in which households can hold their Australian dollars.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are also currently not very useful as a medium of exchange for everyday purchases. I have managed to find a Sydney café that accepted bitcoin for a coffee. But there are not many of them.
More broadly, although bitcoin has become more prominent over the past few years, the number of businesses accepting bitcoin may actually be falling. For example, some significant US online merchants announced a few years ago that they were accepting bitcoin, but some of these (for example, Dell) have since stopped doing so.
Of course, there are network effects in payments and ingrained habits in the behaviour of households and businesses, so observations about the current limited acceptance of bitcoin may not be surprising and may be a little unfair. However, nine years after its launch and about five years since it entered the public consciousness, bitcoin continues to have structural flaws that make it unsuitable for many uses, many of which stem from its inefficient verification process. For example, while authorisation of a debit or credit card transaction is close to immediate, bitcoin users are typically advised to wait for the creation of about six additional blocks (i.e., about 60 minutes) before relying on their transactions being final.
The third function of money is as a unit of account. Here, while a small number of businesses may accept bitcoin, their prices are posted in national currencies. Not even bitcoin conferences post their prices in bitcoin. Indeed, organisers of a high-profile US cryptocurrency conference recently apologised that they couldn't accept bitcoin as payment for attendance fees.
Many of these shortcomings of cryptocurrencies stem from their design around trustless distributed ledgers and the costly proof-of-work verification method that is required in the absence of a trusted central entity. In contrast, in situations where there are trusted central entities in well-functioning payment systems, there may be little need for cryptocurrencies.
Of course, there are payments use-cases where some form of distributed ledger might be useful. Examples that are cited include correspondent banking, international transfers, cross-border trade finance and post-trade activity in the equity market. These all involve many different parties, with existing processes that are very entrenched and where it has often been difficult to coordinate among the parties to bring about change. Discussion of the potential of distributed ledgers has highlighted inefficiencies in the current processes and is acting as a catalyst for change. However, I think the evidence to date is that trustless blockchain solutions are unlikely to be adopted. Rather, the new systems are more likely to be permissioned shared ledgers, where a central body still plays a dominant role.
Some Implications for Central Banks
Let me conclude by talking a bit about some of the policy issues that could arise for the Reserve Bank from the emergence of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology more broadly.
As I indicated at the start, the Bank has been watching developments in these areas for about five years. Currently, however, cryptocurrencies do not appear to raise any major concerns for the Bank given their very low usage in Australia. For example, it is hard to make a case that they raise any significant concerns for the Bank's mandate to promote competition and efficiency and to control systemic risk in the payments system.
Nor do they currently raise any major issues for the Bank's monetary policy and financial stability mandates. There are only very limited links from cryptocurrencies to the traditional financial sector. Indeed, many financial institutions have actively sought to avoid dealing with cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrency intermediaries. So, it is unlikely that there would be significant spillovers to the broader financial system if cryptocurrency holders were to suffer valuation losses or if a cryptocurrency system or intermediary was compromised.


发表于 2018-6-26 17:40 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
But given all the interest in cryptocurrencies or private digital currencies, people have inevitably asked whether central banks should consider issuing digital versions of their existing currencies. I can give you an indication of the Bank's preliminary thinking on this issue, as outlined in December by the Governor in a speech entitled ‘An eAUD?’.[9]
Currently if households wish to hold money, they have two choices. They can hold physical cash, which is a liability of the Reserve Bank, or they can hold deposits in a bank (or credit union or building society), which is an electronic form of money and is a liability of a commercial bank that is covered (up to $250,000) by the Financial Claims Scheme. Both forms of money serve as a store of value and a means of payment (assuming the bank deposit is in a transaction account).
Most money is already ‘digital’ or electronic in form. Currency now accounts for only about 3½ per cent of what we call broad money. The remaining 96½ per cent is bank deposits, which we might call commercial bank digital money.
Furthermore, the use of cash by households in their transactions has been falling in recent years. This next graph shows there has been strong growth over an extended period in the use of cards and other forms of electronic payments. In contrast, the dots, which are from the Bank's Consumer Payments Survey, show a significant fall in the use of cash. In 2007, cash accounted for nearly 70 per cent of the number of household transactions. Nine years later, this had fallen to 37 per cent.

Graph: Transaction Per Capita
Clearly, some households are moving away from cash and finding that electronic payments provided by banks better meet their needs. And this trend is likely to continue as the New Payments Platform (NPP), which launched recently, allows banks to offer better services to households – namely real-time electronic payments that give immediate value to the recipient, are easily addressed, are available 24/7 and carry lots more data than currently.
So the question is: ‘should the Reserve Bank introduce a new form of cash – an eAUD as the Governor called it – to give households an electronic payment instrument issued by the central bank for their everyday payments?’
Our current thinking is that there would not necessarily be all that much demand for an additional form of money in normal times, though this would presumably depend partly on design decisions such as the interest rate (if any) that would be paid on this money.
But to the extent that there was significant demand, particularly if this occurred at times of financial uncertainty with households switching out of the banking sector, there could be significant implications for the Bank's financial stability mandate. There would also be implications for the structure of the financial sector – for example, it could result in reduced financial intermediation. We would need to think through these implications carefully.
So for the time being at least, consideration of a possible new electronic form of money provided by the Reserve Bank to households is not something that we are actively pursuing. Based on our interactions with our counterparts in other countries, it is also not front of mind for most other advanced economy central banks. An exception is Sweden, where the shift away from the use of cash is significantly more advanced than in Australia and elsewhere. Sweden's Riksbank is studying the issues regarding the possible issuance of an e-krona and expects to report by late 2019.
However, as the Governor indicated in December, there might be a stronger case for considering a new form of central bank liability for use by businesses and financial institutions.
Here it is important to remember that the Reserve Bank already offers electronic balances to financial institutions in the form of Exchange Settlement Accounts (ESAs) at the Reserve Bank. These balances can be passed between financial institutions during the banking day, with the Bank keeping the official record (or the ledger) of account balances.[10] A key function of ESAs is that they provide banks with a risk-free liquid asset for settling payment obligations through the day, to prevent the build-up of large exposures that could threaten financial stability.
However, some stakeholders in the payments area – including some fintechs – have expressed the view that the introduction of another form of central bank balances could be quite transformative. They have suggested the issuance of a new form of digital money that would be accessible to businesses and could be passed around on a distributed ledger. They argue that the availability of another form of central bank settlement instrument could reduce risk and increase efficiency in business transactions. For example, it could allow the simultaneous exchange of money and other assets on blockchains. A central bank digital currency on a blockchain could potentially also enable ‘programmable money’, involving smart contracts and the simultaneous execution of complex, linked transactions.
Moving in this direction would involve two major changes to current arrangements: it would involve the introduction of a new form of settlement asset and it would presumably involve broader access to central bank money for non-bank institutions. Consideration of the first aspect will require an assessment of issues relating to the technology. Consideration of the second aspect would get into some of the issues that are relevant to thinking about giving households access to electronic central bank money, namely the implications for financial stability and the structure of the financial sector.
As we think more about a model along these lines we will be considering whether the benefits could be equally well facilitated by other means. For example, could there be commercial bank money on blockchains – say Bank X tokens, Bank Y tokens, and the like, rather than RBA digital settlement tokens? Indeed, some models have been sketched out whereby commercial banks would put aside ESA balances at the central bank or would put risk-free assets into special-purpose vehicles, and then issue credit-risk-free settlement tokens for use by their customers. We will also need to think about whether the possible use-cases that have been proposed really need central bank money on a blockchain, or if they might also be possible using other real-time payment rails – perhaps the NPP. At the moment, it does not appear that a strong case has emerged for us to provide this new form of central bank money, but we have an open mind.
Before I finish I should note that my talk today has not explicitly addressed the merits of cryptocurrencies as investments. On this issue, I think the various risks are very well summed up by the final words on a page on ASIC's MoneySmart website: ‘If you decide to trade or use virtual currencies you are taking on a lot of risk with no recourse if things go wrong.’
These risks acknowledged, cryptocurrencies and distributed ledgers are fascinating developments both from a payments and a broader economic perspective. The Reserve Bank will be continuing to study their implications and we are very interested in continuing to interact with entities, both large and small, that are active in this area.
Thank you for the invitation to speak on this topic today. I look forward to any comments or questions.

A number of colleagues have contributed to this work, especially Jiamin Lim, Cameron Dark and David Emery.

  • See, for example, BIS (Bank for International Settlements) (2018), ‘Central bank digital currencies’, report submitted by a working group established by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures and the Markets Committee, No 174, March. It might also be noted there is a rather critical assessment of cryptocurrencies by the BIS in its recent Annual Report. [1]
    The Bank has also published an Explainer on cryptocurrencies on our website. [2]
    I will use the lower case for all references to bitcoin, though it is also possible to capitalise Bitcoin when it refers to the system and use lower case for bitcoin when referring to the currency. [3]
    Some may argue that some of the flaws in bitcoin that I discuss today have been resolved in some newer cryptocurrencies. However, these others have not yet gained significant traction and bitcoin remains the largest cryptocurrency. Furthermore, a key point here is that cryptocurrency protocols are easily replicated and modified (and potentially improved on). So even if someone happens to be bullish about distributed ledgers and blockchain as general concepts, they should be aware that the value of any currently fashionable cryptocurrency could easily fall to zero in the future if it falls out of use or favour. [4]
    Currently about 70 per cent of the computing power in the bitcoin system is controlled by the five largest mining pools. Concentration of mining power raises the possibility of ‘51 per cent attacks’ whereby dishonest nodes representing a significant share of computing power attempt to subvert the system, either to take bitcoin from other users (a ‘double spending’ attack) or to deliberately cause a lack of confidence in the system. There are a large number of papers on this topic; for a recent contribution see Eric Budish (2018), ‘The Economic Limits of Bitcoin’, NBER Working Paper No 24717. While such attacks had previously been considered to be a largely theoretical risk, there was a successful attack in May on the Bitcoin Gold system (an offshoot or ‘hard fork’ of bitcoin) which reportedly transferred US$18 million to the perpetrators. [5]
    See <https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption>. [6]
    For example, bitcoin has been described by the General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements as ‘a combination of a bubble, a Ponzi scheme and an environmental disaster’: see Agustín Carstens (2018), ‘Money in the digital age: what role for central banks?’, Lecture at the House of Finance, Goethe University, Frankfurt, 6 February. [7]
    This measures the number of proposed transactions confirmed by the network. It may underestimate the number of underlying bitcoin transactions because some proposed transactions appear to be batch transactions conducted by intermediaries – for example, they may show a single large payment from one address and many small payments to different addresses (or vice versa). [8]
    See Philip Lowe (2017), ‘An eAUD?’, Address to the 2017 Australian Payment Summit, Sydney, 13 December. [9]
    Indeed, to support the NPP, the Bank is now providing settlement balances on a 24/7 basis, through the Fast Settlement Service.
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    发表于 2018-6-26 18:06 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-26 18:12 编辑



    How social media's powerful 'silent majority' moves Bitcoin prices
    Stevens Institute of Technology verifies, for the first time, social media's effect on Bitcoin
    June 25, 2018
    Stevens Institute of Technology
    In the past four years, the value of a single bitcoin has soared from approximately $500 in 2014 to a current value of $6,000 and has worked its way into every type of financial transaction, from buying phone credits to shopping for clothes online. Now, researchers show that Bitcoin's value can be manipulated by public sentiment, verifying, for the first time, that social media and Bitcoin prices are linked -- but not without a surprise.
    In the past four years, the value of a single bitcoin has soared from approximately $500 in 2014 to a current value of $6,000 and has worked its way into every type of financial transaction, from buying phone credits to shopping for clothes online. Now, researchers led by Stevens Institute of Technology show that Bitcoin's value can be manipulated by public sentiment, verifying, for the first time, that social media and Bitcoin prices are linked -- but not without a surprise.

    The work, led by Feng Mai, a professor at Stevens School of Business, shows that periods of increasingly positive social media commentary do, in fact, significantly influence the rising price of Bitcoin, but the surprise? It's the silent majority, not the vocal minority, who move these prices.

    In other words: comments and tweets from very active users did not move Bitcoin's price much at all. Rather, the silent majority -- infrequent users who took the time to comment on the cryptocurrency's prospects -- moved prices more, as much as ten times more, when they posted positive comments.

    "They are the ones investors watch," says Mai, whose work appears in the Journal of Management Information Systems.

    Mai, working with the University of Cincinnati, Dickinson College and Ivey Business School, collected and analyzed two years' worth of forum posts on the world's most popular public Bitcoin forum, Bitcointalk.

    The team classified comments into positive, negative and other sentiment categories using natural-language processing techniques. They also collected two months' worth of Twitter data, including more than 3.4 million tweets about Bitcoin.

    Mai's team then compared changes in Bitcoin's price with the chatter around the cryptocurrency. But just as chatter can affect the price, Bitcoin's value can affect the sentiment around it, so the team also factored in daily rises and falls in indicators such as the S&P 500 stock index, gold prices and volatility indexes to better understand the two-way relationship.

    "This was the first robust statistical finding to verify that social media and Bitcoin prices are actually linked," Mai says. "It may be intuitive, but positive sentiment moves Bitcoin prices."

    But the Stevens-led team didn't stop there. They went a step further by dividing Bitcoin tweeters and posters into two groups: those who were posting very frequently and those who were not in order to see what kinds of commenters affect prices most.

    They found that rather than the vocal users driving changes in Bitcoin price, the price instead changed in proportion to the comments made by users who were infrequent posters. "Vocal users of social media may sometimes have a certain agenda, in this case hyping or boosting the price of Bitcoin because they themselves have invested in it," says Mai. "So, if most of the social messages around Bitcoin are generated by people who are biased, the sentiments on social media may not accurately reflect the currency's actual value."

    Mai and his colleagues suggest that Bitcoin investors recognize these potential conflicts of interest and discount them.

    "The silent majority are the real influencers in driving the value of Bitcoin," says Mai. "It seems like investors get that."


    发表于 2018-6-26 18:11 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
    Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-26 17:18

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    发表于 2018-6-26 18:18 |显示全部楼层
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    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-26 18:24 编辑
    Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-26 18:06

    美国史蒂文斯理工学院的研究人员今日发表的论文表明,比特币的价 ...



    发表于 2018-6-28 21:53 |显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2018-6-28 22:08 |显示全部楼层
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    Lightning Network Shows 99 Percent Failure Rate on Large Bitcoin Transactions

    https://ethereumworldnews.com/li ... tcoin-transactions/

    发表于 2018-6-28 22:19 |显示全部楼层
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    EOS Technical Chief Feels Account Censorship is a Flaw, Wants to Change “Constitution”
    June 28, 2018 11:54 by Joseph Young

    https://btcmanager.com/eos-techn ... hange-constitution/

    发表于 2018-6-28 22:24 |显示全部楼层
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    FBI 目前审查130宗与比特币相关案件


    发表于 2018-6-28 22:31 |显示全部楼层
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    Confirmed: Travel Booking Giant Expedia Has Quietly Removed Bitcoin Payment Option

    https://cointelegraph.com/news/c ... coin-payment-option

    发表于 2018-6-29 22:51 |显示全部楼层
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    Bitcoin Futures Trading Means Bitcoin May Never Surge Again

    https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2018/0 ... -never-surge-again/

    发表于 2018-6-29 22:57 |显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2018-7-1 10:16 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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    我到现在也没想明白bitcoin 和bitcoin cash 有什么不同,bitcoin cash 是bitcoin 的山寨版?


    发表于 2018-7-1 11:49 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-7-1 13:51 编辑
    yes168 发表于 2018-7-1 10:16
    我到现在也没想明白bitcoin 和bitcoin cash 有什么不同,bitcoin cash 是bitcoin 的山寨版? ...













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    Hetbert 发表于 2018-7-1 11:49

    主要是因为加密币目前面临的限制取舍,不能完全实现货币的价值尺度 ...



    发表于 2018-7-1 16:00 |显示全部楼层
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    Law enforcement in Spain busted a gang that sold designer drugs on the Dark Web that were primarily bought with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

    One of the ways that centralized financial institutions and the media throw FUD at cryptocurrency is by linking it to illegal activities. Such reporting brings on plenty of clicks, and the belief that crypto and drugs, extortion, and murder are linked together gets stronger. However, the reality is that less than 1 percent of all Bitcoin transactions are used for illegal reasons.

    Designer Drug Ring Shut Down

    Yet, it should be noted that cryptocurrency can be used for bad things in the same way that cold, hard cash is. Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are neither intrinsically good or bad; it all depends upon the person using it. The media were quick to announce the busting of a drug ring in Spain due to the fact that there was a Bitcoin connection.

    Police in Madrid served some justice on a gang making designer drugs that operated out of the Netherlands and Spain. Law enforcement seized over 100 types of psychoactive drugs (NPS) from two laboratories located in Valencia and Granada. These NPS substances are synthetic in nature, and they mimic the effects of illegal narcotics, such as opioids and amphetamines.

    Madrid, Spain

    Police also found more than 4.5 million euros ($5.2 million USD) worth of cryptocurrencies. Apparently, the gang sold their wares on the Dark Web (cue ominous music) and asked people to pay in cryptocurrency. It appears that Bitcoin was the preferred payment choice.

    News Flash! There Are Crimes Involving Cryptocurrency

    While the media loves to portray such a drug bust as something special due to the presence of cryptocurrency, the honest truth is that it’s a given that virtual currencies will be associated with some crimes.

    As Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are used as a store of value or for currency, then it makes perfect sense that bad people will look to steal it. Hence, the ongoing hacks of exchanges, such as Coinrail and Bithumb. However, people have been physically robbed due to being known for having cryptocurrency or carrying money to purchase some.

    Crime is a part of the human condition, and it isn’t going away any time soon. As such, crime will touch upon cryptocurrency the same way it touches upon fiat currency or precious metals and gems.

    It is interesting that many criminals originally used Bitcoin due to its supposed anonymity. However, the fact that transactions are transparent and easily followed on the blockchain has caused criminals to ditch the number one cryptocurrency and focus more on privacy coins, such as Monero. This has been noted by federal law enforcement agencies in the United States, who recently asked Congress to pass legislation targeting anonymous cryptocurrencies.


    发表于 2018-7-1 16:05 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-7-1 17:04 编辑



    阿联酋银行业和金融研究所(EIBFS)与阿联酋的主要银行和保险公司合作,推出了EIBFS Fintech培训实验室,加强区块链,人工智能,物联网,大数据,云计算,应用程序接口和数字治理等最新数字技术的技能培训,以满足未来的行业需求。

    Abu Dhabi Global Market Launches Crypto Regulatory Framework

    The financial authority of Abu Dhabi Global Market has launched a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency activities following the completion of a public consultation. The market’s financial watchdog has also published a guideline explaining how crypto asset activities are now regulated.

    Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto Space

    Crypto Regulatory Framework Launched

    Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) announced this week that it has launched a “framework to regulate spot crypto asset activities, including those undertaken by exchanges, custodians and other intermediaries in ADGM.”

    Abu Dhabi Global Market Launches Crypto Regulatory FrameworkADGM is the international financial center in Abu Dhabi which collaborates with global financial centers, institutions, and regulators to “develop and supports member institutions with the regulatory framework, legal jurisdiction and attractive business environment they need for sustainable business growth,” its website describes. The Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) is the market’s watchdog. ADGM wrote:

    The framework is designed to address the full range of risks associated with crypto asset activities, including risks relating to money laundering and financial crime, consumer protection, technology governance, custody and exchange operations.
    FSRA Takes the Lead

    This regulatory framework follows the completion of a public consultation on the introduction of a crypto regulatory framework by the FSRA on May 28. By incorporating public comments, “several refinements have been made to the regulatory framework, with a key change being the implementation of the daily value trading levy imposed on crypto asset exchanges on a sliding scale basis,” ADGM’s announcement details.

    Richard Teng, the CEO of ADGM’s FSRA, commented:

    By introducing a comprehensive and best-in-class regulatory framework, the FSRA is taking a leading role in instilling proper governance, oversight and transparency over crypto asset activities, positioning ADGM as a destination of choice for crypto asset players.
    The FSRA said in February that “virtual currencies, although not legal tender, are gaining interest globally as a medium of exchange for goods and services,” Reuters reported.

    New Crypto Framework Explained

    The FSRA has also published a 34-page guide for the regulation of crypto asset activities in ADGM. The document explains the regulatory framework for crypto assets including the requirements for operating a crypto asset business, exchange or custodian.

    Abu Dhabi Global Market Launches Crypto Regulatory Framework

    “Applicants that qualify for authorization under the Spot Crypto Asset Framework will be granted an FSP [Financial Services Permission] to carry on the regulated activity of OCAB [Operating a Crypto Asset Business],” the document describes. According to the Spot Crypto Asset Framework:

    Market intermediaries (e.g. broker dealers, custodians, asset managers) and crypto asset exchanges dealing in or managing crypto assets will need to be licensed / approved by FSRA as OCAB holders. Only activities in accepted crypto assets will be permitted.
    The document also clarifies that this framework does not apply to initial coin offerings (ICOs). The FSRA has already published a separate guidance for ICOs in October last year.


    发表于 2018-7-1 16:29 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-7-1 16:31 编辑


    据bitcoinist消息,南非央行——南非储备银行(SARB)已经完成了使用以太坊为基础的平台Quorum测试银行间银行转账, 有可能将取代南非现有的银行间结算系统,多重营业结算系统(SAMOS),两个小时内可完成原系统每日处理的70000次交易。七家南非银行参与了试点运行,与区块链孵化器ConsenSys和会计事务所普华永道也达成技术合作伙伴关系。

    The South African Reserve Bank (SARB), South Africa’s Central Bank, has concluded a multi-bank project to test bank-to-bank payment transfers using the Ethereum based platform, Quorum.

    Project Khokha is a collaboration of eight South African banks including SARB, Absa, Capitec, Discovery, Investec, FirstRand, Nedbank, and Standard Bank.


    The project used the Ethereum blockchain platform Quorum. It aimed to replicate South Africa’s current bank-to-bank payment platform, the South African Multiple Gross Operation Settlement System (SAMOS), using the distributed ledger technology of blockchain.

    After a 14-week realistic trial of the bank-to-bank clearance and settlement system, the project has been deemed a success. It replicated transactions rather than using actual transactions but proved that the 70,000 daily transactions handled by SAMOS could be completed using blockchain technology within two hours.

    In the trial, each bank involved had a node, or a participating computer, in the Project Khokha Ethereum network. Public cloud servers from Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services were also utilized Extra server capability was added to power the computations needed to verify the transactions.

    The network was tested with SARB’s node verifying every transaction between the banks and with every bank on the network verifying all transactions. According to SARB the process and validation provided by Quorom delivered a combination of “scalability, resilience, confidentiality, and finality.”

    The report published after the tests describes Project Khokha as an initiative in “collaborating for innovation and therefore:

    Both the process, as well as the outcome of the project, contribute to the SARB’s goals. The decision was made to assess the use case for DLT in wholesale payments and interbank settlement and thus build on and extend the work done in other parts of the world.

    SARB concluded that a further study is required to establish if distributed ledger technology (DLT), or blockchain technology, is suitable for interbank settlements. The central bank states that key considerations will be how support frameworks integrate, and the legal, regulatory and compliance factors.

    According to reports, SARB’s Deputy Governor Francois E. Groepe expects a blockchain-based system to support the existing settlement system as a backup fourth layer if implemented, rather than replacing it.

    In May 2018, SARB and Groepe announced that cryptocurrencies do not conform to the traditional definition of money and SARB would prefer to use the term “cyber-token”.

    JP Morgan, Quorum’s creator, was considering a spin-off of Quorum to increase its wider adoption, according to reports in March 2018, after its success in global blockchain pilots.


    发表于 2018-7-1 16:35 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


    The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the US agency that issues patents to companies and investors, awarded several blockchain-related patents on Thursday. Some of the companies that saw their applications approved are IBM, JPMorgan, Walmart, Intel, and MasterCard among others.


    Walmart was granted three blockchain-related patents on June 28, which comes on the heels of three that were awarded on June 14. At this time, the retail giant is focusing on the following systems and methods:

    Crowdsourced delivery based on a set of requirements – this system wants to help customers who shop online benefit from low cost or free delivery options through crowdsourced delivery. Blockchain technology will be used to store a list of certifications for delivery agents. The application was initially filed on December 26, 2017.
    Systems and methods for monitoring item distribution – this system revolves around a plurality of cameras tracking items within a distribution chain. Thus, whenever a customer reports problems with their purchased items, it will be easier to investigate where and when the issue took place. The system uses blockchain to store data. The application for this method was filed on December 18, 2017.

    Verifying the authenticity of computer readable information using a blockchain – this method aims to help internet users easily verify the authenticity of any downloadable information. As the patent description reads, “Many times, malicious software programs are disguised as desirable downloadable information, which infects end-user computers with viruses, trojan horses, ransomware, and other malicious software. Users mistakenly download the malicious software believing that the download is from a trusted source.”
    The system will leverage blockchain to avoid such problems. The application for this patent was filed on December 13, 2017.

    MasterCard and Others

    MasterCard was granted two blockchain-related patents for its applications filed in December 2016. The two systems are titled “method and system for providing validated, auditable, and immutable inputs to a smart contract,” and “method and system for anonymous directed blockchain transaction.” The latter patent proposes a method to protect the ID details of entities that make transactions on blockchains. Under the current systems, businesses have to rely on third parties if they want to hide their practices from competitors, which pose some risks. MasterCard’s blockchain-based method will involve two hashes to achieve anonymity.

    Intel has two patents for systems titled “assigning user identity awareness to a cryptographic key,” and “distributed secure boot.” Both systems use blockchain for different tasks. The applications were filed in December 2016.

    Banking giant JPMorgan was granted a patent for its “systems and methods for privacy in distributed ledger transactions,” while tech company IBM received approval for its “incentive-based crowdvoting using a blockchain.”

    IBM is one of the most active companies implementing and promoting blockchain, also referred to as distributed ledger technology (DLT). This week, the tech giant fully launched its IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan, which will help enterprises develop blockchain systems faster and easier. The Starter Plan was tested for three months by 2,000 developers, according to Jerry Cuomo, VP of blockchain technology at IBM.

    Read more: https://cryptovest.com/news/uspt ... d-ibm-and-jpmorgan/


    发表于 2018-7-1 16:41 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-7-1 16:45 编辑
    Hetbert 发表于 2018-7-1 16:35

    据cryptovest消息,美国专利商标局(USPTO) ...

    IBM received approval for its “incentive-based crowdvoting using a blockchain.”

    WALMART Crowdsourced delivery based on a set of requirements




    发表于 2018-7-1 16:43 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

    据CriptoNoticias 消息,来自西班牙执政党Partido Popular的133名代表提出了在西班牙公共行政部门使用区块链的法案。该法案于6月22日提交给西班牙国会,并于6月26日在立法部门的官方网站上公布。尚未由其他代表审查。

    Spanish Ruling Party Proposes to Use Blockchain in Country’s Administration

    133 deputies from the Spanish ruling party, Partido Popular, have proposed a bill to use blockchain in the public administration of Spain, CriptoNoticias reports Saturday, June 30.

    The bill was introduced to the Spanish Congress on June 22 and published on the official website of the legislative branch on June 26. It hasn’t been reviewed by other deputies yet. The Congress website has not provided any further information on the bill’s details so far.
    As Cointelegraph reported in February, Partido Popular considered to give tax breaks to companies that use Blockchain technology. The relevant legislation was set to be finished by the end of the year.
    In March another Spanish party, Ciudadanos, offered to establish clear rules for agents who work with cryptocurrencies and to make them provide the necessary information to the Spanish tax office.
    Later in March other major party, PSOE, proposed a motion to study how cryptocurrencies are regulated in other countries.


    发表于 2018-7-1 16:50 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

    据CNN消息,美国国会前议员、米塞斯研究所(Mises Institute)著名顾问Ron Paul呼吁将对美元的竞争合法化,并就法定货币、贵金属和加密货币的未来展开辩论。Ron Paul认为,需要竞争来决定区块链技术是否能提供一种货币,取代金本位制的历史性选择。而重要的是确保人们能够在不受央行或政府胁迫的情况下做出这一选择。Paul强调称,加密货币和金本位制是可以共存的。

    Ron Paul, a former member of the U.S. Congress and a Distinguished Counselor to the Mises Institute, has called for the legalization of competition to the U.S. dollar and a debate over the future of fiat currency, precious metals, and cryptocurrency. Writing for the Mises Institute website, he claims the U.S. does not have a free market economy since a conglomerate of people both in and out of the government run the economy, which is destined to crash.

    The Mises Institute promotes the ideas of the Austrian school of economics, individual freedom and world peace.

    Central Planning Creates Problems
    Paul argues against central planning of the economy.

    By manipulating the economy, certain individuals prevent market forces from correcting the mistakes that central planners make continuously. In time, Paul believes the market proves to be stronger than government manipulation, but the longer the manipulation continues, the greater the “bubble that always bursts.”

    In the U.S., central planners want people to believe the dollar is strong and the reserve currency is secure, he noted, without considering the number of new dollars being produced. Politicians are quick to claim that the country’s high foreign debt is someone else’s fault, but not related to the government’s economic and monetary mismanagement.

    The U.S. government publishes reports that claim inflation is low and should be raised under the guise that higher prices will indicate economic gains, Paul noted. He points to the Consumer Price Index and Gross Domestic Product as statistics that government officials manipulate to show economic growth. But anyone paying household bills knows these reports are false.

    During the Great Depression, the government controlled the price of gold and decided who received the gold. This was done to demonetize precious metals. Today, central bankers manipulate the dollar price of gold to create the impression the dollar is stronger than it actually is, Paul noted.

    Manipulation Continues
    federal reserve
    Source: Shutterstock
    The system keeps stock and bond prices artificially high to benefit Wall Street, he claims. This is accomplished by keeping interest rates lower than market rates, which results in financial bubbles and economic distortions.

    Officials claim that “deficits don’t matter,” but this is a fallacy, Paul contends, and one that is setting the stage for an economic crash.

    The Federal Reserve has never warned of impending trouble, even when it was imminent. In Paul’s opinion, the Fed chairmen don’t know any better and they also don’t want to do anything that will cause panic.

    The Plunge Protection Team (PTT), the president’s working group on financial markets, has been protecting Wall Street money managers from stock and bond market corrections since 1987, Paul claims.

    Today’s growing stock market Paul finds interesting considering there is a net outflow of market funds. This indicates that the major correction needed by the PPT has not occurred.

    Unusually low-interest rates allow buybacks, mergers and direct involvement in buying bonds and stocks by the PPT with funds the Fed has secretly provided to manipulate the gold price.

    The Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund, which President Franklin Delano Roosevelt funded in 1934 with gold confiscated at $20 an ounce and repriced at $35, continues to be allowed to engage in foreign exchange rates and the gold market, in Paul’s opinion.

    Are People Waking Up?
    Given the current problems, many people are realizing that excessive spending on war and welfare have created massive debt, and that such spending could not occur without the Federal Reserve permitting it. One possible solution is an alternative monetary system.

    Various efforts are being considered to replace the fiat dollar with gold or cryptocurrencies, Paul noted, while other countries are challenging the dollar as the globe’s reserve currency.

    When the price of an ounce of gold jumped from $35 to $800 in 1971, the dollar weakened, and Congress established a commission to examine the role of gold in the monetary system. Paul was a member of that commission, which voted (over Paul’s and others’ objections) to expand the fiat dollar standard, ensuring the problems would get worse.

    The world is once again considering using gold in the monetary system. Those opposed to the renewed interest in gold and in blockchain technology are against a nongovernment alternative to the current monetary system.

    Fiat money, being institutionalized by government, guarantees its mismanagement, Paul claims. It entices government spending and lobbying by special interests. Unfair distribution of wealth is a fiat money system characteristic.

    The collapse in 1971 of the Bretton Woods Agreement that officially linked the dollar to gold led to the era of fiat dollar dominance as the world’s reserve currency, Paul noted. This has in effect created a government license to steal and led to the current financial crisis.

    Alternative Currencies Sought
    Bitcoin gold bars
    Ron Paul says that bitcoin and a gold-backed currency are not necessarily mutually exclusive. | Source: Shutterstock
    As the dollar has begun to fall in value, the race is on to find a replacement.

    The leading contenders for Paul are a return to precious metals and cryptocurrencies. He said it is important to make sure that people can make the choice without being coerced by central banks or the government.

    Such a decision will take a long time.

    Competition is needed to determine if blockchain technology can deliver a currency that will supplant the historic acceptance of precious metals as money, Paul said.

    He hopes U.S. leaders have enough sense before a crisis such as the one in Venezuela occurs. The market is capable of separating the advantages and disadvantages of precious metals and cryptocurrencies.

    Cryptocurrencies and the gold standard could co-exist, Paul said.

    The biggest challenge will be meeting the need to offer a currency with a specific definition of the unit of account. Such a definition cannot be arbitrary.

    Today’s challenge is to consider the knowledge gained over thousands of years about money’s nature and apply it to today’s technology.

    A manageable currency has to deliver confidence that a monetary unit can be reliably exchanged for something of value.

    A lot of work will need to be done to control the power of government in order for society to be in a position to accept a denationalized monetary system, Paul noted. A modern currency will require an understanding of the proper role of government.

    Politicians and investors are realizing the system of debt is not sustainable are quietly preparing for negative scenarios.

    Also read: 51% of respondents choose bitcoin over gold and fiat; Ron Paul survey

    Paul’s Action Plan
    Paul suggests the following measures:

    Legalization of competing currencies.
    The removal of capital gains and sales taxes on money.
    Zero tolerance for fraud.
    The repeal of fall legal tender laws.
    An audit of and possible elimination of the Federal Reserve.
    Exposing the fraud of fractional reserve banking.
    Audit the CIA, Pentagon and foreign expenditures.
    End bailouts of both private and government entities.
    Consider crypto, precious metal and real estate ownership.
    Consider expatriation for some.
    None of the measures, warns Paul, will help if the government is able to expand its power. He hopes that blockchain technology will not be used to support a value-added tax to give the establishment even more power to collect taxes.


    发表于 2018-7-1 16:51 |显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2018-7-1 17:01 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-7-1 17:05 编辑
    Hetbert 发表于 2018-7-1 16:50

    据CNN消息,美国国会前议员、米塞斯研究所(Mises  ...



    发表于 2018-7-1 17:08 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整




    发表于 2018-7-1 17:15 |显示全部楼层
    此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
    本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-7-1 17:20 编辑


    据newsbtc消息,风投公司Union Square Ventures的管理合伙人Albert Wegner在接受CNBC采访时表示,USV已将其大部分资金分配到数字货币市场作为长期投资,并打算继续投资新兴市场数字货币和区块链初创公司。Wegner表示,无论哪种数字货币能够存活下来,无论未来出现什么大的泡沫,都将价值数万亿美元。


    Union Square Ventures is investing in crypto for the long haul, but won’t start a dedicated fund
    New York- based Union Square Ventures is taking a long-term bet on crypto, but unlike some VC peers, it won't break out a separate fund to do so.
    “We see a lot of upside to keeping it under the same roof," says Albert Wenger, managing partner at Union Square Ventures.
    On Monday, competing venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz announced its first-ever fund dedicated to crypto companies.
    Kate Rooney        | @Kr00ney
    Published 4:08 PM ET Fri, 29 June 2018  Updated 4:23 PM ET Fri, 29 June 2018
    Albert Wenger, Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures
    Clodagh Kilcoyne | Getty Images
    Albert Wenger, Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures
    Union Square Ventures has big plans to profit on a potential trillion-dollar business in blockchain and crypto in 10 years. But those plans won’t include starting a separate fund, according to a top executive.

    “We're not planning to do it,” Albert Wenger, managing partner at Union Square Ventures told CNBC. “We see a lot of upside to keeping it under the same roof.”

    The New York- based venture capital firm, named after its 19th-floor office on Broadway just blocks from Union Square, has announced a number of crypto investments, including well-known U.S. exchange Coinbase. Wenger said those companies can learn from non-blockchain companies, and vice versa.

    On Monday, competing venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz announced its first-ever fund dedicated to crypto companies. Executives told CNBC that it’s an “all-weather” fund that they plan to invest over time, regardless of market conditions.

    Union Square Ventures, like its West-coast peer, is taking a long-term view of the space despite worsening bear market in cryptocurrency. The firm is focusing investments on what Wenger called the “foundational plumbing” stage. For the most part, it's putting money in the technology supporting applications, instead of the apps or use cases themselves.

    “Investors are rationally pouring a lot of money into this sector, because I think people are seeing the winning blockchain here might be worth a trillion, or a couple of trillion dollars,” Wenger said. “It’s not at all crazy to think that.”

    Wenger echoed Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who said this week that blockchain could be a bubble, with companies going belly-up at the same rate as the dot-com era. But he said that risk could pay off for investors who get in early, and spread their bets.

    “Certainly, for any one particular project there's an extremely high chance it won't work,” Wenger said. “As a result, if it works, the rewards will be very high.”

    ICO flops

    The shakeout at least for initial coin offerings, or ICOs, has already begun. More than 1,000 crypto projects that raised money through an ICO have failed this year, according to website Coinopsy. Those failed coins and multiple scams, which caught the attention of regulators this year, have cast a cloud on the entire industry, Wenger said.

    “You've had a series of ICOs where investors have purchased at steep discounts — the second it starts trading those investors cash out, they make a handsome return, and someone else is left to hold the bag,” he said.

    While Wenger said token offerings are an "innovative new financing mechanism," he maintained that the method isn't right for every blockchain project, just like a public stock offering isn't right for every company.

    ICOs raised $6.6 billion in 2017 and have hit $9.1 billion this year, according to research firm Autonomous Next. A Cayman Islands start-up notably raised $4 billion, eclipsing the world's biggest initial public offerings on stock exchanges this year. But the total a project raises might not really matter, according to Wenger.

    "The amount you've raised in an ICO or in a traditional way in this space is not going to turn out to be a great predictor of success," he said. "Very interesting projects are also being pulled off on a lot, lot, lot less money."


    Wenger, who holds a Ph.D. in information technology from MIT, personally owns bitcoin but says he is acutely aware of the risks to retail investors. The cryptocurrency, which Union Square Ventures also invested in, has fallen nearly 60 percent this year after a meteoric rise to nearly $20,000 last year.

    “I don't think you should be in the space and say 'I'm only going to hold bitcoin,'” he said. “At the moment, this whole space is a high risk space, and I don’t think anybody should be investing all of their life savings.”

    As far as the entire sector failing, Wenger said there's a chance but it's "a pretty small chance."

    “The stuff that actually works will float to the top," he said. "It might take a while, but time will tell.”


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