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· 当回澳洲农民-我们的院子改造工程(decking 进行中) (2008-3-9) jyy_jessie · ***手起刀落,拍出款款贺年点心***--笋丝虾饺皇、四喜粉果、五福月芽饺、百味团圆粉果、栗子水晶饼、南乳手工银针粉 (2012-1-17) 猪小妹

[外汇债券] 为什么比特币 ? 进展和争论 [复制链接]



发表于 2018-6-24 00:56 |显示全部楼层
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V神:以太坊已经不再那么依赖比特币了 加密货币多样化有利于行业



发表于 2018-6-24 00:57 |显示全部楼层
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V神:评估加密货币的价值非常困难 希望将来看到成千上万的好代币



发表于 2018-6-24 00:57 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:58 |显示全部楼层
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彭博社驻日记者Yuji Nakamura刚刚发布推文称,“法院批准Mt.Gox民事再生计划。大部分都是好消息:


发表于 2018-6-24 01:01 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 01:01 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 01:02 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 01:03 |显示全部楼层
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Capser背后的核心思想是将基于“链”的权益认证的想法,和传统拜占庭容错(BFT)研究整合在一起,就像Lamport、Paxos、PBFT等等。许多人问我们,为什么不直接使用这些传统算法?答案是,我们觉得这些算法既复杂又不适合区块链的格式和需求,因此我们钻研算法, 并创建了一个我们认为更简单,更适合区块链范式的版本。数据可用性问题是分片中最具挑战性的问题之一。我也发现,许多其他项目,特别是那些拥有密码学想法的项目,其实对于这个问题并没有太过重视。

发表于 2018-6-24 10:58 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-24 00:54

今晚V神在王峰十问上表示:ASIC太中心化了,我知 ...



发表于 2018-6-24 11:25 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 11:32 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-24 11:34 编辑


据ethereumworldnews消息,哥伦比亚新任总统伊凡·迪克(Ivan Duque)决心通过使用区块链技术促进该地区的政治透明度。他表示,为了应对该国日益严重的腐败现象,他将利用各种技术来追踪数据,并更好地控制公共资金在全国的流动;如果我们想让国家的招标过程更加透明,区块链技术将有所帮助。

The new president of Colombia, Ivan Duque, is firmly determined to renew the damaged image of Uribism in the country and provide a sense of security among Colombians by using blockchain technologies to promote political transparency in the region.

According to a cable from the NSA, Alvaro Uribe, former Colombian president and mentor to Ivan Duque, was a “close personal friend” of Pablo Escobar, the most influential drug trafficker of all time. Something Uribe — obviously— denied.

NSA identifies Alvaro Uribe as a Close Personal Friend of the World’s Most Important Drug Lord: Pablo Escobar
Ivan Duque mentioned that to combat the growing corruption in his country, he will use various technologies to track data and have greater control over how public funds ‘move’ throughout the nation:

“I want mobile applications to be a mechanism from which the state can begin to think about how to facilitate citizens’ access to services. I am therefore proposing to use big data and blockchain as tools.
Big Data in health, agriculture, infrastructure, technology, and security.
If we want to make the bidding processes in the state more transparent, blockchain technology has to help.”

Sen. Antonio Navarro
Various Colombian government agencies are already discussing the use of blockchain as a tool to help government management. Previously, Senator Antonio Navarro Wolff had promoted a similar pro-blockchain initiative in the Colombian legislature.

While it is true that Colombia can see potential in the blockchain, the picture is different when politicians talk about cryptocurrencies. Not only is this issue separate from the discussions about blockchain, but commercial banking has actively hampered the development of financial activities of exchanges and crypto-related businesses.

Despite this, Colombia was the country with the highest growth in Bitcoin’s buying and selling operations during 2017, according to BBC information.

Colombians use Facebook and other means to trade their cryptos
According to the famous international portal, transactions in Colombian pesos increased 1200%. A figure that places Colombia in third place worldwide, below China and Nigeria, which grew over 2000% and 1400% in the same period.

The primary uses for Bitcoin in the country are the sending of remittances and the protection against the economic crisis through pure speculation, explained Marcelo Granada, director of Investopi in an interview with the BBC:

“That makes it much easier for a person to send money to a relative via bitcoin and receive the money as well. In Colombia, remittances are received more and more frequently in bitcoins…. The vast majority of people invest looking for short-term returns, that is their greatest desire”.

Credit: marcoorozco.net
Marcelo Granada
So far there is no date for a real implementation of the project, however, despite the mistrust in the politicians, many Colombians are confident that the new president’s decisions will be beneficial and will not repeat the mistakes of Alvaro Uribe and other politicians in the country.


发表于 2018-6-24 11:35 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-24 11:45 编辑


https://amarach.com/assets/files ... earch-may-2018.xlsx

据insidebitcoins消息,Amarach Research和Red Flag最近进行的一项研究显示,爱尔兰目前持有数字货币的人数约为12万人,约占总人口的2.5%。这一数字在四年的时间里翻了三番。然而,爱尔兰数字货币的增长势头可能面临阻碍。据称,爱尔兰各商业银行已经开始制裁该国的数字货币交易所,将关闭交易所银行交易端口,爱尔兰数字货币交易所不得不停止相关业务,或从国外银行寻求新的合作伙伴。

A study conducted by Amarach Research and Red Flag recently revealed that the number of people in Ireland who currently own cryptocurrencies is around 120,000, or about 2.5% of the population. This is an increase of 300% in a period of four years.

Such a remarkable growth in the adoption of cryptocurrencies in Ireland is however at risk of being curtailed. According to reports Irish banks have turned against the country’s cryptocurrency exchanges.

“Several companies providing cryptocurrency services say they have either had to stop trading or have been forced to open foreign bank accounts to keep afloat after Irish lenders refused their business,” writes The Irish Times.

Bye Irish banks, hello EU-wide banks
As a result of the banks’ actions, some cryptocurrency firms have either had to halt operations or seek banking partners from outside the country. Among the affected companies is Bitcove, a Bitcoin exchange which is based in Cork, a city in Ireland’s Munster Province. The firm has had its bank accounts shut down by lenders such as the Allied Irish Banks, Bank of Ireland and Permanent TSB. To keep its operations going Bitcove has turned to other banks in Europe.

Cryptocurrency exchange Eircoin, on the other hand, was dealt an even worse hand. One of the oldest exchanges in Ireland, the Bitcoin broker closed its doors earlier in the year. According to one of the firm’s co-founders, Dave Fleming, the closure was as a result of a banking system that is ‘negligent and defensive’.

We are being shuttered due to a negligent and defensive banking system :) but we are going out on a high. Thanks to all our customers - we'll still be here online for the foreseeable future - http://www.eircoin.net  --- Dave

7:52 PM - Jan 29, 2018
See Eircoin's other Tweets
Twitter Ads info and privacy
In its defense, the Bank of Ireland stated that it does not offer banking services to cryptocurrency exchanges as a matter of principle. Allied Irish Banks, on the other hand, said that while it does not discriminate against cryptocurrency firms, it is obliged to adhere to Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulatory requirements with regards to the opening and operation of bank accounts. According to a spokesperson for the Irish lender, some cryptocurrency firms were non-compliant.

No particular policy, just KYC and AML
A banking sector group known as Banking and Payments Federation of Ireland also denied any knowledge of a policy requiring the closure of bank accounts belonging to cryptocurrency exchanges. The banking industry group, however, defended the actions of its members saying that they had no choice but to ‘lessen the risk of facilitating financial crimes’, an insinuation that Fleming did not take kindly to.

The situation is however not peculiar to Ireland and banks in other parts of the world have found themselves severing ties with cryptocurrency firms sometimes at the behest of regulators. In April, for instance, the Reserve Bank of India prohibited the financial institutions that it regulates from allowing their clients to buy cryptocurrencies. The central bank of the world’s second most populous country also ordered banks to cease offering services to cryptocurrency firms.

And in southern Africa last month, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe ordered the country’s financial institutions to stop processing all cryptocurrency transactions.



发表于 2018-6-24 12:00 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) has become the world’s first law enforcement agency to utilize the blockchain for the validation of conference speakers. They say:

“In order to practically demonstrate the benefits of the tamper-proof decentralised ledger technology, all speakers received Europol’s certificates permanently stored and fully traceable within Bitcoin blockchain.”

Europol bitcoin speakers blockchain validation.
They’ve apparently created a vanity address that reads 1Europol and started using it on the 16th of June 2018. So now we have proof that there was a 5th Europol VC Conference speaker, but who that was exactly history won’t know.

That there was such conference, however, there will be no doubt for as long as bitcoin runs for now no one can ever change that statement.

This was done as a sort of good will gesture to show that they like the blockchain and that it has decent use cases, but it also clearly shows they have some considerable blockchain related skills at the agency since you need some decent technical knowledge to get that fairly long vanity address and to encode the message.

The conference in question was held in Hague between the 19th and the 21st of June 2018 with 300 individuals participating from 40 countries.

That included a number of representatives from exchanges who Europol says “foster the legitimate use of [digital] currencies by implementing strong Know Your Customer (KYC) policies and working hand in hand with law enforcement.

Private sector participants included Bitcoin.de, Bitfinex, BitPanda, Bitstamp, BitPay, Blockchain.info, CEX, Coinfloor, Coinhouse, Cryptopia, Cubits, Kraken, LocalBitcoins, OKCoin, SpectroCoin and Xapo.”

The conference focused on identifying methods for blockchain addresses to establish who transacted with who, when, and in what amounts. They say:

“The presentation focused, among other things, on tracing, attribution and demixing approaches. Twelve operational case studies were presented, where suspects were detected through cryptocurrency tracing, including phishing incidents, DDoS extortion, takedowns of dark web marketplaces and malicious cryptocurrency mining.”

So suggesting that old fashioned detective police investigations work even with the very newest technology, but the far more interesting suggestions for some might be that Europol has bitcoins.


发表于 2018-6-24 17:25 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据windowscentral消息,微软开发了一个基于区块链的解决方案,几乎可以向出版商实时提供版税数据。这意味着出版商不必等上几个月才能看到他们的游戏是如何运作的。微软负责版税和内容运营的财务总监罗希特•安伯克(Rohit Amberker)表示,区块链解决方案不仅使出版商受益,因为它可以加速他们收到的信息,而且对微软来说,管理成本也更低。

Gaming is one of the most profitable industries on the planet right now, and companies are always looking to find new ways to streamline their transactions. The number of game publishers that Microsoft interacts with is staggering, and each game sale must be tallied to calculate payouts. Corporations like Microsoft pay royalties to publishers, but those calculations were difficult to process beforehand. Shockingly enough, Microsoft used a manual method that relied on spreadsheets. Unfortunately, this process usually took 45 days and many smaller publishers didn't understand it. There was no way to know how much you were making in real time. Having this information is necessary to adjust sales and marketing strategy, especially if the result isn't what a publisher expected.

Luckily, Microsoft developed a new system which uses blockchain technology. If you're familiar with bitcoin, you might know what blockchain is. Blockchain is a system in which a record of transactions made in bitcoin or another currency is maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network. This essentially means that you can compress the time it takes to calculate royalties to better serve publishers. Microsoft developed a blockchain-based solution that offers royalty information in almost real time. This means that publishers don't have to wait around for months to see how their game is doing.

According to a report by Microsoft, the "calculation process is now more transparent, instills greater trust, provides publishers with actionable business insights, and reduces process efforts."

Rohit Amberker, the Finance Director for Royalties and Content Operations at Microsoft, said that the old "offline royalty payment solution that stakeholders have used for years is based on printed documents and spreadsheets. It's expensive to manage." Not only does the blockchain solution end up benefiting publishers because it speeds up the information they receive, but it's also cheaper to manage for Microsoft. It seems like everyone wins in this situation.

The report ended by saying that Amberker and his team are taking advantage of blockchain technology to bring "open, efficient confidence to the Xbox royalty payment process." This is just another way Microsoft Azure is helping the gaming division and the parties associated with it.

Keep an eye on WindowsCentral.com/Gaming for all the latest in Xbox and Windows 10 gaming, accessories, news, and reviews!



发表于 2018-6-24 17:33 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 17:37 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 17:42 |显示全部楼层
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根据以色列时报报道,以色列安全公司CHKP的专家Lotem Finkelsteen表示,2018年数字货币犯罪的数量将超过所有其它类型的网络攻击事件。他说,ICO市场的非法活动是阻碍区块链技术发展的主要原因。另外,他指出,由于数字货币和ICO,区块链面临着“声誉受损”的危险。

According to an expert at the Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point Software Technologies (CHKP), crypto-related crimes would exceed the number of all other cyberattacks in 2018, the Times Of Israel reports June 22. The expert defined “cryptocurrency-related cyberattacks” as any form of cybercrime that involves crypto, including scams and hacks.
Speaking on a panel at the “Blockchain, The New Digital Age” event at Tel Aviv University, CHKP expert Lotem Finkelsteen said that illegal activity in the initial coin offering (ICO) market is the main obstacle to the development of blockchain technology.
“Not a day goes by without our hearing about a new ICO scam or mining attack,” said Finkelsteen. He argued that blockchain is now “suffering from reputational damage,” because it is associated cryptocurrencies and ICOs.
Despite optimism from other panel participants about the potential of blockchain and crypto technology, Haim Pinto, the CTO of Israel’s largest bank Hapoalim argued that blockchain is “still in a hype cycle.” Pinto said that there are no existing blockchain-powered deployments “that are dependably usable,” particularly regarding the banking system.
Pinto stated that the technology is not ready for broad adoption, saying, “We can’t just take it and use it.” He added:
“Distributed general ledgers cannot erase anything… In addition, there are mathematical challenges. Distributed general ledgers can’t scale up to the volume of transactions we need to serve.”


发表于 2018-6-24 17:48 |显示全部楼层
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分析师Joseph Young:很高兴在这个价位购买BTC、ETH等数字货币

分析师Joseph Young称,如果你真的认为数字货币市场将会达到价值数万亿美元,那么这个阶段应该不会令人烦恼。实际上,我很高兴能够在这个价格范围内购买更多的比特币、以太坊等数字货币,如果币价再度下跌,我会购买更多。


发表于 2018-6-24 17:58 |显示全部楼层
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Robinhood CEO:没有计划通过数字货币交易赚钱

据bitcoinist消息,数字货币交易平台Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev日前接受财富杂志采访时表示,在可预见的未来,没有计划通过数字货币交易赚钱。他认为,佣金已经过时了,特别是考虑到现代在线交易所和经纪人的运营成本较低。

Why Robinhood Doesn't Care If It Makes Money on Cryptocurrency Trading

By JEN WIECZNER June 22, 2018
Robinhood is giving old-fashioned stock brokers a run for their money by offering no-fee trading on everything from Apple stock to Bitcoin—but that doesn’t mean the startup itself necessarily makes money.

Currently worth $5.6 billion, Robinhood is the second most valuable private fintech company and boasts more than 4 million customer accounts, edging out its older rival E*Trade, which had 3.9 million at the end of May. It helped that Robinhood launched cryptocurrency trading in February: More than 200,000 new customers per day signed up during a surge following the launch of Robinhood Crypto, the company’s co-CEO, Vlad Tenev, tells Fortune.

Yet unlike zero-commission stock trading, which can still be profitable, Robinhood is basically giving crypto trading away for free.

“We don’t intend to make very much money on it at all for the foreseeable future,” Tenev says on the latest episode of “Balancing the Ledger,” Fortune’s weekly show about cryptocurrency and fintech. “We intend to operate it as a breakeven business.”

That’s not so different from the experience of Square, the payments company founded by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, which began offering no-fee Bitcoin trading through its Cash app earlier this year. Last month, Square reported it made just $223,000 more selling the Bitcoin than it paid to buy it over the first quarter of sales.

With a dearth of market makers in the nascent cryptocurrency industry, Square and other trading platforms like Robinhood typically buy their Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies straight from public crypto exchanges and then resell them to investors, hoping to profit on the spread, or difference, between the purchase and sale price. But that can be tricky, especially when cryptocurrency’s high volatility results in frequent price swings.

That doesn’t matter to Tenev and his co-CEO Baiju Bhatt, who see cryptocurrency—Robinhood currently offers trading in both Bitcoin and Ethereum—as an entree for newbies into trading other more traditional assets on which it reaps higher margins.

“The thinking behind that is what we’re really doing is building an ecosystem,” Tenev says. “Right now the products are investing products, so crypto slots in very nicely alongside the 10,000 plus other instruments that people can trade.”

Robinhood’s stock business is more lucrative, as it makes money by lending shares out to short-sellers (investors who seek to make money when stock prices decline), charging the borrowers for the privilege. The company also collects interest on cash deposits, and offers a premium subscription service Robinhood Gold with more advanced functions such as margin trading.

Tenev believes commission fees are a relic of the past, left over from the days before electronic trading existed, and no longer have a place in the modern world where a typical brokerage’s main expenses are down to operating and maintaining its data centers, networks and infrastructure—a drop in the bucket compared to the $5 to $10 many charge per trade.

“The cost has gone to essentially zero,” Tenev says. “So our approach is use technology and automation to put the vast majority of the value of that transaction back into customers’ pockets.”

In the future, Robinhood hopes to expand that philosophy beyond just its current structure as a broker-dealer, and ideally offer everything Bank of America currently provides—and more, Tenev says.

“I think it doesn’t stop with just investing products,” he says. “Customers are getting ripped off across the board in financial services.”

That includes cryptocurrency, he adds. Robinhood already tracks prices and market data for 16 different virtual currencies including Litecoin, Ripple and Zcash, and may soon allow trading in them too.

“We’re definitely looking to expand the future set and add more coins,” Tenev says. The company is proceeding cautiously, though, taking into account regulators’ guidance about whether certain cryptocurrencies may constitute illegal securities or not.

Robinhood is also looking carefully at factors such as, “What’s the team behind this coin doing? Are they legitimate, what are their backgrounds?” says Tenev, adding the company also takes account of a cryptocurrencies’ stability and resistance to hacks. “Like 51% attacks for instance, which we know happened to Bitcoin Gold a couple of weeks ago,” Tenev adds. “That was very eye-opening.”


发表于 2018-6-24 18:12 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 18:26 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 18:27 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 18:28 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-24 18:12

据Bitcoin消息,在过去一年半的时间里,比特币和加密货币频频成为热门话题 ...



发表于 2018-6-24 18:29 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据区块律动 BlockBeats,近日,Fcoin、币安、OKEx、BigOne等交易所展开手续费返现分红大战,大家一致认为会有更多交易所跟进这样的操作,返利比例或将从100%涨至500%,直到平台资本耗光后倒闭,或者用户存币耗尽后跑路。与OKEx 和币安相比,其他小资本平台不仅没有能力去护盘,而且很有可能会因为高额返利机制加速融资资金耗尽的速度,币安和 OKEx 将成为市场寡头。


发表于 2018-6-24 18:31 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-24 18:32 编辑


ADA创始人兼前以太坊联合创始人Charles Hoskinson昨日在其社交媒体上表示,加密货币新闻评论家们总是忽略了准备向加密货币注资的机构投资者的数量。他还称,华尔街准备在“下一波监管”之后投资“数万亿美元”。

Co-founder and former Ethereum CEO Charles Hoskinson makes a bold statement on his positive outlook for the future of the cryptocurrency market.


Charles Hoskinson – co-founder and previous CEO of Ethereum and current CEO of Input Output HK (IOHK) – shared a hopeful and uplifting sentiment today on Twitter today:

Charles Hoskinson
What's often missed by the cryptocurrency is going to die broken record media is that after the next wave of regulation, wall street is showing up to the party with all their locked up capital. That's tens of trillions of dollars entering the space eventually. Future is bright
4:48 PM - Jun 21, 2018 · Edinburgh, Scotland
766 people are talking about this
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Hoskinson references the ‘broken record media’ – mostly mainstream news sources – that are constantly claiming that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are simply a ‘bubble‘ that is ready to burst.

Currently, the total market cap of the cryptocurrency market is down 31 percent from its all-time highs in January of this year, but does that mean that the bubble has burst? For a few reasons, Hoskinson and other cryptocurrency enthusiasts believe that the market is still in its infancy stage.

Total Cryptocurrency Market Cap - CoinMarketCap

Is Hoskinson just acting as a cheerleader, or is there anything substantial to back up his statement?


Hoskinson’s claim might seem like a bunch of ‘bull’ to some nay-sayers and salty investors who entered the market a little too close to the top, but let’s take a step back and look at some positive factors that could solidify his statements as likely and credible.

First and foremost, many devout investors and adopters boil over with anger when they hear someone speak of regulations in the market. Hoskinson, however, feels regulations are a top priority. He explains:

…after the next wave of regulation, wall street is showing up to the party with all their locked up capital. That’s tens of trillions of dollars entering the space eventually. Future is bright.
Some positive news in the regulation space came out earlier this month when The Security And Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it would not be classifying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other decentralized currencies as securities.

Another piece to the puzzle is the current price of most cryptocurrencies. At the time of writing this article, most cryptocurrencies are at all time lows for the year. Low prices combined with positive regulations are exactly the things institutional investors with deep pockets are looking for.

As the second quarter of 2018 will soon come to a close, the outlook on the future of the cryptocurrency market remains divided. It is important now, more than ever, not to lose touch of the end goal – to create a trustless decentralized financial ecosystem that is available for everyone to use.


发表于 2018-6-24 18:42 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

据福布斯消息,美国特勤局一名高级官员周三向国会请求帮助,以防止Monero和Zcash等数字货币被用于非法目的。特勤局调查办公室副助理主任诺维(Robert Novy)在给国会的书面证词中称,应该考虑采取立法或其他监管行动,以应对与数字货币相关的潜在挑战。

US Secret Service Asks Congress for Help to Prevent Illicit Use of Privacy Coins PRIVACY
16 hours ago | Kevin Helms | 3402 24 Comments
US Secret Service Asks Congress for Help to Prevent Illicit Use of Privacy Coins

The US Secret Service is worried about the illicit use of cryptocurrencies. A high-ranking official of the agency has urged Congress to consider additional legislation to address anonymity-enhanced cryptocurrencies and services intended to obscure transactions on blockchains such as tumblers or mixers.

Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto Space

Undermining US Laws

US Secret Service Asks Congress for Help to Prevent Illicit Use of Privacy CoinsDeputy Assistant Director of the US Secret Service’s Office of Investigations, Robert Novy, gave a testimony before the House of Representatives Financial Services Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance on June 20.

Novy explained that his agency is primarily concerned with the use of cryptocurrencies “in criminal schemes that undermine the integrity of financial and payment systems, their use in cases of fraud, and their general use as a means of money laundering,” stating:

While some digital currencies have operated lawfully, others have been used extensively for illicit activity…The growing illicit use of digital currencies risks undermining the effectiveness of existing U.S. laws and regulations, especially those intended to limit the ability of criminals to profit from their illicit activities.
Asking Congress for Help

US Secret Service Asks Congress for Help to Prevent Illicit Use of Privacy CoinsIn his testimony, Novy asked “Congress for help in preventing cryptocurrencies like monero and zcash, which provide users with enhanced privacy and anonymity features, from being used for illicit purposes,” Forbes elaborated.

Referencing “the global nature of the Internet and modern communications,” Novy claimed that “digital currencies are particularly well-suited for supporting crimes that are transnational in nature.” He proceeded to tell Congress:

We should also consider additional legislative or regulatory actions to address potential challenges related to anonymity-enhanced cryptocurrencies, services intended to obscure transactions on blockchains (i.e. cryptocurrency tumblers or mixers) and cryptocurrency mining pools.
US Secret Service Asks Congress for Help to Prevent Illicit Use of Privacy CoinsAccording to Forbes, Greg Nevano, an official in the investigations division of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, agreed with Novy. “These new anonymity-enhanced cryptocurrencies are clearly ripe for illicit use in an effort to subvert legitimate law enforcement inquiries,” he was quoted, adding the claim that “although it is more difficult to trace the movement of illicit proceeds using these newer anonymity-enhanced cryptocurrencies, it is not impossible.”

Novy further suggested that law enforcement must adapt his agency’s “investigative tools and techniques to dismantle criminal groups that use these instruments for fraudulent activity or money laundering.”

What Criminals Prefer

Novy also claimed that “in recent years, criminals have increasingly used digital currencies to facilitate illicit activities on the Internet.” He elaborated, “some digital currencies are primarily used to purchase illicit goods and services,” while others “are primarily used for money laundering—particularly transnational transfers.”

US Secret Service Asks Congress for Help to Prevent Illicit Use of Privacy CoinsIn his testimony, Novy described the characteristics of digital currencies preferred by criminals based on the agency’s investigations.

Firstly, they have “widespread adoption as a medium of exchange for intended criminal activities,” in addition to “the greatest degree of anonymity.” Their ability for “protection against theft, fraud, and lawful seizure” is also important, as is the ability to “be readily exchanged to and from their preferred currency.” The last characteristic mentioned is “the ability to quickly and confidently transfer value transnationally.”

Citing that “the Secret Service has been at the forefront of investigating the illicit use of digital currencies,” Novy detailed the agency’s prior work in shutting down “two major centralized digital currencies that supported extensive criminal activity: E-gold Ltd. (in 2007) and Liberty Reserve (in 2013).” In addition, the agency also recently shut down a number of crypto exchanges including Western Express and Btc-e, he conveyed.

Zcash Company’s Response

US Secret Service Asks Congress for Help to Prevent Illicit Use of Privacy CoinsZcash, a cryptocurrency with strong privacy features, was created to protect the privacy rights of everyday citizens. The Zcash company, led by the famed computer scientist Zooko Wilcox, exists to support the privacy coin, but claims that it does not control Zcash or have special access to the cryptocurrency’s transactions.

The company responded to the Secret Service’s recommendations in an official blog post on Friday:

We believe it is in the best interest of the citizens of the United States, the US Secret Service, and other governmental organizations to advocate for privacy rights and protect its citizens and businesses from harm.


发表于 2018-6-24 18:46 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
猫儿不笨 发表于 2018-6-24 18:28




发表于 2018-6-24 18:50 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-24 18:42

据福布斯消息,美国特勤局一名高级官员 ...



Firstly, they have “widespread adoption as a medium of exchange for intended criminal activities,”

in addition to “the greatest degree of anonymity.”

Their ability for “protection against theft, fraud, and lawful seizure” is also important,

as is the ability to “be readily exchanged to and from their preferred currency.”

The last characteristic mentioned is “the ability to quickly and confidently transfer value transnationally.”


发表于 2018-6-24 18:54 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
日本警方合作富士通 将利用区块链技术抑止犯罪


Japanese tech giant Fujitsu has been helping train regional police forces in the Chiba Prefecture in blockchain and cryptocurrency-related matters.

Per Nikkei, Fujitsu held a series of joint, “knowledge-sharing” workshops, co-hosted with cyber police officials, briefing some 50 police officers and Fujitsu employees about the latest developments in cryptocurrency-related crime, blockchain security measures and means of investigating potential fraud cases related to cryptocurrencies.

Nikkei quotes a Chiba-based Fujitsu spokesperson as saying, “We want to lead crime deterrence and blockchain technology development.”

The same media outlet also quotes a senior police officer in Chiba’s cybercrime division as saying, “We must develop a robust system that can help us cope with cryptocurrency-related crime. We will continue to deepen our collaboration with companies like Fujitsu to prevent the abuse of cryptocurrencies.”

Fujitsu signed a “cybersecurity partnership” agreement with the Chiba police in July last year, and the company is actively pursuing a range of blockchain-related developments both in Japan and abroad.

Chiba police, meanwhile, have been cracking down on web developers running cryptocurrency mining apps – such as Coinhive software – on their websites. Local Japanese police forces have termed extensions of this sort “viruses,” and have hit developers with hundreds of dollars’ worth of fines.


发表于 2018-6-24 18:58 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-24 19:02 编辑


芝加哥大学法学教授Jonathan Levy预测,黑客盗取Bithumb交易所的3200万美元数字货币已通过Bitblender.io被清洗。Bitblender自称使用智能技术擦除比特币的历史,并以100%匿名的方式进行交易,以清洗比特币。有人认为,这次黑客攻击是Bithumb为筹集资金或逃税而做的内部工作。这笔资金可能通过Bitblender回收,然后在Bithumb作为新的现金注入重新存放。

Popular Crypto Attorney Jonathan Levy Says Bithumb Hack Connected To BitBlender

Jonathan Levy, a lawyer from the Cryptocurrency Resolution Trust, predicted that the $32 million in cryptocurrency reported hacked from Bithumb Exchange was laundered through Bitblender.io.

Bitcoin Blender was launched in 2014, by an anonymous Bitcoin enthusiast and software developer. It has been around for several years, and it is likely one of the most popular mixers for the dark web. Bitblender claims to use smart technology to erase Bitcoin history and make transactions 100% anonymous in effect laundering Bitcoins. It is even possible that the hack was an inside job by Bithumb to generate funds or to avoid taxes. The funds therefore were likely recycled through Bitblender so their origins were obscured and then redeposited at Bithumb as a new cash infusion.

The Cryptocurrency Resolution Trust lawsuit against Bitblender (Cryptocurrency Resolution Trust v. Bitcoin Blender Organization), has been lodged with the Supreme Court of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) which the Trust asserts has jurisdiction over the .io domain. The .io is the domain of choice not just for crypto currency and ICOs but also HYIPs, scams, and Ponzi schemes due to the lax rule of law by the British authorities.

This is not the first time Levy has accused BitBlender of laundering money to criminals. Earlier this month when CoinRail was hacked, Levy had said that BitBlender had laundered the stolen cryptocurrencies, making the detection of currencies impossible. In a rasping voice he added, “Bitblender openly launders Bitcoins for criminals using the .io domain as its only public address. Bitblender concluded that since Indian Ocean Territory consists only of a secret US leased military base, they could operate with impunity. However, BIOT has a court system and we aim to achieve justice. This is the tip of the iceberg, the value of all the Bitcoins laundered by Bitblender since 2013 must be immense.”

Welcome to the #1 Bitcoin Mixer on the Darknet

Make your Bitcoin transactions 100% anonymous today: http://bitblendervrfkzr.onion/

Bitcoin Blender is a Tor hidden service that uses smart technology to erase your Bitcoin history and make your transactions 100% anonymous. Bitcoin Blender completely removes any connection you have with the coins you buy or sell, meaning nobody can use Blockchain Analysis to track you down.

You do not need to give away any personal information to use Bitcoin Blender - simply send us your old coins, and exchange them for new. Features include:

- Protection Against Blockchain Analysis
- Variable Delays & Randomized Service Fee
- Loyalty & Referral Program

How to Access Bitcoin Blender
Bitcoin Blender is available to anybody, anywhere in the world. Making your coins anonymous is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1. Download the Tor Browser Bundle: https://www.torproject.org/download/
2. Enter the Bitcoin Blender URL: http://bitblendervrfkzr.onion/
3. Create an Account, or Select "Quick Mix" to Blend Your Coins Instantly

Why Mix Your Coins?
Bitcoin is not quite anonymous. In fact, anybody who knows just one of your addresses, could track your entire transaction history and learn a lot of information about you - who you're trading with, where you're buying from, and how wealthy you are. This is called "Blockchain Analysis".

Did you know..?
... most major governments have special agents who are employed to analyze the Blockchain and gather information about Bitcoin transactions

... cyber criminals use Blockchain Analysis to find wealthy targets to hack

... your spending habits could be exposed by anybody who decides to track your Bitcoin activities

Using Bitcoin Blender completely severs the link beween you and your transaction history. To learn more about how this works and why it is important, check out our Beginner's Guide to Bitcoin Mixing.


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