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Risk Profiles:
Now we can explain different types of risk profile; basically there are 5 types of risk profiles:
• Defensive
• Moderate Defensive
• Balanced
• Growth
• High Growth
The sample asset allocations are as below:
Defensive (70/30) Moderate (50/50) Balanced (30/70) Growth (15/85) High Growth (1/99)
Defensive Assets Cash 20% 10% 4% 2% 1%
Domestic Fixed Interest 30% 23% 15% 8% 0%
International Fixed Interest 20% 17% 11% 5% 0%
Growth Assets Listed Property 8% 10% 10% 10% 5%
Domestic Shares 14% 22% 34% 43% 45%
International Shares 8% 18% 26% 32% 49%
If you are defensive investors, risk must be very low and you are prepared to accept lower returns to protect capital. The negative effects of tax and inflation will not concern you, provided your initial investment is protected. Your priorities are the safeguarding of your investment capital. You are prepared to sacrifice higher returns for peace of mind. A typical defensive fund has the following objective:
 To achieve a rate of return 1% pa greater than CPI over any 2 year period with a 70% probability of success
 To achieve a rate of return greater than 0 over any one year period with a 90% probability of success.
If you are moderate defensive investors, it means you are prepared to accept a small amount of risk. Your priority remains the preservation of capital over the medium to long term. You may have some understanding of investment markets; however you cannot afford to take any chances with your capital. A typical moderate defensive fund has the following objective:
 To achieve a rate of return 2% pa greater than CPI over any 3 year period with a 70% probability of success (over the long term, these investors expect that their growth assets will provide sufficient returns so that their total return will exceed inflation. This means that the real value of their portfolio will grow over time)
 To achieve a rate of return greater than 0 over any one year period with an 80% probability of success
If you are balanced investors, you have some understanding of investment market behaviour and can accept some short term risk to your capital. You do not wish to see all of your capital eroded by tax and inflation and are prepared to take a small short term risk in order to gain longer term capital growth. A typical balanced fund has the following objective
 To achieve a rate of return 3% pa greater than CPI over any 4 year period with a 65% probability of success
 To achieve a rate of return greater than 0 over any one year period with an 80% probability of success.
If you are growth investors, you are most interested in maximising long term capital growth, although you do not wish to make unbalanced investment decisions. You are happy to sacrifice short term safety in order to maximise long term capital growth. A typical growth fund has the following objective:
 To achieve a rate of return 4% pa greater than CPI over any 5 year period with a 65% probability
 To achieve a rate of return greater than 0 over any one year period with a 75% probability of success
If you are high-growth investors, you are prepared to sacrifice your investment capital in pursuit of the highest long term capital growth investment. You are most interested in reducing your taxable income and have an understanding of the behaviour of investment markets. A typical high-growth fund has the following objective:
 To achieve a rate of return 5% pa greater than CPI over any 9 year period with a 65% probability of success
 To achieve a rate of return greater than 0 over any one year period with a 70% probability of success. |