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The TAFE campus is located on the corner of Collins St and William St in Melbourne CBD. There are several tram routines in this free tram zone area. It is a good time for you if you need a classroom for your business. There are 3 classrooms in this TAFE campus and every classroom can hold around 25 students. The public facilities of this campus can be shared such as computers and library, which provides excellent atmosphere for the students. You can choose your flexible time to rent this classroom, and share the electricity, water and telephone bill with others. The classrooms is available now, if you need to talk in detail, please contact with Mr Tao 0401738608, or email to terry99989@hotmail.com
墨尔本Tafe学校位于墨尔本市中心Collins Street和William Street交界,地理位置得天独厚,有3间教室,每间可容纳25名学生左右。租期和教室利用可以根据你的安排灵活。租金面议,水电和网络帐单面议,联系人陶先生,电话0401738608, 微信tao9443812