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原帖由 terran 于 2008-10-2 09:43 发表 
哪位大侠能赐教一下这是什么东东。申请了一个ABN+GST+PAYG,季度申报。前两天收到PAYG instalment,貌似根据我去年的收入,要交一定数目的税。问题是:PAYG 是有员工时候才需要扣的嘛, 是不是可以取消PAYG。 还有怎么 ...
PAYG Instalment is a prepaid tax imposed on your other income (excluding capital gains) other than your wages.
If you are a partner in a partnership that is registered for GST, you cannot change the payment method unless you have a strong believe that you income in the coming year will be significantly less than the previous year.
If you are a partner in a partnership that is not registered for GST or you are not in a partnership, you can ring the ATO and change the instalment on a yearly basis.
The number is 13 28 66. |