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[其他] 中国IT公司VanceInfo招聘海外IT人才 [复制链接]

发表于 2010-6-18 18:38 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 whoiswarren 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 whoiswarren 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
中国的IT公司VANCEINFO主要为欧美企业提供IT外包服务(即为欧美企业开发应用程序等)。该公司目前招聘海外的IT或IS人才,要求有较强的 英语能力,专业知识,和工作经历,录用后主要工作是为欧美客户开发电脑软件。工作地点在国内(深圳,北京,杭州等)。

有意申请者请将简历发到塔斯马尼亚大学(University of Tasmania)计算机与信息系统系(School of Computing & Information Systems)徐老师处,由徐老师将申请者材料转发到VANCEINFO。如果你有相关的工作经历,请说明所做的工作,以及公司经理或直接上司的联络方 式(以方便核实)。



☆  推荐截止日期:2010年7月31日      
☆  上班地点:  北京望京
高级Linux 开发工程师需求人数 : 1-2
3.有丰富的Linux架构设计经 验;
4.有丰富嵌入式Linux软件开发 经验;
6 .工作经验3年以上;

高级 Windows Mobile开发工程师需 求人数: 1-2
1、本科以上学历,3年以上工作经 验;
2、负责过大中型windows mobile项目的设计开发和部署;
3、熟悉windows mobile SDK各模块特性;
4、精通c/c++,能熟练使用面 对对象思想进行整体设计,熟悉常用数据结构;

1、3-4年以上计算机软件或项目 开发经验;
3、熟悉智能卡COS设计,具备一 定的COS开发测试能力;
4、熟悉3GPP规范,熟悉智能卡 行业标准、移动通信领域相关应用标准;
5. 熟悉Linux操作系统,有Linux环境项目开发经验;
6. 从事过USIM卡应用开发者优先。

☆  推荐截止日期:2010年10月31日      
☆  上班地点:  北京望 京
Senior Mobile Application Specialist
This position will lead our dev team to complete the mobile application or related function development work based on the customer requirement.
Responsible for communication with client about requirement, architecture and solution.
Responsible for Project estimation, planning, execution and delivery.
★     6+ years of experience in mobile industry with very significant application development.
★     Bachelor/Master in CS
★     Must be very familiar with Embedded System Development, especially mobile.
★     Must be very familiar with software development process
★     Must be very familiar with the current popular mobile software platform, for instance Android, iPhone, Linux, Symbian, Windows Mobile or Mobile CE.
★     Fluent English communication skill
★     Familiar with C/C++/Java
★     Must have abundant mobile application domain knowledge, for instance Multimedia, social network, personal information management, location, connectivity, browser, and so on.

Senior User eXperience Designer
This position will have a thorough understanding of user experience principles especially on mobile devices. Will work with our senior management team to build a strong competency in the User Experience principles of our team.
Work closely with our client to improve the definition of the user experience that best reflects the principle of their devices.
Responsible for graphics design component of the User Experience for our client solution and own solutions.
Responsible for customizing visual design assets to accommodate the requirements of our client.
Will work closely with the design team to explore new ways of building UI's and creating future user experience solutions.
★     4+ years of experience in the mobile industry with very significant User Experience design component
★     Bachelor/Master in CS, User Experience or related field
★     Must be very familiar with trends in mobile UX
★     Fluent English communication skill.
★     Familiar with UX design tools (Illustrator/Photoshop/Flash…)
★     Must have the ability and drive to quickly become familiar with user experience paradigms for new device platforms.
★     Must have competent visual design skills and be able to create optimal visual assets based on client user experience specifications.
★     Good understanding of how to build intelligence into UIs
★     Must possess outstanding communication skills and be able to communicate within and outside the organization at multiple levels.
★     Prior experience working in international company is a plus.

Senior Web Application Specialist
1.熟悉C++/Java等 面向对象的程序设计语言
2.具备4年 以上B/S 体系结构软件产品开发经验, linux使用配置经验,对J2EE或.net架构有深 入的了解
3.熟悉Web Service的开发,最好能有Restful Web Service开发经验
4.熟悉常见的数据库如 Oracle、Sql Serve/SQL, PostgreSQL编程、配置和优 化。
5.需要会Python 语言开发的程序员,同时会把Python 程 序移植到C++ 程序.
6.需要PHP 开发Web REST API 的经验. 需 要熟悉web 服务器的配置和管理.

☆  推荐截止日期:2010年7月31日      
☆  工作地点: 杭州
DSP Software Development Engineer
Tasks / Responsibilities
The development engineer is responsible for SW of the telecom equipment or platform development:
*          Support a new release of a system; the system will be used as a platform to further develop other network elements in telecom system;
*          Designs and documents system components based on the defined architecture
*          Implements the system components correctly and follow the scrum approach
*          Takes part in reviews
*          Conducts and documents module tests according to defined criteria
*          Traces system requirements in the implementation and test phases
*          Reports regularly to the project manager for the progress
Minimum Bachelor of Telecommunication or EE or relevant
•                      At least 2 years software development professional experience of DSP component and L1 layer     related development is a must ;
•                      Strong ability in C language programming is a must;
•                      Experience with IP, and Linux; Embedded Linux experience is preferred
•                      Experience with software development process; Scrum team experience and continuous integration experience is preferred
•                      Good knowledge of operating system
•                      Good Knowledge of iterative and incremental development process
•                      Knowledge on LTE/TD-SCDMA/WiMax/WCDMA L1 UL technology (Rake receiver, interference cancellation, MIMO, Channel decoding, etc.) is a plus
•                      Any experience in receiver SW area is a strong plus
•                      High initiative and customer focus
•                      Ability to learn
•                      Quality and result orientation
•                      Good team player
•                      English – Good in reading and listening, Normal in spoken and written

发表于 2010-6-18 20:25 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 zyzbill 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 zyzbill 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


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