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tinyshare 发表于 2018-2-5 22:25 
拉到吧你,你看你洗脑被洗的。 我看你也是只看中文的洗脑文章。 多看看英文的吧。
你不会傻到看字面意义吧。 耶稣可以送人上天堂。 说到底就是一套理论,这个普世价值就和基督教的耶稣同样是洗脑工具。
The Western ideology is characteristic of the assertive, ‘aggressive’ foreign policy
ideology that is associated with the attempts to spread its values across other regions. Thus,
the ideology of American foreign policy is based on the exceptional nature of America
and its unique mission in the world history. From the very beginning, the most important
component of the American national identity was the conviction in exceptionalism of
the societal and historical development of the USA and its role in the world history. One
should note that the American nation was, in fact, a unique conglomeration of adventurers
and truth-seekers, honest entrepreneurs and profi teers, which made it different from the
slowly changing societies in the Old World, giving it a chance to consider itself ‘unique’.
At fi rst, the essence of the American idea was the promise of freedom, democracy,
material wealth, etc. not only to the Americans, but also to other people from any place
on the Earth, provided that they agreed to accept the American values.
但是事实上它其安全忽视了很多国家的具体情况,几乎所有的侵略最后都是以失败告终,让被侵略国家陷入王丈深渊。伊拉克, 埃及, 利比亚, 还有南美洲的一些国家等等。
China's rationale behind foreign policy is of a completely different
nature. The key component is not an aggressive lobbying of the country's values around
the world, but rather ‘a peaceful ascent to power’ and ‘a peaceful co-existence’. Hereby
we provide an excerpt from the dispositions within teachings of Deng Xiaoping: ‘observe
cold bloodedly, strengthen your positions, decisively react to the changes, cover your
capabilities and win time, learn not to attract time to yourself, never become a leader…’
(Deng Xiaoping 2007: 363). The guidance of Deng Xiaoping in general focused the
Chinese efforts to establish ‘a discreet diplomacy’ or, as one may call it today, ‘a soft
这是两套不同的价值理论的对抗。 因为西方观念的更具侵略性,它是不能容忍一个不但不接受自己统治,而且有可能挑战自己统治地位的理论的存在。所以它也会尽其所能来打压它。 |