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笑和尚 发表于 2017-2-15 16:19 
年收入是有人 脑补的,4百万的数字是1-3审检察官Mark Tedeschi在庭上讲出来的。而之前也是他指控谢因为穷而谋财害命。后来他当然是撤回这个指控。但就没有人质问他儿戏般的这些表现。
控方还说谢能在中国拿到相当大量的资金,指出自从2011年有$4millions 资金转进他的和与他相关的银行户口。
Justice Fullerton did not accept the argument of the Crown that Mr Xie represented an "unacceptable risk" of attempting to flee the jurisdiction if released, and of attempting to influence or threaten witnesses in the case.
The Crown had argued that Mr Xie had access to considerable funds in China, pointing to money transfers of more than $4 million that had been made to his account or related accounts since 2011.
It also claimed that, because Mr Xie was facing a life sentence if convicted, he had a very powerful motivation to flee and could live in China without detection of extradition.
The defence strenuously rejected this argument, asserting that Mr Xie's wife and other family members were in Australia, providing him with "strong community ties".
Justice Fullerton found that conditions could be imposed which would mitigate any risks.
http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/man-ac ... .html#ixzz3ticIXxkR |