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本帖最后由 上书房行走 于 2018-2-5 20:25 编辑
Why RAID Mirroring is Not a Backup Solution
ESET Internet Security
Many user stagger along in darkness believing that because their computers have RAID mirroring, they are protected and don't need to do backups. This is a lie from the depths of perdition, dear brothers and sisters! RAID mirroring is designed to avoid downtime, not as a backup solution. Here are a few reasons why.
One problem with RAID is that it has a very vulnerable SPOF (Single Point of Failure): the RAID controller, which is the device that controls the drives and manages the array. My experience battling the evil forces of computer failure has taught me that RAID controllers are sinister devices that are prone to misbehaving in particularly evil ways. In fact, RAID controllers can -- and often do -- fail in spectacular ways that take all the drives in the array with them simultaneously!
When that happens, it's necessary to rebuild the array from backups. If you foolishly thought that the RAID array was your backup, you will require the services of a data-recovery company, which verily will cost you many dollars, and there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Another drawback to RAID is that if the system becomes infected with evil viruses, spyware, ransomware, or other malware; or if it suffers any sort of system problems at all, for that matter; those problems will verily be copied simultaneously to both of the drives in the array. Once this happens, you verily will be left with two hard drives that are equally useless because they both have the same problems, and there will be sorrow throughout your land.
Synology RAID failure and why RAID is not a backup
Problem was, all the drives were about the same age, and had experienced the same level of usage. A RAID rebuild is one the the most taxing things you can do to a hard-drive and sure enough, a second drive died during the rebuild process.
Fortunately I wasn’t completely reliant on RAID as my primary means of ensuring data reliability. This Synology unit was being backed up to another NAS unit.
Due to two consecutive drive failures (drives were nearing 7 years age) – I replaced all 5 drive bays, and restored the data once the RAID volume had been re-created.
Morale of the story: RAID is not a backup! Ensure your critical data has a secondary means of performing a recovery. If you don’t have a secondary Synology unit – most Synology units interface with cloud-based storage and Amazon Glacier is really cheap!
而BACKUP要用群晖提供的BACKUP TOOL比如hyper backup来保存。
简短来说,家用两盘的NAS可以选择不做SHR 不做RAID,选择BASIC,两块硬盘单独工作。一块下载盘,另外一块使用HYPER BACKUP定期备份下载盘。