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原帖由 ewsd 于 2009-3-14 19:41 发表 
纯种的狗狗性格相对比较稳定,如果可以还是从breeder 那里买纯种。当然,也有很多很好的cross的狗狗。
刚刚研究了一下,为什么要cross breed.原因是cross的品种可以改良狗的性格和脾气秉性。
Cross-Breeding to Improve Temperament
The Golden Retriever has a coat which is a little more difficult to look
after, and sometimes it can become a little worried while working. This,
coupled with a streak of stubbornness, which can even result in a refusal
to work, makes it a complex breed. Handlers have to be careful how they
assess a situation. They may need to decide, for example, whether a dog is
showing genuine concern or just being stubborn.
These days, only one in ten guide dogs is a German Shepherd. They make
excellent guides in the right circumstances, but there is less call now
for dogs with their qualities. They do seem to need highly competent
handlers who will use their dogs a great deal, and they will not tolerate
clumsy following and insensitive handling. They tend to worry more than
the gun dogs and are inclined to have health problems, such as digestive
upsets, in some stressful conditions.
For similar reasons, very few Border Collies are used. They need very fast
walking owners with plenty of initiative who will give them a high work
In recent years, many more people in the upper age range, and with
additional disabilities, have been given guide dogs, and this means that
the number of suitable handlers for GSDs and Border Collies has declined
as a proportion of the total.
Since the start of the breeding programme in the 1960s, the success rates
of the pure breeds has risen steadily, although credit for this must be
shared with the puppy walking scheme. Cross-breeding the Labrador with the
Golden Retriever is now achieving even better results, producing dogs that
combine the tolerance of the Labrador with some of the sensitivity of the
Golden Retriever. Breed specialists were generally opposed to deliberate
cross-breeding, but the arguments against it are largely irrelevant in the
case of guide dogs because the ani mals are always neutered.
In the past, second crosses have been tried by keeping some of the first
crosses as breeding stock. However, this was stopped when it became
evident that the result was an increase in problems of temperament.
Cross-Breeding to Improve Temperament
The Association's cross-breeding programme set out to produce more dogs
with good temperaments. The ideal dog is:
Of a happy, pleasing disposition.
Not neurotic, shy or frightened.
Reasonably energetic.
Not hyperactive.
Not aggressive: pure apprehensive protective.
Of low chasing instinct. Able to concentrate for long periods. Not easily
distracted. Willing.
Confident with and tolerant of children
Confident with and tolerant of other animals
Responsive to the human voice. Not sound shy.
Able to show reasonable initiative. Not too dominant or self-interested.
Able to change environment and/or handler without undue stress. Within the
limits of body sensitivity. As free as possible from hereditary defects
The achievement of the cross-breeding programme can he judged from Table 1
which compares the success rates of the pure breeds and the crosses. To
put the figures in perspective, the number of animals surveyed is given in
the last column.
The survey included dogs at all stages of training, from puppy-walking
through to working dogs that are withdrawn before the normal average
working life.
There now seems to be little doubt about the value of first-crossing
selected breeds. In order to achieve the best results, it is essential not
only to select the parents carefully, but also to bred bitches. monitor
the success of previous litters. The Association's computerised are now
very accurate and comprehensive.
First crosses, not second, will provide 35 to 4- percent of our working
dogs. Only pure breeds will be retained as breeding stock. The overall
demands of our breed-mg programme will require 50 pure-bred studs and 200
pure-bred bitches.
There is no evidence to suggest that it matters whether the father is
Labrador and the mother a Golden Retriever, or vice versa. The important
factor is the temperament of the parents. |