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salary-sacrifice $100,000 (to cover school fees, mortgage and credit card payments) until March 31, 2015
Case studies | High earners
Company director Robert, 48, earns $450,000 a year and Andrea, a 45-year-old HR executive, earns $250,000 a year. Both salary-sacrifice the maximum $25,000 a year into superannuation (including 9.25 per cent compulsory super).
Change The new 2 per cent budget repair levy on assessable income above $180,000 means Robert will have to pay $5400 and Andrea $1400 to $6800. Because Robert earns above $300,000 he is already paying $3750 more super tax after last year’s budget – an extra 15 per cent on top of the standard 15 per cent contributions tax on his $25,000 contribution.
Action plan The couple are employees so can’t divert salary to a family trust or company. But Robert could salary-sacrifice $100,000 (to cover school fees, mortgage and credit card payments) until March 31, 2015 before the FBT rate goes up, and save $3773 (the net difference in tax payable between the FBT that would be paid and the higher personal tax that would otherwise be paid on Robert’s original salary). Both are already salary-sacrificing into super so can’t further reduce their taxable income this way. They plan to lift their super contributions to $30,000 each when the contributions cap increases on July 1.
Case studies | New parents
Company executives Jane and John earn $90,000 and $120,000 respectively. They plan to have their third child next year.
Change A more generous paid parental leave scheme was announced in the budget but with a salary cap of $100,000 rather than $150,000. The proposal is to implement a maximum payment of $50,000 over 26 weeks. Superannuation will also be paid. (The current scheme pays a maximum of $622.10 per week, or $11,198 over 18 weeks.)
Action plan As Jane earns less than $100,000 she is eligible for the higher payments and should receive about $45,000 for the first six months after the birth of the baby. Compared with the current scheme it is a good incentive to stay home, although some planning may need to be done around the reduced income for the time she is not working.
Case studies | Patients
Greg, Carol and daughters Louise, 12, and Shelley, 10, visit their GP 23 times a year. Greg gets monthly prescriptions for blood pressure and cholesterol, Carol for HRT and Louise for ADD.
Shelley uses about two prescriptions a year. Their bill for GP visits and the chemist is $1885.
Change They will now have to pay a $7 co-payment for GP visits (capped at 10 a year for the girls) and prescriptions will cost $5 more each. Their bill for will now be $411 more at $2296.
Action plan Grin and bear it, and try to cut other household expenses to compensate.