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2011年金球奖爆出的最大的轰动话题就是我偶像里奇·格威斯人格大爆发,主持颁奖礼, 历数各位好莱坞明星的丑闻, 逐一开涮, 精彩无比, 收视大涨,
特意到网上搜了下, 然后自己做了些听力的补充, 在此列出, 略作小注, 以供一娱。
On Charlie Sheen: “It's going to be a night of partying and heavy drinking. Or as Charlie Sheen calls it – breakfast. Wow, so let's get this so what he did was, he picked up a porn star, paid her to have dinner with him, introduced her to his ex-wife – as you do – went to got drunk, got naked, trashed the place while she was locked in a cupboard, and that was a Monday. What does he do New Year's Eve?”
纵酒狂欢对查理辛来说只是早餐。 他支付色情女星报酬与其共进晚餐,并介绍其前妻认识,随后两人开房,鱼水之欢。在醉酒后,原形毕露,将色情女星囚禁在房间里,对其性虐待及人身攻击。
On Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie: “It was a big year for 3-D movies. Toy Story, Despicable Me, Tron. It seems like everything this year was three-dimensional — except the characters in The Tourist. I feel bad about that joke. I tell you what, I'm jumping on the bandwagon, because I haven't even seen The Tourist. Who has? But it must be good because it's nominated, so shut up, OK? And I'd like to crush this ridiculous rumour that the only reason The Tourist was nominated was so that the foreign press of could hang out with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. That is Rubbish. That was not the only reason; they also accepted bribes.”
The Tourist烂片, 强力戴普和茱莉片中表现乏善可陈。 被提名只是因为记者们想凑热乎。
On Cher: "...they also accepted bribes. All that happened was some of them were taken to see Cher in concert. How the hell is that a brible, Really Do you want to see Cher? No! Why not? Cause its not 1975! ”
On SJP et al: “There were a lot of big films that didn't get nominated this year. Nothing for Sex and the City 2. No, I was sure the Golden Globe for special effects would go to the team that airbrushed that poster. Girls, we know how old you are. I saw one of you in an episode of Bonanza.”
欲望都市的女星们老得以至于给她们电影海报磨皮的修片师可以拿特效奖了。 “Bonanza” 一六十年代电视剧。
On the elderly HFP President Philip Berk: “Next up, Eva Longoria has the daunting task of introducing the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press. That’s nothing! I just had to help him off the toilet and pop his teeth in.”
刚帮记协主席Philip Berk这个老东西上厕所和装假牙。
On Mel Gibson: "Our first presenter is beautiful, talented and Jewish apparently, Mel Gibson told me that, He is obsessed. Please Welcome Scarlett Johansson"
Scarlett Johansson是犹太人, 梅尔吉布森这个反犹分子告诉他的。
Introducing Bruce Willis: "Our next presenter from such films: Hudson Hawk, Look Who is Talking, Mercury Rising, Color of Night, Fifth Element, Hart's War. Please Welcome Ashton Kutcher's dad - Bruce Willis"
把布鲁斯威利票房失利的片子列举了一下。 其前妻黛咪摩尔老公Ashton Kutcher只比布鲁斯威利女儿大几岁。
On, er, the elderly: “Talking of the walking dead, congratulations to Hugh Hefner, who is getting married at age 84 to 24-year-old beauty Crystal Harris. When asked why she was marrying him, she said, "He lied about his age. I thought he was 94." Calm down. Just don't look at it when you touch it.'”
On Scientologists who shall not be named: “Also not nominated, I Love You Phillip Morris. Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor, two heterosexual actors to be gay. So the complete opposite of some famous Scientologists, then. My lawyers helped with that joke.”
金凯利和伊万两直男扮演同性恋, 而科学教会信徒 汤姆克鲁斯和约翰屈伏塔 却正好相反演直男。
On The Social Network: “The creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is reportedly worth $7-billion. Heather Mills calls him the one that got away.”
向保罗·麦卡特尼索要巨额分手费的前妻Heather Mills不慎放过了新富Mark Zuckerberg。
On Robert Downey Jr.: “He’s the star of Iron Man, Two Girls and a Guy, Wonderboys. Sorry, are these porn films? Kiss Kiss (Bang Bang), Bowfinger. Really! Up the Academy. He has done all those films, but many of you in this room probably know him from such facilities as the Betty Ford Clinic and Los Angeles County Jail.”
进过戒毒所和入狱后重返一线的Robert Downey Jr。
On Rambo: “The next presenter is a true Hollywood icon. In ten of the biggest blockbusters of all time, he has shown his extraordinary acting versatility. He has played a boxer … and Rambo. Please welcome Sylvester Stallone!”
史泰龙这么多年只会演boxer … and Rambo
On ingrates: “He was a jobbing actor, career not going that well if I’m being perfectly honest, who got his big break when I cast him in a show called The Office. He is now leaving that show, and killing a cash cow for both of us. Please welcome the wonderful Tina Fey, and the ungrateful Steve Carell!”
Steve Carell没良心, 靠里奇制作的The Office上位, 7季后拒绝续签。
[ 本帖最后由 vvguru 于 2011-1-24 13:36 编辑 ] |