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菜鸟翻头条--气候变化理论怀疑者的180度转变 [复制链接]

发表于 2010-9-2 01:01 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 平常心 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 平常心 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
世界上最高调的气候理论怀疑者将要表示全球暖化"无疑是今天世界所面临的主要问题"和"一个人类必须面对的挑战". 这是一次明显的180度态度转变, 将极大地鼓舞严阵以待的环境保护阵营的士气.

曾被联合国气候组织领导人比作阿道夫希特勒的自称"环境保护论怀疑者"的Bjorn Lomborg, 抨击气候学家, 活动家,媒体和其他夸大全球暖化及其对人类影响的人, 以及为了解决这个问题而制定的浪费巨大的政策. 他因此而名声远扬.

但是在本月即将出版的一本新书中, Lomborg将呼吁为了解决气候变化需要投入数百亿美元的资金.


通过研究减少或者阻止全球暖化的8个措施, Lomborg和他的经济学家同事建议把钱投入到风能,波浪能,太阳能和核能等清洁能源的研究, 并更多地研究诸如"白化云彩"以将太阳热能反射至外大气层的气候工程学的建议.


为了达成全球对废气排放的统一措施的努力最近正因为怀疑论者对全球暖化科学证据的可信度的质疑而被搁置, 而他的声明正好发布在这个节骨眼上.

转自<The Age>

Climate change sceptic's U-turn
September 1, 2010

U-turn ... Bjorn Lomborg.

U-turn ... Bjorn Lomborg.

The world's most high-profile climate change sceptic is to declare that global warming is ''undoubtedly one of the chief concerns facing the world today'' and ''a challenge humanity must confront'', in an apparent U-turn that will give a huge boost to the embattled environmental lobby.

Bjorn Lomborg, the self-styled ''sceptical environmentalist'' once compared to Adolf Hitler by the United Nations climate chief, is famous for attacking climate scientists, campaigners, the media and others for exaggerating global warming and its effects on humans, and the costly waste of policies to stop the problem.

But in a new book to be published this month, Lomborg will call for tens of billions of dollars a year to be invested in tackling climate change.

"Investing $US100 billion ($112 billion) annually would mean that we could essentially resolve the climate change problem by the end of this century," the book concludes.

Examining eight methods to reduce or stop global warming, Lomborg and his fellow economists recommend pouring money into researching and developing clean energy sources such as wind, wave, solar and nuclear power, and more work on climate engineering ideas such as "cloud whitening" to reflect the sun's heat back into the outer atmosphere.

Lomborg said he would finance this investment through a tax on carbon.

His declaration comes at a crucial point in the debate, with international efforts to agree a global deal on emissions stalled amid a resurgence in scepticism over the reliability of the scientific evidence for global warming.

Guardian News & Media

[ 本帖最后由 平常心 于 2010-9-2 00:04 编辑 ]


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