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赞成 raw exam mark 就是最后hsc考试的卷面分
report说学生没有raw exam mark 但是其实可以自己request这个( https://www.nsw.gov.au/education ... es/student-services )
这个网站https://rawmarks.info/mathematics/mathematics-extension-2/ 就是不同的人request之后汇总的
The scaled marks reported in Table A3 are the scaled marks at the specified percentiles. The 90th percentile of the scaled mark distribution in History Extension was 42.7 but there was a range of scaled marks achieved by those with an HSC mark of 47.0.
A History Extension HSC mark of 47.0 in fact corresponded to scaled marks at percentiles ranging from 87.9 to 96.5.
也就是说history extension的90th percentile对应的HSC mark 47.0 (也就是94/100), 其实对应的scaled mark范围相差其实很大, 因为实际的raw exam mark范围不同
从这个角度讲, 任何ATAR Calculator 都是不完全准确的了, 因为学生只有整数的HSC mark (例如94)
但是实际上来看 的确是最接近的方法了