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[其他] 定了!阿大前校长 Peter Rathjen 性骚 乱花公款 作伪证 [复制链接]

发表于 2020-8-27 16:31 |显示全部楼层
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University of Adelaide vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen sexually harassed colleagues, ICAC finds

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020 ... icac-finds/12597974


发表于 2020-8-27 16:33 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 swe 于 2020-8-27 15:41 编辑

性骚 - 2名女员工,2019年四月不适当的触摸两名员工臀部,并亲吻其中一位两次
乱花公款 -  担任塔大校长期间,曾花 $277,000 坐商务舱
作伪证 - 在几个询问场合说谎,包括对前校监Kevin Scarce,还隐瞒曾因性骚一名墨大女研究生而被调查过


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鱼羊鲜 + 10 感谢分享



发表于 2020-8-27 16:42 |显示全部楼层
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South Australia's Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) has found former University of Adelaide vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen committed "serious misconduct" by sexually harassing two women.

Key points:
SA's ICAC has found Peter Rathjen committed "serious misconduct" towards women
Commissioner Bruce Lander found Professor Rathjen repeatedly lied about his behaviour
He urged changes to the University of Adelaide's procedures for dealing with sexual harassment
Anti-corruption commissioner Bruce Lander found Professor Rathjen inappropriately touched two university staff members, and kissed one, after a work function in April 2019.

In a detailed statement, the commissioner said Professor Rathjen repeatedly lied to the University of Adelaide then-chancellor, Kevin Scarce, when questioned about claims that he had a history of sexual harassment.

The statement said the Professor did not reveal he was also being investigated about historical allegations he sexually harassed or abused a postgraduate student at the University of Melbourne.

Professor Rathjen — who was earlier revealed to have spent $277,000 on business class travel while at the University of Tasmania — is also accused of lying to the ICAC when giving evidence about a sexual relationship with another woman.

Professor Rathjen took an indefinite leave of absence in May, with the ICAC later revealing that allegations of misconduct, and the university's manner of dealing with them, were under investigation.

In his public statement released on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Lander said Professor Rathjen engaged in unwanted conduct by touching two female colleagues on the bottom and kissing one of the women twice, following a work function.

A building with a University of Adelaide sign on it with a taller one in the background
Professor Rathjen stepped down as vice-chancellor earlier this year.(ABC News: Dean Faulkner)
Mr Lander found Professor Rathjen had engaged in "serious misconduct".

The commissioner said both victims "implored" him not to release his full, 170-page report on his investigation, saying it would further victimise them.

According to Mr Lander, Professor Rathjen tried to downplay his behaviour and disagreed with the accounts of the two women when under question from the ICAC.

"The vice-chancellor engaged in conduct that was entirely inappropriate by treating the women with egregious disrespect," Mr Lander's statement reads.

"It was all the worse having regard to his position within the university and the two women's relative positions in the university."

The university last month announced Professor Rathjen's resignation, saying he was stepping down "due to ill health".

In his statement, Mr Lander also said that a senior lawyer wrote to Professor Rathjen saying she was carrying out an investigation into earlier historical claims of sexual harassment or abuse.

Mr Lander described the allegations against Professor Rathjen, relating to conduct towards a female postgraduate student while he was an academic at the University of Melbourne, as "very serious".

Professor Rathjen 'lied' to chancellor and to ICAC: Lander
According to Mr Lander, then-chancellor Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce asked Professor Rathjen to respond to the allegations, and asked whether there was anything else the university needed to know about his past conduct.

The commissioner found Professor Rathjen "lied in his evidence", and had said there was "nothing the chancellor needed to know in relation to his past conduct".

"I have found that the vice-chancellor lied to the chancellor because he knew, if he told the chancellor the truth, that he was subject to investigation in relation to a previous claim of sexual misconduct it would jeopardise his tenure at the University of Adelaide," Mr Lander said.

"He said that he lied to protect the woman involved, but I do not believe him.

"The vice-chancellor lied to the chancellor on three occasions. He lied in his evidence to me. I have found that he has lied when it suited him to do so."

A composite image of two men wearing suits and ties
Kevin Scarce and Peter Rathjen resigned from the university within days of one another.(Supplied: University Of Adelaide)
One of the victims, according to Mr Lander, asked to resign from her position and requested compensation because of Professor Rathjen's behaviour.

Mr Lander said the university accepted the woman's claim for compensation.

Victim says she felt 'unsafe'
One of the female victims, referred to by ICAC as "Ms A", said she was vindicated by the commissioner's findings, and that she and her family had been through an "extremely distressing" ordeal.

"I am thankful that the ICAC commissioner has found that I told the truth and that I was vindicated in reporting the former vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen to the University of Adelaide for sexually harassing me in 2019 when I was an employee," she said.

"No person should have to experience sexual harassment at work and be left to feel unsafe.

"This past year has been an extremely distressing time for me, and my family."

The victim said there was an "obvious power imbalance" between her and Professor Rathjen, and said she was no longer employed at the university.

"I am pleased that the commissioner has made recommendations to improve the reporting process and support for victims forced to go through this ordeal," she said.

Mr Lander has recommended that the university review its policies, procedures and guidelines in relation to sexual harassment in order to make them "understandable".

He also recommended an education program for all university staff on sexual harassment.

"All reports of substantiated misconduct, irrespective of the seniority of the staff member, should be included in the university’s records management system," he said.

'I apologise to both of them'
In a statement, Professor Rathjen apologised to the women, but argued there was "no need for this investigation", which he described as "procedurally inadequate".

"I deeply regret the distress and embarrassment that I caused two female staff members after a university function in Sydney in April 2019," he said.

"I also deeply regret the fact that, through no fault of their own, they became embroiled in a very public inquiry which they did not seek and did not wish to participate in.

"I apologise to both of them."

But he said Mr Lander's finding of "serious misconduct" was "disproportionate to the conduct found".

"Mr Lander has rejected evidence and submissions which did not suit his narrative and drawn unwarranted inferences from those which did," Professor Rathjen said.

Referring to the university function, Professor Rathjen said the university "knew about, investigated and dealt with the matter in May 2019".

"When the then-chancellor, Kevin Scarce, put the allegations to me at that time, I immediately admitted them. I acknowledged a serious error of judgement," he said.

He said the university's senior leadership had not believed what occurred after the work function constituted "serious misconduct", and continued to express confidence in him.

University of Adelaide 'deeply sorry'
Mr Scarce's successor, chancellor Catherine Branson AC QC, apologised for Professor Rathjen's conduct on behalf of the university.

"The university is deeply sorry, as I am deeply sorry, that while employed at our university they were treated in a wholly inappropriate way by our former vice-chancellor," she said at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

"The matter should have been handled differently.

"The council, as [professor Rathjen's] employer, should have known [of] serious allegations against him, which was contrary to the university's code of conduct."

Ms Branson said Professor Rathjen's conduct was not representative of a broader culture of misconduct at the university.

"I have got absolutely no reason to think that this is representative of the behaviour of other senior staff, or indeed any other staff at the university."

But she urged anyone with a complaint of sexual harassment or any other kind of misconduct to come forward.

"They will be supported throughout any ensuing investigation," she said.

"Any small pockets of inappropriate conduct must be weeded out."

发表于 2020-8-27 16:46 |显示全部楼层
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Peter Rathjen 对受害人带来的压力和难堪而道歉,但不承认自己行为不端,认为不应被调查。

发表于 2020-8-27 17:04 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-8-27 17:08 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-8-27 17:12 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-8-27 17:24 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-8-27 18:03 |显示全部楼层
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为人师表咋好意思  真是。。。

发表于 2020-8-27 18:51 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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The bad education

发表于 2020-8-27 19:35 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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Robin NSW 发表于 2020-8-27 17:51
The bad education

极爱 阿莫多瓦!

发表于 2020-8-27 19:41 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-8-27 22:36 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2020-9-2 12:33 |显示全部楼层
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