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原帖由 bluesknight 于 2008-8-10 23:38 发表 
请教一下各位老大,我老婆(在国内念书,无收入)07年8月份拿到pr,9月来澳洲呆了一个月,08年2月又来澳洲呆了一个月,但还没有申请税号。这种情况下我是否还可以申请配偶的tax offset?
配偶如果intend to become Australian resident, 即使她在海外,你也可以claim dependant spouse rebate. The dependent spouse and children of a taxpayer are deemed to have the same domicile as the taxpayer.
If a migrant taxpayer's spouse and children are overseas waiting to join the taxpayer, the migrant may claim the dependent spouse rebate for a period of up to 5 years after arriving in Australia, provided arrangements have been made for the spouse and children to migrate to Australia as soon as possible and the other requirements for entitlement are met. In such a case, the ATO may require the following information to be provided: (i) the date of the taxpayer's arrival in Australia; (ii) the reason why the dependants are overseas; (iii) evidence of the arrangements that have been made for the dependants to come to Australia; and (iv) the expected date of the dependants' arrival in Australia.
A rebate may also be claimed in respect of a dependant who is temporarily overseas. In such a case, the ATO may require the taxpayer to provide a statement outlining the circumstances of the dependant's temporary absence from Australia and the expected date of his/her return to Australia. |