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原帖由 夢回唐朝 于 2008-7-14 21:58 发表 
可以分开报,就夫交surchage, 妻就不用交
原帖由 休 于 2008-7-14 21:55 发表 
恕我上来又罗索一下啊, 去年有个朋友问我夫妻是要用combined income来报税, 他们就是一个收入超过50k, 一个没有, 但是combined income 超过100k, 要考虑surcharge的问题, 我当时马上说是的, 要用combined income来报, 所以夫妻俩都买了私人保险。
照休和唐朝的说法, 他们完全可以用自己的individual income 报, 这样夫需要买私保, 妻不用买的。 好像是因为我的理解害得人家白花钱了。
可我今天又查了下ATO的网站, 和08年BUDGET所举的例子, 都强调了married, combined income, a member of a family这样的字眼 ,在ATO网站上还特别注释说如果在财政年度里配偶去世, 应该怎么界定threshold. 不得不让人觉得结婚了, 就视同为自动是family, 收入自动变为combined income. 如果象休和唐朝的说法, 都不提有配偶的事情, 在我朋友的例子里, 不是就变成钻空子了?那ATO对threshold的界定为什么不说清楚这种情况呢?为什么在今年的预算里还要特别举例呢? 很不解。如果你们是对的, 我也很愧疚因为我自己的理解失误造成他们白买了保险。
打电话去ATO确认, 却又说如果结婚了一定要按照家庭来报,谁能确定下到底是怎样呢?
Medicare levy surcharge
When do you have to pay the surcharge (MLS)?
You will have to pay MLS for any period during 2007–08 that you or any of your dependants did not have private patient hospital cover and you were:
a single person with no dependants and had a taxable income for MLS purposes greater than $50,000, or
a member of a family and the combined taxable income for MLS purposes of you and your spouse (if you had one for the whole of 2007–08) was above the relevant family surcharge threshold shown in the table below.
If your spouse died during the income year and you did not have another spouse before the end of the year, we consider you to have had a spouse until the end of the income year and you retain the benefit of the family surcharge threshold.
http://www.ato.gov.au/individual ... 02&st=&cy=1
Choice about private health insurance
Ben and Emma are married. Ben has a good job and earns $70,000 a year. Emma recently graduated with a maths degree and has gone from part-time work to a full-time graduate job. Her income has increased from $15,000 to $45,000 a year.
Ben and Emma are young and healthy. They never thought they would need to take out private health insurance.
Under the previous Medicare levy surcharge arrangements, if Ben and Emma's combined income increased to over $100,000 they would have been required to pay the surcharge.
The new Medicare levy surcharge thresholds will ensure that Ben and Emma do not get hit unexpectedly by the surcharge.
http://www.budget.gov.au/2008-09 ... tml/overview_19.htm
[ 本帖最后由 xingbu 于 2008-7-15 10:45 编辑 ] |