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本帖最后由 KKei 于 2014-1-16 21:58 编辑
根据ATO 网站, 如果公司付你milage reimbursement, 那在payment summary 里成了allowance. 年底退税时候就是assessable income, 但是根据 29/10/1986 industry award 在无需written evidence 下你又能claim相应的 travel deduction.
我在网上找了半天, 愣是没找到 1986年的相关industry award, 只找到2010 modern award. 但是根据下面黑体的字,似乎是说任何在1986年后修改的award条款等同于已写在1986年的条款里了. 所以问问坛子里的tax expert 我是否根据 modern award 上 allowance 计算方法来算出上面的 travel deduction 呢? 另外在ETAX里应该放在 D 几里呢?
如果拿了milage reimbursement (essentially car allowance assuming showed up in PAYG summary), 是否直接用 % kilo 来算work related car expense deduction ?不用管以上的 award transport payments rule ?险恶一下,如果公司给了500刀(公司规矩1公立=1刀), 那我岂不是可以直接claim 5000km work related car expense deductionregardless 你business purpose下行使了多少 ?因为 % kilo 在5k公里下不要written evidence.
Award transport payments
If you receive an award transport payment from your employer, it is assessable income and must be included on your tax return. You may be able to claim a deduction for work-related transport expenses covered by these payments.
Award transport payments are allowances covering either transport expenses or car expense reimbursements that are paid under an industrial law or award in force on 29 October 1986.
Some changes made to the industrial law or award after that date are treated as if they had been made on that day. Your union or employer can tell you the '29 October 1986' amount.
If you choose to claim no more than the '29 October 1986' amount, you don't need written evidence.
If you want to claim more than the '29 October 1986' amount, you will need written evidence for the whole of your claim for transport expenses.
http://www.ato.gov.au/Individual ... transport-payments/ |