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“We welcomed these immigrants precisely because they outperformed and overachieved. Yet now we are stigmatizing their children for inheriting their parents’ work ethic and faith in a good education. How self-defeating”
陈雯玲 2012年12月27日
亚裔占美国总人口的5.6%,而在常春藤大学中,亚裔学生所占比例为12%至18%。但如果用客观的录取标准(成绩、考试分数、学业荣誉以及课外活动)来衡量,这些学校的亚裔学生所占比例偏低。毕竟,在主要根据考试和成绩招生的顶级公立高中,亚裔学生所占比例高达40%至70%。这些高中包括纽约市的史岱文森高中(Stuyvesant)和布朗克斯科学高中(Bronx Science)、旧金山的洛威尔(Lowell)以及弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚的托马斯·杰弗逊科技高中(Thomas Jefferson)。
在2009年一项针对9000多名知名大学申请者的研究中,社会学家托马斯·J·埃斯彭席德(Thomas J. Espenshade)和亚历山德里亚·沃尔顿·雷德福(Alexandria Walton Radford)发现,与学业成绩相同的亚裔学生相比,白人学生被录取的几率高出三倍。
听起来很熟悉吗?在20世纪20年代,随着高分的犹太学生开始与WASP(祖先是英国新教徒的美国人——译注)预科学校学生展开竞争,常春藤学校开始询问家庭背景,并寻求通过“性格”、“活力”、“勇敢”以及“领导力”等模糊的资格标准,来限制犹太学生录取人数。就如社会学家杰罗姆·卡拉贝尔(Jerome Karabel)在其2005年出版的有关哈佛、耶鲁和普林斯顿招生史的书中所记载的,直到20世纪60年代早期,这些非正式的犹太学生名额限制才被取消。
就像记者丹尼尔·格尔登(Daniel Golden)在2006年出版的《招生的代价》(The Price of Admission)中所揭示的,人们更多地关注公立大学基于种族的平权措施(最高法院已经下令缩减此类措施,可能很快会完全取缔此类措施),而不太关注精英学校特别照顾捐赠者和校友(绝大多数是白人)子女的情况。
需要说明的是,我并不寻求传播“模范少数族裔”的神话——亚裔美国人是一个多元化的群体,包括没有正当移民身份的餐厅工人、重新安置的难民,以及人们比较熟悉的医生和工程师。我也不赞同法律教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua)有害的“虎妈”陈词滥调,这种观点将亚裔儿童的成功归功于父母过多(甚至是病态)的管教,而不是个人努力,从而贬低了亚裔儿童。
陈雯玲(Carolyn Chen)是美国西北大学社会学副教授、美国亚裔研究项目主任。
Asians: Too Smart for Their Own Good?
By CAROLYN CHEN December 27, 2012
Evanston, Ill.
AT the end of this month, high school seniors will submit their college applications and begin waiting to hear where they will spend the next four years of their lives. More than they might realize, the outcome will depend on race. If you are Asian, your chances of getting into the most selective colleges and universities will almost certainly be lower than if you are white.
Asian-Americans constitute 5.6 percent of the nation’s population but 12 to 18 percent of the student body at Ivy League schools. But if judged on their merits — grades, test scores, academic honors and extracurricular activities — Asian-Americans are underrepresented at these schools. Consider that Asians make up anywhere from 40 to 70 percent of the student population at top public high schools like Stuyvesant and Bronx Science in New York City, Lowell in San Francisco and Thomas Jefferson in Alexandria, Va., where admissions are largely based on exams and grades.
In a 2009 study of more than 9,000 students who applied to selective universities, the sociologists Thomas J. Espenshade and Alexandria Walton Radford found that white students were three times more likely to be admitted than Asians with the same academic record.
Sound familiar? In the 1920s, as high-achieving Jews began to compete with WASP prep schoolers, Ivy League schools started asking about family background and sought vague qualities like “character,” “vigor,” “manliness” and “leadership” to cap Jewish enrollment. These unofficial Jewish quotas weren’t lifted until the early 1960s, as the sociologist Jerome Karabel found in his 2005 history of admissions practices at Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
In the 1920s, people asked: will Harvard still be Harvard with so many Jews? Today we ask: will Harvard still be Harvard with so many Asians? Yale’s student population is 58 percent white and 18 percent Asian. Would it be such a calamity if those numbers were reversed?
As the journalist Daniel Golden revealed in his 2006 book “The Price of Admission,” far more attention has been devoted to race-conscious affirmative action at public universities (which the Supreme Court has scaled back and might soon eliminate altogether) than to the special preferences elite universities afford to the children of (overwhelmingly white) donors and alumni.
For middle-class and affluent whites, overachieving Asian-Americans pose thorny questions about privilege and power, merit and opportunity. Some white parents have reportedly shied away from selective public schools that have become “too Asian,” fearing that their children will be outmatched. Many whites who can afford it flock to private schools that promote “progressive” educational philosophies, don’t “teach to the test” and offer programs in art and music (but not “Asian instruments,” like piano and violin). At some of these top-tier private schools, too, Asian kids find it hard to get in.
At highly selective colleges, the quotas are implicit, but very real. So are the psychological consequences. At Northwestern, Asian-American students tell me that they feel ashamed of their identity — that they feel viewed as a faceless bunch of geeks and virtuosos. When they succeed, their peers chalk it up to “being Asian.” They are too smart and hard-working for their own good.
Since the 1965 overhaul of immigration law, the United States has lured millions of highly educated, ambitious immigrants from places like Taiwan, South Korea and India. We welcomed these immigrants precisely because they outperformed and overachieved. Yet now we are stigmatizing their children for inheriting their parents’ work ethic and faith in a good education. How self-defeating.
To be clear, I do not seek to perpetuate the “model minority” myth — Asian-Americans are a diverse group, including undocumented restaurant workers and resettled refugees as well as the more familiar doctors and engineers. Nor do I endorse the law professor Amy Chua’s pernicious “Tiger Mother” stereotype, which has set back Asian kids by attributing their successes to overzealous (and even pathological) parenting rather than individual effort.
Some educators, parents and students worry that if admissions are based purely on academic merit, selective universities will be dominated by whites and Asians and admit few blacks and Latinos, as a result of socioeconomic factors and an enduring test-score gap. We still need affirmative action for underrepresented groups, including blacks, Latinos, American Indians and Southeast Asian Americans and low-income students of all backgrounds.
But for white and Asian middle- and upper-income kids, the playing field should be equal. It is noteworthy that many high-achieving kids at selective public magnet schools are children of working-class immigrants, not well-educated professionals. Surnames like Kim, Singh and Wong should not trigger special scrutiny.
We want to fill our top universities with students of exceptional and wide-ranging talent, not just stellar test takers. But what worries me is the application of criteria like “individuality” and “uniqueness,” subjectively and unfairly, to the detriment of Asians, as happened to Jewish applicants in the past. I suspect that in too many college admissions offices, a white Intel Science Talent Search finalist who is a valedictorian and the concertmaster of her high school orchestra would stand out as exceptional, while an Asian-American with the same résumé (and socioeconomic background) would not.
The way we treat these children will influence the America we become. If our most renowned schools set implicit quotas for high-achieving Asian-Americans, we are sending a message to all students that hard work and good grades may be a fool’s errand.
Carolyn Chen is an associate professor of sociology and director of the Asian American Studies Program at Northwestern.