编剧对这剧本的一些想法-Part 2
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问 " 在处理政治议题时,你的方式有点抽象。在触及这些政治议题时,你结合了鼓励思考如何进行逻辑思维与讨论,并且如果改进现有的制度或理念。让允熙改变文在新(刘亚仁饰演)与丁若廉 (安南尚饰演)的理念(观念) 肯定是个挑战。 为什么你要选择这么辛苦(困难)的处理方式?
10: In handling the matters of politics your approach was somewhat abstract, combining it with a learning process that encouraged thinking deeply about making a logical discussion and improving an existing system or ideology. The process of making Yoon-hee change the mindset of Geol-oh (Yu Ah-in) and Jeong Yak-yong (Ahn Nae-sang) must have been quite a challenge. Why did you choose to go the hard way?
金: 因为我不知道还有什么其他方式? (笑) 很久以前,我就花了很多时间来思考到底成均館儒生们是如何学习。 我想要呈现他们怎么进行学习,如在第一堂课里面他们谈论的东西,我想要至少一次,可以让观众看到成均館的教课是怎么进行。
至于允熙,我需要加强她留在成均館的动力,并且要引起她对为民之政的兴趣。 她对师兄在心与老师丁若廉说的话,也都是源自这些思考。我很好奇那些所谓的"两班"对一个来自贫困背景的人思想会有什么反应。而且对方还是个女人。
Kim Tae-hee: Maybe because I knew no other way to go about it. (laugh). I gave much thought to exactly how the students at SungKyunKwan learnt their ways long time ago. I wanted to show the process of things such as what they talked about in their first class to the viewers at least once, in accordance with SungKyunKwan's curriculum. In the case of Yoon-hee, I needed to strengthen her motivation to stick around SungKyunKwan and become interested in politics for people. What Yoon-hee said to her senior Geol-oh and her teacher Jeong Yak-yong stemmed from these thoughts as well. I was curious to how the so-called “elite” class will respond to the thoughts of someone from a poor, underprivileged background and a girl, nonetheless.
10: Most stories that have a girl disguised as boy accompany fantasy of her surrounded by cool guys and winning quite a few hearts. SungKyunKwan Scandal was interesting in sense that Yoon-hee viewed the world through her unique standpoint as a woman. Only Yoon-hee could give out such unique reaction in her first encounter with courtesan Cho-sun (Kim Min-seo) because she was a woman, too.
问: 在很多女扮男装的故事里,她都会被帅哥包围着并且虏获某些人的心 在成均館緋聞里,允熙是以自己独特的女子观点来看这世界,这是挺有意思的。唯有允熙才能在与貂蝉初次相遇时,做出那样的反应,因为她也是女人。
金: 其实我曾担心透过允熙展现出的女性主义会有点俗套。 我在1992进入大学,那时我对女性议题有很多想法,所以我担心我发表我的看法时会太迟了。
Kim Tae-hee: I was actually worried that feminism told in the eyes of Yoon-hee might come off as being cliche. I went to college in 1992, when I had much thoughts on womens' issues, so I was worried I'd be voicing my opinions too late. I think I could have voiced myself better through Yoon-hee if this has been written much earlier, around the year 2000.
问: 在大学时,你的主修是什么?
10: What did you major in college?
金: 我是主修大众传播。我非常爱看电视剧,甚至还能记把30年前看过的剧情。但是我认为要写出好剧本应该在年长时才可能 如大约40岁,所以我就先在一家小传播公司上班。
直到结婚后,我才决定投入编剧行列 。 我想这是我一直要做的东西,所以天不怕,地不惊的就决定要试试看!
Kim Tae-hee: I majored in media and mass communications. I loved TV dramas so much that I can still remember the details of the stories I watched 30 years ago. But I thought a good writing is possible only at a later age like forty so I took my time, working at a small broadcast in company. Only after getting married did I decide to indulge myself fully on script writing. I thought I should give it a shot come hell or high water because it’s something I have always wanted to do.
10: And what was your college life like?
问: 你的大学生涯是怎么样的?
金: 进入大学时是1992年,当时我是个很平凡的大学生,虽然跟现在的大学生比起来并不是那么平凡。 (笑) 但是我把政治融入故事里并不是我自己曾有经历,而是想要依照原著小说设定的架构,加入需要的剧情。 我不是所谓的386世代 (出身在60年代,毕业在80年代,并且多数归类与活跃政治运动中的一代 = ST: 这是个名词,有那么一代人是这样)
他们是我的学长。 当我写剧本时,我把正祖大王与丁若廉想象为386世代 而不是由允熙与她的三为朋友组成的垂涎四人帮。 (ST: 好有意思 哈哈 原来编剧把两位想成386世代)
我并不是特意要传达讯息告诉大家应该站起来(发表自己的想法) 。只是我听说为何这部电视剧吸引了在30岁至40岁的妇女们,是因为这部剧勾起了她们的怀旧情怀。
Kim Tae-hee: I was ordinary as an undergrad student who entered college in 1992 but maybe not so compared to college students these days (laugh). But the reason I incorporated politics into the story is not because I had any firsthand experience but in trying to fill in the story according to the setting in the original story. I’m not the so-called 386 generation (born in the 60s, undergrad in 80s and largely characterized as active in political movements). They were my seniors. While writing the script I thought of King Jeongjo and subject Jeong Yak-yong as being the 386 generation, not the “Jalgeum Foursome” composed of Yoon-hee and her three friends. I had no intention of sending out messages that we should stand up and rise. But I heard that part of the reason this drama attracted women in their 30s and 40s was because something in the drama triggered their nostalgia. Whether they were active members of students’ protests or not, they all went through the time when they wanted to change the world.
10: Then how did you view King Jeongjo who perceived “Jalgeum Foursome” as his political heirs?
问: 你是怎么看待把垂涎四人帮视为政治接班的正祖大王
金: 根据我收集的资料。正祖大王在现实生活中,是个很谨慎的人,懂得怎么化险为夷(或懂得怎么转劣势为优势?)。如我的剧本所写,他的确说过要开创荡平之年代。而且他真想要废除奴隶制度。
(ST: 我不知道是否有好好表编剧的意思,她是说正祖虽然看起来很开明,只是还有着自己才能改变这一切的潜意识观念吧,然后就如我们这些人一样,对年轻的一代,总觉得我们懂得比他们多,所以。形成了那些年轻人的压力。。她通过垂涎四人帮抒发了那些感想,对老师,对正祖说自己的看法,也是最后一集里面呈现的。。)
Kim Tae-hee: From what I gather, King Jeongjo in real life seemed to be quite a prudent person who knew how to turn situations around. He did mention he will open an era of great reconciliation between parties as I quoted in the script and it is also true that he wanted to put an end to the slave system. He had many bold ideas in those days and amazingly, the public slave system did come to an end during the era of his son, King Soonjo. But he also had limitations to thinking as only he, as the king, could make things happen. I thought such double standards is what the existing generation, including me, have within, leaving our younger generation in their 20s quite frustrated. I thought that must be what the students at SungKyunKwan might feel and probably have lots to say to King Jeongjo and their teacher Jeong Yak-yong. That emerges a little in the final episode. I still wonder what the drama would have been like if I went deeper into that subject.
问: 在原著里,垂涎四人帮都各自有非常鲜明的个性。虽然做了一些性格上的改变,但是在电视剧里也是如此。你是怎么构思这些人物?
10: Jalgeum Foursome all had strong characters of their own in the original story. So did the drama even though there was a bit of change in the character. How did you draw up the character?
金: 最近,我很同情20世代。虽然我也经历困难时期,但是我觉得在这世纪的20世代比我还严重。
所以我甚至让允熙有点绝望地说到说出了" 我觉得我活在的朝鲜并不是那么了不起" 让允熙在成均館重新获得希望, 我要20世代能与她取得共鸣。
其实,在原著里面,我最喜欢的乔段是先俊因为貂蝉而吃醋 。 我觉得当这种如此注视礼教法则的人物恋上同性之爱时,冲突会更加明显。
所以我写的桀騖会比较敏感,而且与其他角色比起来,他是属于沉默寡言。 再加上演员刘亚仁的演绎,他也是个很感性演员,电视剧里面的在心变得跟原著不同。
为什么我让具龙何变成中人而不是两班,是因为我要让 成均館来自各阶级的人。
垂涎四人帮也是如此形成 ": 当权的老论派之子,反对派少论之子,中人之子,还有一个女子
Kim Tae-hee: These days I feel sympathy toward the 20s. Although I had my share of rough times I believe the 20s in this era is going through worse. I felt sorry that they may not even know that. That is why I had Yoon-hee as hopeless to the point of blurting out “I don’t think the country I live in is that great,” in the first episode. By showing how Yoon-hee recovers her hope in a space called SungKyunKwan I wanted the twenties to identify with her feelings. Then I placed Sun-joon, Yoon-hee’s soon-to-be love interest and a guy who believes it all depends on individual effort, at the opposite standpoint of Yoon-hee to better portray her change of heart. Actually my favorite part in the original book was when Sun-joon got all jealous over Cho-sun. I thought the conflict will become most obvious when such character of propriety and order fall for homosexual love. By the way the most charming character in the book was Geol-oh but I don’t think I’m cut out exactly for portraying such raw and rough male character (laugh). That’s how my Geol-oh is more sensitive and less in words compared to other characters. This combined with additional interpretation of actor Yoo Ah-in who happens to be a very sentimental actor, the Geol-oh in the drama became someone completely different from the original story. The reason I made Gu Yong-ha (Song Joong-ki) as a middle class man instead of a noble is because I wanted to show how SungKyunKwan embraces people of all class. That’s who Jalgeum foursome came to be, by bringing together a son of the ruling party Noron, a son of the opposition party Soron and son of a middle class and a woman.
[INTERVIEW] KBS drama "SungKyunKwan Scandal" writer Kim Tae-hee - Part 2
http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/n ... 2010110422340983865
问: 15集之后,你似乎因要加入多点剧情而影响了电视剧的流畅度。你最遗憾的是什么?
10: After episode 15, it seemed that you were trying to insert more stories into the drama and that caused some trouble to the flow of the drama. What do you regret the most?
金: 我还不知道是是否因为我加入了金滕之词,然后要急着要总结故事的后半部,或应该就好好处理(金滕之词) 并且延长故事 。 但是我担心收视率会下跌( 笑) 。 通常我的剧本都会比较长,所以被删剪的部分都是关于金藤之词的 。关于这点,不只现在会反省也会在将来的作品是记得。
Kim Tae-hee: I still don't know whether it was because I added “Geumdeungjisa” then rushed in having to wrap up the latter half of the story, or whether I should have just dealt with it probably and made the story longer. But I was worried that may lower the ratings for the show. (laugh). I tend to make my scripts long so most of the portions edited beforehand in the script was usually about Geumdeungjisa. It’s something I'll reflect upon now and in the future when I do the next project.
问: 但是,我觉得身为编剧,应该是有原因要加入金滕之词
10: But on the other hand, I believe there was a reason you included Geumdeungjisa episode in the drama, as a writer.
答: 女扮男装似乎没有足够的力度成为整个故事的中心。 我也担心在允熙的性别被揭发后,怎么维持故事的紧张度。 金滕之词是需要把原著变成戏剧的东西。比如,在书里面,红避书
Kim Tae-hee: A girl in disguise as a boy didn’t seem strong enough of an impact for the story. I was also worried with what else I should keep up the tension of the story after Yoo-hee's gender is revealed. And Geumdeungjisa was necessary in turning the original story into a drama. For example Hongbyeokseo (the red messenger) in the book tells a lot about problems in society but in doing the same thing in drama, it could be easily forgotten so I needed something to bring all the main characters together. Also, by linking it with King Jeongjo’s reform plan I thought I could make the story much richer.
问: 你的对白展现了那时代的优雅与尊严,也包括当时的哲学思想,让人留下印象。我觉得应该归功你之前写长篇史剧的经验
10: You made quite an impression with the dialogue that seem to exude class and dignity as well as the philosophy of those times. I think you can credit that to your past experience on working on long history dramas.
金: 我觉得被挑选为成均館緋聞的编剧的唯一原因因为我在史剧里呆太久了。 (笑)
在担任KBS"不灭的李舜臣"的助理编剧时,我就差点已经不行了。 但是之后我跟着尹编剧的风格后。就变得习惯了。
以前,我觉得 编写史剧就如在脚跟绑了沙包跑步。 但是那段时间给我很大帮助。终于。我明白了沉重的负担也能成为一双让我飞翔的翅膀
Kim Tae-hee: I think the only reason I was selected as a script writer for SungKyunKwan Scandal is because I had my nose stuck in history dramas for too long (laugh). I thought I’d never make it when I first took part in KBS drama “The Immortal Yi Sun-shin” as a supporting writer. But I think I got used to it after following the style of writer Yoon Sun-joo. Back then, I used to think that writing a history drama is like running with a sandbag tied to my ankles. But those times have helped me a lot. I’m finally understanding how the heavy burden can turn into a pair of wings to help me fly.
问: 在成均館緋聞里,不只是主要人物,全部出现过的人物,从左相到儒生金宇泰都有自己的逻辑思考,让他们也变得让人信服。你是如何创造人物"?
10: Not just the main characters but all the characters that appeared in SungKyunKwan, from the Parliament Minister Lee (Kim Gab-soo) to fellow student Kim Woo-tak (Jang Se-hyeon), had a logic of their own, making them more convincing. How do you create your characters?
金: 我会尝试去看到底那个人物的动力是什么> 然后对白就自然出现。 我的剧本里,每个人物都有对白。 在第15集里面,先俊对允熙说" 你是男人但是我却爱上你" 握会这么写是因为我觉得这是先俊会说的话。
Kim Tae-hee: I try to see what motivates the person and what comes to me naturally is their lines. In my synopsis, there was always a line added to each character. In episode 15, Sun-joon confesses to Yoon-hee “You’re a boy yet I’m in love with you.” I put it that way because I felt that’s how Sun-joon would have said.
问: 剧里,李先俊是改变最多的,似乎上了一堂人生之课。通过李先俊的性格,你想要展现什么?
10: Throughout the drama Lee Sun-joon changed the most, as if he was being given life lesson. What is it that you wanted to show through Lee’s trials?
答: 如永河对芙蓉花的劝告一样,你要接受世界不会绕着你转动,在任何状况下,人都必须学会接受事务。 我觉得这是对年轻人的一堂艰苦的人生课程。成熟就是学习并且接受那个道理,四位主要人物也是如是。 但是先俊的改变为何如此明显,是因为他对自己设下的人生观念曾是那么确定。
Kim Tae-hee: Just like Yong-ha’s advice to Booyeongha (Seo Hyo-rim) to accept that the world doesn’t always revolve around you, it is important for a person to accept things as it is regardless of the circumstances. I think that’s one of the hard lessons of life for young people. Maturity is a process of learning and accepting that fact and this applies to all four main characters. But how Sun-joon changes probably stood out more because he had been so sure of his view of the world he built for himself. |