发表于 2017-8-13 09:23
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2017-08-05 Steven 英语学习DayDayUp
Frequency: 3.82
a person who serves in a coffee bar
A Starbucks barista was fired after being lodged workplace complaints about sexual harassment.
TV show:
Appearing in all five seasons, Joe is a sarcastic Canadian who works as the barista at the coffee shop inside Ellen's bookstore.
Social Media:
That look you give your barista when you're trying to flirt. Is he not the cutest?
The first robotic barista in the US named "Gordon" was launched in early 2017, and it can serve up to 120 coffee drinks per hour. The new technologies could advance and bring better service, many retail works are quite concerned with their job, however, baristas are safe at least for the time being, since industry leaders like Starbucks has no plan for robotic barista.