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本帖最后由 奇思 于 2016-6-22 00:06 编辑
最近几天,微信上,足迹上,各个华人家长圈子里正在疯传一篇反对Safe Schools Coalition(SSC),尤其是针对性反对工党相关政见的文章。此文章声称SSC“教学生同性恋、多性恋内容,提倡男女混用厕所、男女换装秀、同性恋双性恋转性恋知识包括同性之间的性交方式”,实有证据不足,危言耸听之嫌疑。今天我希望简单直接的分析并解答这篇文章和众多华裔家长关于SSC的许多疑问。
1. 关于SSC的大纲
同样的,SSC也没有教授或鼓励学生进行“变换性别尝试”或是“束胸,栓阴茎”。其实,现有的澳洲教育大纲之内在Stage 5, 也就是9-10年级阶段就有教授如何带保险套,如何购买保险套,如何正确以及安全的探索性行为这样的课程。我自己的学校和我所知道的其他精英学校(女校)都有过老师带着学生一起练习如何给假阴茎戴套的经历。同时,我们也学习了多种避孕方式,和多种如果进行不安全性行为的话有可能染上的性传染病。这样的课堂经历让人记忆深刻,受益良多。CDC数据统计显示,与同性有性行为的人群染上性传染病的可能性比异性恋者要高。很多因素造成了这个结果,可能包括社会的压力与不理解,婚姻制度的不包容,也可能包括了教育系统的不健全。如果异性恋者有机会在一个安全的教室里学习如何安全的探索性,为什么要把非异性恋者的学生逼到并没有被教育部认证的网络上去了解如何进行性探索呢?为何不让这些可能已经对自己的人生不那么自信的学生们,从他们尊敬的老师们那里学到科学以及政府认可的知识?
Lesson 1: Establishing a Safe Space (第一课:建立一个安全的环境。第10页)
Lesson 2: Same Sex Attracted Experiences (第二课:体验同性恋。第10-11页)
Lesson 3: Bisexual experiences (第三课:体验双性恋。第11-12页)
Lesson 4: Transgender experiences (第四课:体验变性。第12-13页)
Lesson 5: Intersex Experiences (第五课:体验阴阳人。第13页)
Lesson 1: Establishing a Safe Space (第一课:建立一个安全的环境 第10页)
Lesson 2: Same Sex Attracted Experiences (第二课:理解同性恋者的体验 第10-11页)
Lesson 3: Bisexual experiences (第三课:理解双性恋者的体验 第11-12页)
Lesson 4: Transgender experiences (第四课:理解跨性别者的体验 第12-13页)
Lesson 5: Intersex Experiences (第五课:理解双性人的体验 第13页)
这些课程是帮助学生去理解LGBT+群体的人生体验,而不是去“体验”同性恋,更别提“体验”变性。这些大纲条目的含义是“LEARNING ABOUT same sex attracted experiences" 而不是 “SEEKING TO EXPERIENCE same sex attracted experiences"。譬如说”理解同性恋者的体验”那一课中,7-8年级的学生被指挥站成一排,想象自己是同性恋者或是异性恋者,老师会问他们一些问题。譬如说“你会不会带着你的伴侣去参加舞会?”,以此让异性恋的学生感受到社会对同性恋者的压迫,让他们能够在日常生活中不要歧视,尊重自己的伙伴们,无论他们是什么性别/性向。如果这样的,意图促进和谐的模拟练习都让家长觉得惶恐不安的话,恐怕我们现在正在排练的“麦克白”短剧里面的模拟杀人,模拟血腥,更值得家长去反对吧。
2. 关于Roz Ward和“同性恋阴谋论”
首先,Roz Ward是不是马克西主义者,是不是社会主义者,这些和SSC一点关系都没有。其次,Roz Ward个人是不是想要让大家都变成同性恋者,其实也不重要。SSC不是她一个人带起来的,多层审核也不可能都是她一家的。最重要的是,Roz Ward从来没有说过她希望所有人都变成同性恋者。没错,她相信淡化性别的意义,淡化“传统家庭观念”。这些是否值得支持都有待商榷,都可以被辩论。但SSC本身是一个培养学生共情心,试图阻止校园欺凌与暴力发生的课程。SSC课程里没有一个字鼓励原本不是LGBT+的学生“变成”LGBT+。SSC鼓励的是让觉得自己是LGBT+的学生能够在学校这样一个安全的地方,认可自己的性别/性向,认识到自己的性别/性向并不是自己的全部,并继续活出自己精彩的人生。
SSC想要做的是“encourage LGBT+ students to OWN their identity (让LGBT+的学生做到自我认同)",如果没有身边伙伴的理解,这条本就满布荆棘的道路该有多难走?对于对自我的性别/性向的确立有疑问的学生,SSC鼓励他们不要害怕,做自己。对于确立自己是顺性别异性恋者的学生,SSC鼓励他们认识到自己的性别/性向让自己的人生容易许多,让他们学会感恩,懂得帮助其他伙伴。
3. 关于性别/性向的形成
这个问题的答案随着科学的发展可能会逐渐更加清晰,但首先我想要确立。2016年的现在WHO, APA, 甚至中国卫生部都认定非异性恋性向不是心理疾病。至于性别/性向有没有可能是后天养成的辩论从来就没有停止过,目前学界还没有过大形的调查研究,于是也没有确定性的定论。但有一点可以确定。非顺性别异性恋的人类,孩子,确确实实的存在。他们可能还不知道“跨性别”(transgender)这个词的时候就对自己的性别产生了疑问,他们可能到了青春期情窦初开实发现异性的青睐一点都不能让他们兴奋。因为他们存在,所以他们需要帮助。
4. 关于青少年的观点与政见
Hey people!
I don't normally do this but today I'm just a bit too angry.
I'm a bit of a weird person and I like to do debates with Chinese parents in Chinese on this immigrant forum thing.
For the past few days, an absolutely horrendous article that has multiple factual inconsistencies, exaggerations and fear mongering tactics has been circling the Chinese Australian parent community on wechat and multiple Chinese language forums. It is an article about the Safe Schools Coalition that does not depict the program fairly at all, and strongly resembles anti-labour and homophobic propaganda. It translates the unit 'same-sex attracted experiences' as '体验同性恋', a phrase that resembles 'encouraging children to be homosexual', which is not what the SSC is about at all.
What is incredibly saddening is the fact that many Chinese parents are believing in the article without actually investigating the contents of the program, they are simply spewing hate and not forming educated opinions or making constructive criticism.
I urge you to talk to your parents if they use wechat or may have read this article, explain to them that the SSC is an anti-bullying program, and although it may not be perfect, it is definitely not some conspiracy theory that labour has drafter to 'turn the nation gay'.
I also would like you to post a few words of support as a comment to this post, I want to write a response to their irrational arguments on said forum and include some evidence (I will blur out names!) that we, as young people, do support inclusiveness. And although some of us may not support the program 100% as it is, we want our parents to not cave into these fear mongering articles.
Thank you!
These comments on the safe schools coalition are actually so inaccurate. This is my plea to people who make these comments: please consider the negative impacts you are creating for young people. Safe Schools is exactly what it's name says: promoting student welfare. Not this kind of nonsense. Please consider the people you are affection by making these statements. And please first try to understand the program before you jump to conclusions. Safe schools is here to make Australia, to make the world a better place and could you all please respect that.
mmm totally agree, I saw a similar thing about this in an english description of the program actually--> encouraging (homosexual) children to be homosexual. It's heavily taken out of context and phrased incorrectly in general
And tbh Chinese parents believe just about anything these days, social media (wechat) is a new thing for asian parents and the internet age of this cohort (regardless of their true age) is probably like 12. It'll take some time for them to get past all the clickbaits and trolls on the internet that we got past when we started using the internet.
It's a program to stand up for a group who are being bullied, being gay isn't an airborne disease you can catch by being accepting. Everyone has the capacity to support an anti discrimination policy without changing their sexuality, just like how programs against racial discrimination aren't encouraging us to become that race and act like them, only to understand that it's okay to be different
Safe Schools Coalition is a program designed to explain that a part of society is different to other parts and that that's ok! Acceptance of other peoples sexuality, which they can't choose, is NOT harmful, and the program is standing up for an oppressed group. Rather than 'encouraging children to be homosexual' or 'turning the nation gay', the program aims to reduce the bullying that LGBQ+ students receive and, like Alex said, everyone is fully capable of supporting an anti discrimination program regardless on your own stance of the issue. Even if you didn't support LGBT issues, and say, for example your child fell under the umbrella term, would you wish for them to be bullied because of their attraction or gender identity? This program aims to teach compassion and understanding, and hopefully through this we will see a drop in LGBT related bullying. When you don't support this program, effectively you are saying that bullying is acceptable, and ultimately we can agree that it is not. You don't need to identify under the umbrella term to support this program, you don't need to know someone under the umbrella term to support this program, you just need to understand that many children are bullied and abused because of how they identify, and when you choose to spew hate and spread homophobia, you are causing the bullying the continue happening, and the prevalence of mental health issues such as depression and suicide rates amongst LGBT communities will remain to be abnormally higher than the rest of society. Supporting this program is the same as supporting any program aiming to reduce racism: you don't have to become that race or act like that race, and you certainly aren't encouraged to do that, the program will aim to help people understand that you are different and that that's okay, and that's the same here. It will increase acceptance of the groups who are oppressed and are seen as inferior. To recap, this program teaches acceptance and understanding, and when you don't research the program yourself and only believe what you are being told in that it "encourages people to be gay" and believe that that is a horrible thing, then you are the reason this program exists in the first place.
As a young LGBT Chinese person and let me say this now, safe schools didn't teach me to be gay, if anything, it was my extremely conservative family. I'm not a disease, I'm a human with many aspirations just like you and safe schools has helped me so much and given me people to talk to and allowed me to have a safety net I don't have at home.If anything, teach your children to accept LGBTQIA+ people and go into anything with an open mind and allow your children to think in different ways and be educated about this topic.
*明天早上八点半SBS Radio 1正在行动栏目,我和其他两位华裔青年受邀探讨华裔青年对澳洲时政的看法,以及YMCA Youth Parliament青年议会今年的内容,希望有兴趣的家长能够在SBS Radio 1 收听:
收听频率:中波-悉尼1107AM,墨尔本1224AM。调频- 堪培拉105.5FM, 布里斯本93.3FM,阿德雷德106.3FM,达尔文100.9FM。
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