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关于日本去年全国启用的地震预警系统 [复制链接]

退役斑竹 愚人节奖章

发表于 2008-5-30 14:17 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 melbren 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 melbren 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


Earthquake Early Warning Starts Nationwide in Japan

By M. Hoshiba, O. Kamigaichi, M. Saito, S. Tsukada, and N. Hamada

EOS, Transaction, American Geophysical Union, Vol 89, pp 73-74

When an earthquake occurs, a certain amount of time elapses before destructive seismic energy hits nearby population centers. Though this time is measured on the order of seconds, depending on the proximity of the rupture to a given city or town, a new public safety program in Japan is taking advantage of the fact that seismic energy travels slower than electronic communication.

In this program, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) rapidly determines the hypocenter (earthquake epicenter and focal depth) and magnitude of the earthquake by using real-time data from stations near the hypocenter. The distribution of strong ground shaking is anticipated quickly, and then the information is delivered immediately to government officials, representatives from various industries, members of the news media, and individuals before strong ground shaking reaches them. For example, on receiving the warning, the control room of a railway company can send an emergency notice to all train drivers to stop their trains immediately, elevators in buildings can be triggered to stop at the nearest floor and open their doors automatically, and surgeons can temporarily suspend their surgical operations to avoid risk to patients on operating tables.

This innovative new service, called Earthquake Early Warning (EEW), started nationwide in Japan and became fully operational in October 2007. This service is definitely different from earthquake prediction. Although it is currently impossible to be aware of earthquakes before their occurrence (earthquake prediction), EEW operates with the assumption that it is possible to warn people located at a certain distance from the hypocenter before strong ground shaking reaches them.

Even though the interval between the delivery of EEWs and the time when strong shaking reaches people is relatively short (counted in seconds), EEWs can be a useful and powerful tool for mitigating an earthquake disaster by giving people enough time to take appropriate safety measures in advance of strong shaking.

Determining Hypocentral Parameters and Anticipating Seismic Intensity

Earthquakes occur when stressed rock moves through brittle rupture. Two types of seismic waves are radiated from the hypocenter: One is the P wave, which travels at about 7 kilometers per second, and the other is the S wave, which travels at about 4 kilometers per second.

EEW technology not only takes advantage of the relatively slow velocity of the seismic waves as compared with instantaneous electronic communication, but it also uses the difference in arrival time between P and S waves. The S wave is slower than the P wave, but the amplitude of the S wave is usually 3–10 times larger than that of the P wave. This generally means that stronger shaking is observed along the S wave.

The hypocenter and magnitude of an earthquake are determined as quickly as possible using only early parts of the P waves at a few stations close to the hypocenter. Using information about the hypocenter and magnitude, the arrival time of the S waves and seismic intensities (that is, intensity of strong ground shaking) at each place can be rapidly anticipated. If predicted seismic intensities surpass a certain threshold, a warning is disseminated and broadcast.

It is important to rapidly determine earthquake parameters so that EEWs can inform users about an earthquake before the arrival of the larger-amplitude S waves. The technique for quickly determining the hypocenter and magnitude is based on a combination of several methods developed by a joint research project between JMA and Japan’s Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI) [Odaka et al., 2003; Tsukada et al., 2004; Kamigaichi, 2004], and by Japan’s National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) [Horiuchi et al., 2005], all of which aim to determine, within a few seconds, the hypocentral parameters using records of a single or a few stations.

For this quick determination, JMA collects waveform data from more than 1000 stations not only of its own seismic observation network but also of NIED’s High Sensitivity Seismograph Network (Hi-net [see Okada et al., 2004]). This combination provides a spacing of approximately 20 kilometers between each seismic station throughout Japan, greatly aiding in the rapid determination of earthquake parameters. The anticipation of seismic intensity is based on the empirical methods of Si and Midorikawa [1999], Matsuoka and Midorikawa [1994], and Midorikawa et al. [1999], in which peak ground velocity at the surface is predicted at first using the hypocentral distance, focal depth, magnitude, and amplification of seismic wave amplitude at a given site estimated from geological conditions. From the peak ground velocity, the seismic intensity is empirically estimated. A step-by-step procedure is adopted to improve the accuracy of the estimation as available data increase with elapsed time. Accordingly, EEWs are issued repeatedly with improved reliability.

Dissemination and Broadcast of EEWs

After the estimations of seismic intensity are made, EEWs are disseminated automatically to EEW users. Information disseminated includes updated warnings and occasional cancellation reports. EEW users are divided into two categories: online limited users and other general users. Online limited users are organizations that obtain EEWs by computer communication technology to control automatically something related to their businesses. These users are assumed to understand adequately the characteristics and limitations of EEW technology. Online limited users include railway companies, elevator companies, and manufacturing industries. By contrast, general users comprise most individuals and organizations who receive the warnings and then decide how best to mitigate their risk.

For online limited users, an EEW describes information on the hypocentral parameters (latitude, longitude, focal depth, origin time, and magnitude), anticipated maximum seismic intensity, and earliest arrival time of S waves for districts where seismic intensity is predicted to be equal to 4 or greater on the JMA scale (http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/kishou/know/shindo/explane.html). Seismic intensity 4 on the JMA scale approximately corresponds to VI or VII on the modified Mercalli scale.

EEWs are disseminated to the limited users based on a specific pattern. At first, an initial warning is disseminated when the estimated earthquake magnitude exceeds a specific threshold. The threshold currently is 3.5. To avoid a false alarm, these estimations are performed after noise discrimination using the first 2 seconds of the waveform data.

Next, the warnings are updated if further calculations suggest different earthquake parameters. As of now, updates will be issued if new data differ from information in previous warnings by 0.2 degrees for latitude and longitude or 20 kilometers for the depth of the hypocenter. Updates will also be issued if estimations of the earthquake’s magnitude or estimations of seismic intensity are raised by 0.5 or lowered by 1.0.

Ultimately, a final warning is disseminated either when a certain time has passed after the first detection of the P wave, or when the estimated value of magnitude becomes stable.

For general users, EEWs include information on an epicenter location name, such as the name of the prefecture for inland earthquakes or the name of the sea area for offshore earthquakes, the origin time of the event, and the locations of districts with predicted seismic intensity equal to 4 or greater on the JMA scale.

EEWs will be delivered to general users through various methods such as television, radio, e-mail via cellular telephone, and Internet. Using the Internet, a Japanese electronics company even developed a tissue-boxsized EEW device that sounds an alarm, indicates the anticipated intensity, and counts down the seconds to the S wave arrival. The method of issuing warnings to general users is based on a pattern similar to that used for limited users.

First warnings are disseminated when the seismic signals are detected at two or more stations and the anticipated maximum seismic intensity is equal to or exceeds “5Lower” (seismic intensity “5Lower” on the JMA scale approximately corresponds to VII–VIII on the modified Mercalli scale).

Warnings are updated when the seismic intensity is anticipated to be equal to 5Lower or greater at districts where the intensity was less than 4 in the first warning. In the updated warnings, the newly added districts are described.

A cancel report is disseminated to all users in the case of false alarm. For example, it is automatically disseminated to the online limited users when there is no P wave detection at stations other than the first station, indicating that the detection of a P wave at the first station is false.

This information dissemination system was tested for 29 months between February 2004 and June 2006. During that time, thresholds of magnitude and seismic intensity were tentatively 3.5 and 3, respectively, for issuing the first warning. In total, EEWs were issued 855 times, including 26 false alarms due to mechanical troubles, lightning strikes, and human error. All of the false alarms occurred when estimations of seismic parameters were made using only a single station.

Application of EEWs

EEWs are useful and powerful tools for reducing the risk of a major disaster in the event of an earthquake, by making people aware that strong ground shaking will soon occur. EEWs are expected to be effective for online control of traffic and lifeline systems, and for emergency action.

In addition to triggering trains to slow down, elevators to stop, or hospitals to suspend surgical operations, other examples of the application of EEW include transferring important data from computers to disks immediately and shutting down electronics automatically. Further, people receiving general EEWs can choose to take emergency precautions (for example, taking shelter under a desk, or keeping away from glass windows) at homes, schools, offices, halls, and shopping malls.

In addition, this technique can be directly applied at JMA to quicken the dissemination of tsunami warnings, potentially allowing such warnings to be issued within 2 minutes of an offshore earthquake.

Technical Limits of EEWs

Though EEWs are expected to be a powerful tool for mitigating earthquake disasters, the system has several technical limitations.

For inland shallow earthquakes, EEWs are too slow for places near the epicenter, where the S wave arrives less than a few seconds after the occurrence of the earthquake. For earthquakes of more than a magnitude of 7, rupture usually continues for more than 10 seconds, with a first warning possibly being disseminated in the middle of the rupture. In the case of such large earthquakes, the estimation of magnitude and seismic intensity may be underestimated in some cases.

Additionally, when more than two earthquakes occur repeatedly at short intervals, it is difficult to separate them automatically. The estimation of the hypocenter and magnitude is not processed appropriately, so the error in the anticipation of seismic intensity becomes large.

Case Study: A 7.2 Earthquake off Miyagi Prefecture

During the testing period, an M = 7.2 earthquake occurred off the coast of Miyagi prefecture, Japan, on 16 August 2005. The first warning was disseminated 4.5 seconds after the first detection of the P wave at the closest seismic station. The dissemination was earlier by 16 seconds than the arrival of the larger-amplitude S wave at the city of Sendai where seismic intensity of “5Upper” was observed (Figure 1). EEW users were aware of the strong shaking in advance of it reaching the city.

For the limited online users, EEW delivery service was started in August 2006; general users were able to receive warnings beginning in October 2007. Because EEW is a new and innovative service, JMA is making an effort to familiarize general users with it to avoid confusion caused by poor understanding. Though EEWs to general users have not been issued as of 25 November 2007, the effects of EEW on damage reduction will be evaluated in the near future.


The authors thank S. Horiuchi, K. Abe, O. Hiroi, and M. Kikuchi for their comments and contributions and the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention for providing the waveform data to JMA’s EEW project. The work is supported by a joint research effort between JMA and RTRI, and also the project entitled “Research Project for the Practical Use of Real-Time Earthquake Information Networks” sponsored by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.


Horiuchi, S., H. Negishi, K. Abe, A. Kaminuma, and Y. Fujinawa (2005), An automatic processing system for broadcasting earthquake alarms,
Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 95, 708–718.
Kamigaichi, O. (2004), JMA Earthquake Early Warning, J. Jpn. Assoc. Earthquake Eng., 4, 134–137.
Matsuoka, M., and S. Midorikawa (1994), The digital national land information and seismic microzoning (in Japanese), in Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium of Earthquake Ground Motion, pp. 23–24, Archit. Inst. of Jpn., Tokyo.
Midorikawa, S., K. Fujimoto, and I. Muramatsu (1999), Correlation of new J.M.A. instrumental seismic intensity with former J.M.A. seismic intensity and ground motion parameters (in Japanese), J. Inst. Social Safety Sci., 1, 51–56.
Odaka, T., K. Ashiya, S. Tsukada, S. Sato, K. Ohtake, and D. Nozaka (2003), A new method of quickly estimating epicentral distance and magnitude from a single seismic record, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 93, 526–532.
Okada, Y., K. Kasahara, S. Hori, K. Obara, S. Sekiguchi, H. Fujiwara, and A. Yamamoto (2004), Recent progress of seismic observation networks in Japan: Hi-net, F-net, K-NET and KiK-net, Earth Planets Space, 56, xv–xxviii.
Si, H., and S. Midorikawa (1999), Attenuation relationships of peak ground acceleration and velocity considering effects of fault type and site condition (in Japanese), J. Struct. Constr. Eng., Trans. Archit. Inst. Jpn., 523, 63–70.
Tsukada, S., S. Odaka, K. Ashiya, K. Ohtake, and D. Nozaka (2004), Analysis of the envelope waveform of the initial part of P waves and its application to quickly estimating the epicentral distance and magnitude (in Japanese), J. Seismol. Soc. Jpn., 56, 351–361.

Author Information
Mitsuyuki Hoshiba, Osamu Kamigaichi, Makoto Saito, Shin’ya Tsukada, and Nobuo Hamada, Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo; E-mail: mhoshiba@met.kishou.go.jp

退役斑竹 愚人节奖章

发表于 2008-5-30 14:18 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 melbren 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 melbren 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整












日本气象厅地震与海啸观测部副主任Akihiko Wakayama说,该机构收到了很多政府官员和民众的投诉,他说:“大家都说这套系统毫无帮助,但是关于这套系统的局限性我们一直说得再明白不过了。”

Wakayama说,这套系统对更大的地震会更有效一些,这样可以及时停运火车和电梯,避免灾难发生。他说:“较小的地震的数据更不明朗,而大地震会产生更多数据。震级越大,我们越能更快地发出警报。”中小型地震要远远多于毁灭性的大地震,这对日本民众来说是件好事,对那些希望证明该警报系统价值的人来说却不是。(科学网 何姣/编译)

退役斑竹 愚人节奖章

发表于 2008-5-30 14:31 |显示全部楼层
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简评两句:日本这套花大价钱建立的地震预警系统利用的原理是主要是利用地震发生时S波和P波的时间差,当检测到地震后,立刻传送到地震预警中心,而达到提前通知重要的相关部门,如运输(火车)控制部门等。这套系统对日本这个岛国,地震主要发生在海沟里,地震波是主要祸首的,可能有用,但对中国这种陆地大国,地震主要为 inland shallow earthquakes应该不适用。


[ 本帖最后由 melbren 于 2008-5-30 14:02 编辑 ]

发表于 2008-5-30 14:54 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-30 14:56 |显示全部楼层
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退役斑竹 愚人节奖章

发表于 2008-5-30 14:59 |显示全部楼层
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财经杂志:建立地震预警系统,比追求准确的地震预报更为现实和有效 标签: 地震预报  财经杂志:地震预报云翳 作者:戴维  [2006-10-02 00:00:00 ]  



  在国际地震学界,部分学者对地震的准确预报充满悲观情绪。1996年11月,英国皇家天文学会地球物理联合会在伦敦召开“地震预报体制评估研讨会”。会后,三位著名的科学家盖勒(GELLER)、杰克森(JAKSON)、卡甘(KAGAN)联名在美国《科学》 杂志上发表论文,标题就“让人沮丧”——“地震不能预测”。他们认为,在对地震预测进行了近30年的苦心研究以及对各国地震预测考察后,结论是:目前还不可能在几小时、几天或几周前预测出地震,只能做到中长期预测。
  或许正因认识到地震预报的艰巨性和不确定性,迄今为止,全世界大概只有中国把地震预报作为政府的常规职责。其它国家则更多地诉诸类似地震预警系统(EEW,earthquake early warning system),来应对地震的威胁。
  地震预警系统的工作原理,主要是利用地震发生时S波和P波的时间差。地震时从震源发出的地震波分为S波(横波,shear waves)和P波(纵波,primary waves)。前者传播速度较慢,每秒4公里;后者传播速度较快,每秒7公里。真正具有毁灭性、摧毁建筑物的是S波。因此,如果我们能准确探测到先到达的P波,并据此迅速计算出地震的最终强度,那么地震预警系统就可以迅速关闭煤气管道、向居民发布疏散警告等等,以减少地震损失。
  预警时间的长短,依地震发生地点至预警地区的距离远近而定。地震发生地点愈靠近预警地区,则预警时间愈短。根据近年来对旧金山地震的研究,加州大学伯克利分校地学系助理教授理查德艾伦(Richard Allen)对《财经》记者指出:“预警系统在大地震到来之前提前发出预报的时间,完全可以超过20秒。”
  “在加州,我们有着全美最完备的地震监测台网。预警系统将嵌入台网中实地检测,让我们了解预警系统的实际益处和局限。”美国地质调查局地震学家戴维沃德(David Wald)告诉《财经》记者。如果新型地震预警系统检测合格,美国将投入数年时间和数千万美元,用于升级地震检测网络以及建立完整的国内地震预警体系。
  “地震预警系统确实能够有效地减轻地震灾害,但‘误报’是这项技术的主要挑战之一。” 沃德说。




发表于 2008-5-30 15:05 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-30 15:09 |显示全部楼层
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退役斑竹 愚人节奖章

发表于 2008-5-30 15:26 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 melbren 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 melbren 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 一炷香 于 2008-5-30 14:05 发表

前两天看了凤凰卫视的关于唐山警示录的片子。里面有两个当时的地震专家一致认为中国的地震预报水平从76年之后不进反退。当初唐山地震发生前,有不少民间监测点成功地预报出了那场灾难。他们的 ...

不过,这里是有大环境的。70年代,中国仍然是计划经济,老百姓是完全可以充分调动的,这样,群防群测可以实现的。当时的情况,大家也没啥事可干,除了和人斗外,当然就是和天和地斗(战天斗地),况且,那段时间是地震多发期。 现在不同了,商品经济条件下,这种群防群测需要大量的人力物力和财力,很难再向以前那样了。加之,地震消停了几十年,搞地震的,由于饭碗问题、科研经费问题,不进反退是可以预料的。


发表于 2008-5-30 16:03 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-30 16:56 |显示全部楼层
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