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[澳洲资讯] 澳洲媒体也盯上了“右二哥哥” [复制链接]

发表于 2008-5-7 16:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 中文普通话 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 中文普通话 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
刚刚看到一篇墨尔本最大英文报纸《The Age》上的一篇报道,翻译过来大家看看,中国的八卦也就是世界的八卦哦。

They're hot to trot for the keeper of the flame


Stephen Hutcheon

May 7, 2008 12:16PM

They were demonised in the West as paramilitary goons and thugs, but in China the tracksuit-clad security guards who accompanied the Olympic torch on its rounds are seen as heroes - none more so than the one dubbed "second right brother" by legions of adoring online fans.

The statuesque, baby-faced flame attendant has been flanking torch bearers as the Olympic torch relay zigzagged its way around the world and in and out of demonstrations.

The moniker "second right brother" was given because he was usually seen stationed to the right of the torch carrier, jogging behind another member of the security detail officially known as the Beijing Olympic Games Sacred Flame Protection Unit.

Second right brother quickly became the subject of titillating discussions on forums and chat rooms where China's female "netizens", gushed about his "sexy mouth", muscularity and pretty boy good looks. And photos, videos and complements were plastered over the internet. Some have even gone as far as professing their love and proposing marriage.

One excited netizen alluded to herself as a rabbit and the torch-minding attendant as a carrot. "Marry rabbit who will have carrots to eat !!!" reads the post ."He is mine!"

While many of China's homespun heroes are the creation of the Government's propaganda machine, second right brother's celebrity appears to be entirely organic.

That's why, despite the attention and adulation, his real name remains a well-kept secret. Notes posted by forum administrators on some chat rooms have warned users not to publish personal details about the torch attendant and to avoid tawdry or licentious comments as they could reflect poorly on the flame attendants and "harm the image of China".

Second right brother and his fellow torch attendants are a detachment of personnel from China's People's Armed Police (PAP).

Formed a year ago, flame protection unit recruits were required to be between 1.78 and 1.85 metres in height.

As part of their rigorous training they studied the culture of countries the torch relay passed through during its 20-nation world tour.

According to one report in a Chinese newspaper this included learning phrases in six languages such as "Please maintain your distance from the torch" and "Please do not crowd around the flame in case you are burnt."

Their long days on the road meant that they frequently missed meals and, in some cases, had to resort to using water bottles to relieve themselves while in transit.

The Wall Street Journal reported last month that the PAP's duties include protecting diplomatic missions and internal security. In March, units of the PAP were reportedly deployed against rioters in Tibet during the unrest.

The newspaper quoted Chines media reports saying that the unit comprised 30 men for the overseas mission and another 40 for the domestic leg of the torch relay which began at the weekend.

In their zeal to protect the torch during a rough and tumble transit through London last month, they apparently manhandled Lord Sebastian Coe, the chairman of London's Olympic organising committee.

"They are horrible," he later complained. "They did not speak English ... I think they were thugs."

During the Canberra leg of the torch relay, members of the flame protection unit were banned from providing close-quarters protection for the flame.

The Olympic flame attendant known by Chinese netizens as "second right brother" during the Hong kong leg of the torch relay.
Photo: AFP


[ 本帖最后由 中文普通话 于 2008-5-7 21:27 编辑 ]

2007 年度奖章获得者

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