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堪培拉火炬传递: 官方日程安排 [复制链接]

发表于 2008-4-21 15:32 |显示全部楼层
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Beijing Olympic Torch Relay full-day program

Community Breakfast and Olympic Torch Lighting Ceremony Program
6.10-8.45am, Reconciliation Place
Time        Activity                                    
6.10am        Pre-dawn fireworks display above Lake Burley Griffin.
6.25am        Hot air balloon inflation & ANU Percussion Ensemble with international guest artists.
6.30-8:30am        Free community breakfast.
6.50am        Hot air balloon lift-off and the Spectrum Swing Band.
7-8.30am        Torchbearer autograph signing.
7.20am        Second launch of hot air balloons.
7.30am        Performance by Descendance Indigenous Dance Theatre with ANU Percussion Ensemble.
7.40am        Performance by Shaanxi Provincial Folk Arts Theatre (Drumming & Dance Troupe).
8am        Performance by the Samsung Community Choir.
8.17am         Ngunnawal welcome, including smoking ceremony.
8.30am         _Official program commences, including the Australian national anthem sung by Lee Kernaghan and the lighting of the first Australian torch.
8.35am        Welcoming speeches.
8.44am        _Tania Major receives the torch before running the opening leg of the torch relay.

Relay route vantage points
Time        Location   
8.30am        Reconciliation Place (near Questacon)
9.20am        Parliament House
9.50am        Australian War Memorial and Anzac Parade
11.05am        Northbourne Avenue, Civic
11.40am        Stage 88, Commonwealth Park

Farewell Concert Program
10.30-2.15pm, Stage 88, Commonwealth Park
Time        Activity
10.30am        Local community performances and displays.
11.30am        Samsung Community Choir performing Australian Medley.
11.40am        Fanfare arrival for final torchbearer, Ian Thorpe.
11.45am        Commencement of official program, including:
•        Arrival of the last torchbearer Ian Thorpe, who will be lighting the cauldron.
•        Interview of final torchbearer by MC.
•        MC opening and introduction of VIPs.
•        Australian Anthem performed by Jonathon Welch.
•        Chinese National Anthem performed by Liu Jinping.

•        Speeches from local and international dignitaries.
•        Presentation of gift torches by BOCOG.
•        BOCOG relay video presentation.
•        Chinese drum and dance performance.
12.35pm        Extinguishing of the cauldron, while the Samsung Community Concert performs.
12.45pm        Performance by Brian Cadd and Russell Morris.
1.25pm        Performance by Shannon Noll.
2.05pm         Finale performance with Brian Cadd, Russell Morris and Shannon Noll sharing the stage.
2.15pm        Finish.

1. Pls pay more attention to the parts highlighted in RED color.
2. I'll get it updated asap when any change happens. Details can also be found at the offical link(PDF file)http://www.events.act.gov.au)

注意:不一定要赶6:10am, 8:30am开始点火。 我们只要赶上8:30am就行了

[ 本帖最后由 sinosydneysider 于 2008-4-21 20:57 编辑 ]


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