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Apprenticeship and Traineeship Training Program
Apprenticeship Details
Apprenticeship ID 5181
Apprenticeship Name Electrotechnology - Electrician Certificate III
Calling Electrotechnology - Electrician
Qualification Name Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
Qualification National Code UEE30811
Qualification Level AQF - Certificate III
Term of training 48 Months nominal term
Available for school students part-time Yes
Commissioner's Information Bulletins
A full explanation of the Vocational Training Order is contained within the Commissioner's Information Bulletin(s). To view the competency standards and structure for the qualification please refer to the following Commissioner's Information Bulletin(s):
Industrial Arrangements
Employers should check their industrial
respondency with the relevant industrial association.
Industrial arrangements for apprentices in the Utilities and ElectroTechnology industry are in place through these Awards and Agreements.
Pricing Details
Price paid to training organisation in contract with NSW DEC for the delivery of the full qualification
$9,241 (including part-time school based apprentice)
Registered Training Organisation(s)
RTO List. These organisations are in contract with NSW DEC for payment for delivery of this qualification to NSW Apprentices.
RTO List. These organisations are in contract with NSW DEC for payment for delivery to Part-time School Based Apprentices.
Tafe NSW is one of the providers of this apprenticeship in New South Wales.
Replaces Formerly known as Electrical (Electrician) - Electrotechnology Electrician Certificate III
3680 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician (UEE30807)
我是这样打算的,4年学徒时间,还是PARTTIME 慢慢累积比较好,有份正职保证收入可以养家。学徒之余去TAFE读电工课程Electrotechnology - Electrician Certificate III
我现在是TR,8月份转PR,怎么开始比较划算? |