


· 2011.7一家三口欧洲游-巴黎,巴塞罗那,日内瓦,米兰,威尼斯,佛罗伦萨,罗马-内有大量精美图片.全文完 (2011-7-27) Henrychen · 给孩子做的一个小房子(爷爷和爸爸合力打造)(45楼--平安夜 哥俩小房子里- - -) (2010-11-27) coleclark999
· 参加活动 -- 鱼和熊掌,可以兼得 (2014-5-6) daniello · 上海 --- 扫街 (2012-1-17) JerryWu
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旅游 [复制链接]

发表于 2005-7-14 18:26 |显示全部楼层
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[ Last edited by horseanddragon on 2005-7-14 at 07:59 PM ]


发表于 2005-7-14 20:00 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-7-14 21:26 |显示全部楼层
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Travel Agents Must be Licensed


If you intend operating a travel agency business of a type stipulated in the legislation as an individual you will need to hold a licence and collectively meet the licensing requirements.


If you intend operating a travel agency business of a type stipulated in the legislation in partnership, each of the partners needs to hold a licence and meet the licence requirements.

The Act requires a licensed travel agent carrying on business to ensure the place of business is managed and supervised by a suitably qualified person. This person must be nominated on the licence application.


If you intend operating the business through a company (body corporate), the company must apply for a licence.

The Act requires a licensed travel agent carrying on business to ensure the place of business is managed and supervised by a suitably qualified person. This person must be nominated on the licence application.


To manage the business of a travel agent, certain qualifications and/or experience are required. There are four categories of travel business, each one having a different level of qualification and/or experience.

Category 1 - International and domestic travel including air travel

five years experience in a category 1 travel business; or
two years experience in a category 1 travel business and completion of an approved training course
A travel agent holding a category 1 licence can also sell travel included in categories 2, 3 and 4.
Category 2 - International and domestic travel and accommodation (excluding air)

two years experience in a category 1 or category 2 travel business; or
completion of an approved training course.
Category 3 - Domestic travel including air

one years experience in either a category 1, 2 or 3 travel business; or
completion of an approved training course.
Category 4 - Any other travel and/or accommodation that does not fall under categories 1, 2 or 3

no qualifications or experience.

Approved Training Courses

The following are approved training courses conducted by colleges of Technical and Further Education Australia wide.

South Australia
Associate Diploma in Tourism Certificate in Travel Operations

Certificate of Business Studies (Travel and Tourism)

Western Australia
Certificate in Travel Operations

New South Wales
Travel and Tourism Associate Diploma

Associate Diploma in Travel and Tourism
course 8 - 731 (formerly known as the Diploma in Travel and Tourism course 8 -785)

Associate Diploma in Business - Travel and Tourism


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