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unregistered vehicle保险公司不保。而且有个问题是你做完blue slip是回家,不是去RTA之类的地方(如果你在新洲)新洲规定如果做完blueslip去注册或者去验车,是可以上路的,看你怎么解释了。但是保险公司那边,如果让他们查到你没注册,估计要被拒赔的
When you can drive unregistered:
Unregistered light vehicles can be driven in NSW for the purpose of obtaining registration by the most direct or convenient route:
To the nearest convenient motor registry.
To the nearest convenient vehicle inspection station or authorised safety check station to determine whether the vehicle complies with the applicable vehicle standards.
In the course of inspecting or testing the vehicle to determine if it complies with the applicable vehicle standards.
To the nearest practicable weighbridge to determine the weight of the vehicle.
From a motor registry or safety check station where the registration of the vehicle has been refused, to the nearest convenient place where necessary repairs can be made or where the vehicle can be garaged, unless a direction has been issued that the vehicle must not be driven before the necessary repairs have been made.
From an authorised safety check station to the nearest convenient place where necessary repairs or adjustments can be made or where the vehicle can be garaged.
To the nearest convenient office of a licensed insurer for the purpose of obtaining Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance.
To the nearest convenient location for any other purpose directly associated with the registration process.
If you are caught driving an unregistered vehicle on any other route, you may be fined and police may remove the vehicle's number plates on the spot or they may seize the vehicle. |