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又要开始退税了,原想直接找个个人税务办了拉倒,可感觉如果啥都不懂心里总不踏实,想想留学移民都能DIY,而且有tz也说了对于非business的个人税务自己e-tax一下更好用,所以下决心上网研究先,当然先好好拜读了足迹tz的退税帖子真是受益匪浅,看来对于广大朝九晚五的tz们来说也只有好好发挥Other work related expenses的作用了,不过发现大家对Home office一项没什么深入讨论,这里提出来让有专业经验的tz来分析分析。
ATO的解释是You can claim a tax deduction for home office expenses as part of your business or employment related expenses for the year ended,就是肯定Home office不光可用于把家作为个人生意办公的,也对上班族的work related expenses适用了,请高人指点是否属实。
然后ATO给出了两种方式You may be able to use an hourly rate instead of the actual expense.
You will need the following to use the actual expense method:
electricity, gas and other power and heating accounts, and
receipts for furniture used for work purposes–that is, desk, chair, bookcase and cabinets.
Regardless of which method you use, you will need receipts for:
home office equipment used for work purposes
repairs relating specifically to the home office or furniture and equipment used for work purposes
cleaning expenses of home office, and
any other day-to-day running expenses for the home office.
You will also need an idea of the hours of usage based on some records (for example, a diary, a pattern of usage etc). If you work from home, you may be eligible to claim occupancy expenses.
(上班族们就不能claim occupancy expenses了)
方法1:ATO提供了一个极其简单的hourly rate方法(每小时26 cents:o)
You can use a fixed rate to claim your decline in value of home office furniture and costs for heating, cooling and lighting.
To be eligible for this easy method, the area used as a home office must not be used for other purposes at the same time (for example, by other family members to watch television ). The fixed rate allows you to claim the above expenses at the rate of 26 cents for each hour that you are in your home office and are using it exclusively for work-related purposes. Alternatively, you will need to retain power bills, calculate the usage of individual appliances, and calculate the decline in value of your home office furniture.
(A)对于小时数的规定:Based on your diary or pattern of use records, how many hours during the income year did you operate the home office for income producing purposes. The number of hours entered should be the number of hours of substantial income producing use. If the office is used by others at the same time, those hours do not qualify. Also, hours when the office is only used by machines (for example a fax machine) do not qualify. 规定得那么细 。
(B)其他的可同时扣减项目:A deduction can be claimed for the running expenses of a home office if part or all of the income producing activities are carried on at home. Cleaning,Depreciation - other than furniture,Leasing costs,Repairs to office furniture and equipment,Other home office running expenses.
Total home office expenses = 0.26A + B
方法2:actual expense method比较复杂,大家可以用ATO的Home office expenses calculator试试:
Home office expenses calculator
(RESOURCES FROM: http://www.ato.gov.au)
-在(B)其他的可同时扣减项目的定义(比如Leasing costs是指房租吗),怎么计算(按比例推算)?

[ 本帖最后由 jaywang714 于 2007-7-26 15:27 编辑 ] |