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[信息讨论] 投资者将重新考虑 铀的前景 [复制链接]

发表于 2011-3-15 21:09 |显示全部楼层
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Investors reconsider outlook for uranium
By Javier Blas, Commodities Editor

Published: March 15 2011 08:49 | Last updated: March 15 2011 08:49

The cost of uranium is a barometer of the popularity of the nuclear power industry. And as the esteem in atomic energy now plunges, so it is the price of the commodity.

In 2007-08, as oil prices soared towards an all-time high, the nuclear industry saw a renaissance that lifted the price of uranium to a record of $136 a pound.

Uranium prices fell sharply afterwards on the back of fresh supplies and the drop in oil prices during the global financial crisis. But even so, prices were at historically high levels. The most commonly traded form of uranium rose last month to a 35-month high of $73 a pound, sharply higher than the $20 of the early 2000s.
在全球经济危机的期间,在新的供应 和油价回落的背景下,铀的价格跌得很厉害。但即便如此,价格还是处于历史上较高的水平。交易中最常见的铀的种类,在上个月升到35个月以来新高,73美元一磅,远高于2000年初的20美元。

But as the popularity of the nuclear industry comes into question following Japan’s atomic crisis, prices have moved sharply lower. In the thinly traded spot market, uranium plunged on Monday by 10 per cent to $61.49 a pound, according to MF Global, a broker. Some analysts see prices falling a further 20 per cent in the next few weeks and months, dragging down miners such as Cameco of Canada – whose shares fell 12.7 per cent in Toronto on Monday – and Areva of France – down 9.6 per cent in Paris. Shares in Uranium One, Canada’s second-largest producer, tumbled almost 28 per cent on Monday. Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, two of the world’s largest miners by market capitalisation, are also big uranium producers.
但是随着日本原子危机,原子能行业的欢迎程度受到质疑。据交易代理商MF Global称,在交易惨淡的即期市场,铀的价格在周一狂泻10%,跌到61.49美元一磅。一些分析师预测在未来几周或几月中,价格会继续下跌20%,会拖累采矿公司,比如加拿大的Cameco,周一的时候该公司的股票在多伦多下跌12.7%。法国的Areva在巴黎的股票也下跌9.6%。加拿大第二大生产商Uranium One的股票在周一狂泻几乎28%。Rio Tinto 和BHP Billiton,按市值为世界上最大的两个采矿公司,也是很大的产铀的公司。

Is the drop justified? For sure, demand is going to be lower this year and potentially next year. Japan accounts for almost 10 per cent of global uranium consumption and a fifth of the country’s nuclear power plants are down. Some of the reactors are unlikely to restart after suffering significant damage. Worse, Tokyo is likely to order stoppages at unaffected plants this year for security checks, further reducing consumption.

More broadly, blanket coverage of the nuclear crisis in the west is set to catalyse public opposition against the extension of the life of old plants – some of them about 40 years old – and the building of new reactors. The rosy forecasts of dozens of new reactors in Europe in the next two decades are unlikely to come to fruition. Popular opposition does not derail the plans for new reactors, but construction is likely to be delayed, in some cases significantly, as policymakers demand more safety.

The key for the price of uranium is not in Europe or the US, however. As in many other commodities markets, developing countries such as China will be far more important. Beijing plans to construct as many as 187 reactors to add to its exisiting 13, according to the World Nuclear Association. CRU, a leading commodities consultancy, said in a comprehensive report published before the Japanese earthquake that Chinese demand for uranium would quadruple in the next decade. By 2030, China will surpass the US as the world’s largest consumer. Traditionally, uranium demand has been concentrated in the US, France and Japan.

Jerry Grandey, Cameco chief executive, tried to convey that sentiment on a hastily arranged conference call late on Monday as the share price of his company plunged. “Some people have questioned whether the nuclear renaissance will survive this natural disaster,” he said. “Growth in nuclear capacity in China, India, Korea and elsewhere ... adds tremendous momentum and we expect it will continue.”

Cameo首席执行官Jerry Grandey,随着其公司股价的跳水,试图在周一晚间仓促举行的记者招待会上,传递这样一种调调,他说:“有些人已经质疑原子能的复苏能否挺过自然灾害。中国,印度以及其他地方的核能的增长,添加了巨大的动力,我们预计会持续下去。”

He may be right over the long term, but in the short term, investors are likely to vote with their feet and continue selling uranium – and the miners that produce it。


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