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国民应否分担昆省水灾重建工作的责任 [复制链接]

发表于 2011-1-31 11:47 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 封尔侯 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 封尔侯 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

昆省水灾暂时画上休止符,当地居民正忙于灾后重建家园的工作。联邦政府与及省政府纷纷推出多个临时紧急救济灾民的措施,让灾民暂时熬过难关。联邦政府透过 Centrelink向灾民支付的临时应急福利金,以千万元单位计算。目前的工作重点在于灾后清理工作,而下一个工作目标就是重建家园。到现时为止,灾情 有多严重,所带来的经济损失有多少,还在计算当中。其中包括水灾对基建设施,厂房与及平房的破坏,其次是农户失收的经济损失,生产能力下降带来的经济损失 等等。要一一厘清的话,将会是一个天文数字。联邦政府已经宣布今次昆省的水灾为澳洲开国以来最严重一次的水灾,比1974台风翠斯袭击昆省,与及2009 年维省山林大火带来的经济损失,严重得多。经济学家初步估计全部经济损失约为280亿元。从中可以窥见今次灾情的严重性。但其实这笔数,还未计算水灾对纽 省与及目前维省所带来的后续性水灾。就以维省而言,维省北部三份一面积受到洪水打击,尽管其经济损失程度,未及昆省的严重。但水浸面积约为90公里 长,40公里阔,为整体香港面积的两倍。至于昆省的受灾面积,就比法国加德国还要多得多。其严重程度可以了解。


面对灾情的严重性,总理吉拉德上星期就发出两个讯息。第一,联邦政府开始改变口风,锐意将财政预算转亏为盈的理财策略并无改变,但将会变得十分艰难;第 二,基于灾情的严重性和广泛性,联邦政府并不排除可能向国民征收一个一次过的临时征税,作为重建昆省与及其他受灾地区的基建工程之用。这一个建议推出后, 立即受到来自联邦反对党党魁艾博德的联盟党群起而攻之。艾博德指责联邦政府的紧急救灾征税建议,为一个「新的庞大征税Great Big New Tax」。艾氏进而连消带打,重新指责工党政府挥霍无度,浪费公币,继而提出政府应该可以完全支付重建工程的所有成本。方法有二。一,叫停兴建全国户联网 络基建工程,拨出公币;二,大幅削减公营部门开支。此外,联邦反对党财政事务发言人祖贺奇就指责政府在当前,灾后预期会带来可能严峻的通货膨胀局面,向国 民提出征收临时征税建议,为一个荒谬的做法。

联邦反对党提出的论点,并不令人感到惊讶。反对党指政府挥霍无度,浪费公币,是旧调重弹,指联邦政府在2009年面对百年不遇的国际金融海啸时,提出的刺 激经济方案,为一个浪费公币的做法。但艾博德以上的言论, 显示他并无理会,或完全不理会,或选择性不理会随后陆续发表的多个独立经济研究报告显示救市措施,势在必行,对支撑澳洲的经济,效果不容置疑。而其经济代 价,就是要背负400亿元国债。而400亿元国债占澳洲国民生产总值最高高峰时约百分之4。跟德国,欧联盟的一哥,国债比重占国民生产总值百分之76,不 可同日而语。况且,从联邦财政部公开的数据显示,政府开支每年增长只有百分之2。并无挥霍的情况出现。艾氏的批评还需事实的左证,才可以加以批评。

吉拉德原先预计,在风调雨顺的情况下,2013年应该可以转亏为盈,但却遇上世纪未见的巨大洪灾,打破了政府的如意算盘。为此建议推出一次过的临时征税措 施,资助政府的重建昆省工程之用。其实这事,带出两个问题。第一,赤字预算是否理财不善的必然后果;第二,征收临时一次过的征税,为重建昆省国民家园之 用,应该如何定位?

赤字预算固然不好,但负债本身却是一个中性的理财行为。最紧要是为何负债,去旅行,消费,又或过于优厚的福利条件,导致政府入不敷支,都不是负责任的理财 行为。但用以支撑因为金融海啸所至的风雨飘摇经济,就是有为而不可不为。非常时期,政府要使出非常手段,背负国债非为己利,实为国家存亡之需,何耻之有? 艾氏努力为民请命,力保国民的口袋血汗钱,固属可嘉,但结果是经济全面崩溃,百业萧条。究竟口袋内的钱囊可以应付多少时日金融海啸冲击?此外负债可以作投 资发展之用,只要负债占收入比重不高,即大家可以如期还款,实为善用理财的最基本原则。又有何不妥?如今国债最高峰期占国民生产总值百分之4,平均在 2.65个百分点,有何不妥?

前何华德政府年代其间,曾经向国民征收过在非常时期时,向国民不下两次征收过一次过的临时征税;分别是参加东帝汶的维持和平任务,与及安捷航空公司倒闭事 件。当时艾氏身为内阁成员,当时并无发出如此严厉的批评。直斥政府罔顾国民的苦况。国民口袋的血汗钱当然不能随意乱动,但笔者以为身为国家公民的一份子, 面对昆省百年不遇的洪灾,我们何需斤斤计较,为这一次水灾负担多一点,一次过的费用。不错有很多国民已经慷慨解囊,捐助昆省的重建基金,但笔者认为整体国 民仍然可以在此事上集体出一分力量。不错昆省所带来的经济损失,导致通货膨胀出现短期性的飙升,但这是一个非常时期,带来的非常不幸后果。笔者相信国民在 面对昆省水灾带来的后续性通货膨胀时,仍然乐于与全国受灾的国民,一同共渡时艰,发挥澳洲开国之初,如今深植民心的「同袍精神」。


发表于 2011-2-27 22:36 |显示全部楼层


此文章由 ThinkPader 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 ThinkPader 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
I didn't mind paying more tax to help Queensland. BUT after I read this, my blood boils.  The flood tax is going to be levied to cover the rebuilding cost of public infrastructure that was NOT insured by the Queensland Labour Government due to its negligence!! Why should we tax payers pay for Queensland government's incompetence???

http://blogs.news.com.au/dailyte ... lands_incompetence/

Taxpayers foot the bill for Queensland’s incompetence
Piers Akerman
Saturday, February 05, 2011 at 10:50pm

THERE’S a rotting smell beginning to come out of Queensland, and it isn’t from debris left by the floods or Cyclone Yasi.

It has more to do with the Queensland Labor Government’s excuses for failing to take out insurance against natural disasters and the federal Labor Government’s determination to impose a distorted tax on the nation to pay for Queensland’s huge mistake.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Queensland’s lack of insurance cover for its assets was “a matter for Queensland”.

Bollocks to that idea, when she is also whacking a tax on Australians to pay for Queensland’s failure to insure its own infrastructure.

It was the only major state not to have insured public assets with a comprehensive disaster cover obtained on the international re-insurance market.

On Friday, Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser tried the same line, saying “re-insurance arrangements in Queensland for natural disasters have nothing to do with the Commonwealth Government meeting its share of the costs of natural disasters”.

Bollocks to that, too, when Queensland is asking for a hand-out to meet the costs it could have insured against.

As Fraser should be aware, just last Monday, as Yasi was looming in the South Pacific, officers from his own department were frantically ringing around other government departments asking what quotes they had from the insurance industry - an exercise in pre-emptive cover-up as they sought excuses they might be able to use to justify their later statements about the lack of insurance cover.

They were looking for information the Queensland Treasury should have possessed and should have already acted upon, but did not.

Sources within the Queensland Government say the failure to take out insurance cover is symptomatic of its financial mismanagement.

They claim the Queensland Government arranges insurance for all infrastructure as it is being built, but ceases insuring it when construction is completed.

Treasurer Fraser offers the weak excuse that insurance would cost too much and is not necessary because of natural-disaster relief arrangements made with the Federal Government.

But there’s nothing special about the disaster relief arrangements - they apply to every state, and every other state also takes out insurance.

Further, the arrangements are just that - arrangements, not agreements. They’re ad hoc, and rely on the Federal Government to initiate them.

If the Queensland Government had managed its insurance program responsibly, it would gave been able to re-insure and aggregate its risk insurance, thus accessing lower-cost insurance.

Instead, it is relying on an arrangement that may or may not be agreed when it is needed.

Queensland’s credit rating has been downgraded, and this financial mismanagement increases its fiscal volatility, thus increasing the financial risk and increasing the likelihood of a further review of Queensland’s credit rating.

It is not in the Federal Government’s interest to point this out, as Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has become the new Labor poster girl through her tireless appearances as the nation’s newest emergency services and weather spokesperson.

Although her media performances have dazzled some star-struck commentators always on the hunt for the latest Labor messiah, the hard questions have not been asked.

Bligh or her Treasurer must tell the nation what quotes the Queensland Government has received from the insurance market, when they were received and whether the Government has reviewed them recently.

Australians also need to know how much more they will be paying to meet the costs associated with damaged, uninsured government infrastructure in Queensland, as compared with the costs of damaged but insured government infrastructure in Victoria.

It is ridiculously arrogant for federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese to declare that it is none of our business when he and his leader have been so quick to publicly display their generosity towards Queensland with our money without these basic questions being answered.

The admirable speed with which Gillard assured Queenslanders that their damage costs would be met reeks of political opportunism.

It’s little wonder that her efforts are now being met with some cynicism from those who initially refused to take up the federal Government’s offer of instant cash for those who had been temporarily without power or had been unfortunately isolated.

Although many have been found to have rorted the system, far more decided that they would honourably abstain from collecting their $1000 - even though they qualified under the extraordinarily loose arrangements - and leave the funds for those most in need.

But since Gillard announced that her flood tax would not apply to those who claimed the initial handout, more who had decided on moral grounds not to take the cash have now put their hands up so they will be excused the new tax.

Our taxes are now paying for Queensland’s complete negligence and incompetence in spending and managing money, as well as for the Federal Government’s failure to make even the most basic enquiries before announcing the release of relief funds.

It is not beyond the federal ALP to have taken the view that the party was doing poorly in Queensland and the solution lay in smothering the state with taxpayers’ funds.

Which poses the question about the Federal Government’s own competence and commitment to financial responsibility and whether it has looked into its own hollow logs to find the money to meet the needs of those who are truly suffering.

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks of a decade ago, the Howard government introduced a small tax on every property insurance contract to cover the risk of loss through terrorism.

That money has been collected by the Commonwealth ever since and now sits as a sizeable nest egg in a fund in Canberra.

Given the lack of successful terrorist attacks in Australia, is it not unreasonable for the Commonwealth to now raid one of its own hollow logs to meet the costs of this natural disaster?

And should not the Queensland Government be publicly examined and properly chastised for its own financial mismanagement, as demonstrated through its failure to insure its own assets against the likelihood of natural disasters?

For the Prime Minister to overlook the Queensland Government’s fiscal policy failures at this time makes it look as though she and federal Labor are merely playing sleazy and opportunistic politics through her Florence Nightingale act.

[ 本帖最后由 ThinkPader 于 2011-2-27 22:39 编辑 ]


发表于 2011-2-27 22:45 |显示全部楼层
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