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原帖由 click 于 2010-12-10 21:04 发表 
这句话我说的不确切, 我的确切意思可以用下面的引述来表达
He's not a traitor.
Assange is a citizen of Australia, so he cannot "betray" the United States, any more than Sen. Mitch McConnell could betray Russia. So Assange is not a traitor.
阿善是澳大利亚公民, 所以他无法背叛美国.
He may be an enemy of the United States, but he's not a terrorist or a spy.
他也许可以被美国当作敌人, 但是他不是恐怖分子或者间谍.
Spies do not ferret out secret information and reveal it to all the world. They ferret out secret information and reveal it to their government, or to their spymasters.
间谍们不会刺探机密而向全世界公布, 他们刺探机密只是透露给自己的政府或者上司.
Assange didn't do that. He stuck his shovel into the ground, turned up a fistful of worms and maggots, and showed them to the world. That may be a dangerous thing to do; it may be irresponsible; it may be reprehensible; it probably is all of that - but it's not espionage.
阿善不做类似的工作, 他把自己铲子铲进地下, 翻出一把蛆虫, 并向全世界展示. 这也许是做的危险的事情,也许不负责, 也许该受谴责, 但是无论如何, 这都不是间谍行为.
Congressman Peter King, Republican of New York, who will become chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee in January, wants Assange prosecuted under the Espionage Act, and he wants Assange's organization, Wikileaks, declared a terrorist organization. And Senator Joe Lieberman, a nominal independent who represents the district of Joe Lieberman, wants The New York Times prosecuted as well.
将要成为国家安全委员会主席的共和党人, 国会议员Peter King说要据间谍法起诉阿善先生并把Wikileaks定为恐怖组织. 参议员 Joe Lieberman 要起诉The New York Times .
That's bullshit, of course. I use "bullshit" in its precise, philosophical sense, as explicated by Princeton philosophy professor, in his bestselling book, "On Bullshit." A bullshitter is not exactly a liar. A bullshitter doesn't care whether his statement is true or not. He just throws it out there. It's just bullshit.
这完全是满嘴喷粪. 我说他们是满嘴喷粪说得准确而理性. 正如Princeton哲学教授说的, 满嘴喷粪的人不是撒谎者, 而是不管自己说的是对的还是错的, 他们就知道喷.
Peter King and Joe Lieberman, like so many Republicans, get excited by the words "terrorism" and "homeland security." Whether it's a sexual excitement I couldn't tell you, though I suspect it is. But their charges are bullshit.
和其他共和党人一样, 他们对恐怖注意和国家安全歇嘶底里. 我不清楚那是不是性欲望般的歇嘶底里, 但是那些起诉真是大粪.
Assange's actions were directed at the U.S. government, which is at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Assange's actions were not violent, though they might provoke violence. But terrorism is violence perpetrated upon innocent civilians. Violence directed at a country at war, and at its army, is not terrorism. It's just fighting back.
Assange's first document dump did endanger innocent civilians - the Afghan and Iraqi informants named in the documents who helped the United States. That was a stupid and dangerous thing for Assange to do. He appears to have done it because he doesn't know much about journalism.
To Assange's credit, he tried not to repeat the mistake in his second, most recent, document dump. He says he even asked the Pentagon to help him edit the documents, though the Pentagon, quite reasonably, refused. So Assange learns from his mistakes. Would that the U.S. government learned from its mistakes as well as Assange does.
So if Assange is not a journalist, or a traitor, or a spy, or a terrorist, what is he?
He surrendered to arrest in London on Tuesday, on an international warrant from Sweden, which wants to question him about the manner in which he had sex with two women in that country. According to The New York Times, the women said they willingly had sex with Assange, but the sex became nonconsensual when he stopped using a condom.
That's certainly rude, to say the least, and worse than rude. Yet I wonder if any nation in the world has ever agreed to arrest and imprison and try to extradite a person for such a thing, or if Interpol has ever issued an international arrest warrant for it. I have no idea how to research that question, but off the top of my head, I'd give a million to one odds against it. So even if the two women's allegations are true, I don't believe Assange is a sex criminal, as we generally think of such things.
What is Julian Assange?
I think he's a performance artist.
He's an artist in the same way Henry Ford was. Someone - I believe it was Marcel Duchamp - said Henry Ford was the greatest artist of the 20th century, because he changed the way the world looked more than anyone else had............
[ 本帖最后由 BitterMelon 于 2010-12-10 21:56 编辑 ] |