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[澳洲资讯] 绿党领袖Brown不会和他的同性恋伙伴结婚 [复制链接]

发表于 2010-11-28 15:33 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 larrychang 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 larrychang 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/ ... 20101127-18bes.html


GREENS leader Bob Brown will not marry his partner if gay marriage is legalised in Australia - an event the party founder has predicted will occur in the Gillard government's first term.

In an interview with The Sun-Herald, Senator Brown reflected on the extraordinary political events of this year, including the elevation of his party to become the third force in Australian federal politics, leadership speculation within the party and the spectre of ''the big end of town'' mobilising against the Greens.

Senator Brown claimed ownership of the recent push to legalise same-sex marriage, but said he felt no duty to marry his long-time partner, farmer and activist Paul Thomas.
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''We had our relationship registered under the Tasmanian laws … a couple of years back.

''No, I don't see us having a future marriage ceremony because we are very content with things as they are,'' he said.

''I think [same-sex marriage laws] will happen in this period of government. It is inevitable. Canada? Catholic Spain? The Netherlands, South Africa and on and on the list goes. Of course we will.''

Senator Brown was firm that the Greens assuming the balance of power in the Senate in July and Adam Bandt making history as the first elected Greens MP to sit in the House of Representatives, would be the status quo for Australian politics into the future.

He said while the next federal election would present challenges, he did not fear a backlash from voters dissatisfied with the hung parliament.

''All players are now involved, including the opposition. It is in a much more powerful position than it would be if Labor had won with a majority,'' he said. ''The big end of town, including sections of the media, will be saying next time round, 'let's get back to winner takes all' but they have a problem - the electorate is way ahead of them.

''If we make a good go of these three years, people will want more of it. It is as simple as that.''

Defending criticisms of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's perceived lack of agenda, Senator Brown gave her government an eight out of 10 score for its performance since the election.

''Tony Abbott has claimed Julia Gillard has no agenda and a lack of vision but this is an opposition who are frustrated because they made a mistake by sitting back and assuming it could force another election.''

There had been a symbiosis between Labor and the Greens. Senator Brown credited the debate on Afghanistan, the creation of a climate change committee, the national broadband network and the introduction of private members' bills as proof.

Commentators were caught unawares when it emerged almost two months after the election there had been an unsuccessful challenge by Sarah Hanson Young for the deputy's position in the Greens, held by fellow senator Christine Milne.

Senator Brown said he had never been challenged in the party room for the leadership, but admitted there was a ''wealth of potential leaders'' in the Greens and the party was free to change the leadership at any time.

In the event he lost a challenge or retired - ''a long way off'' - he was confident the Greens would not go the way of the Democrats, who were rent by bitter in-fighting and leadership spills.

''One of the things is we don't have dead wood, and as a small party we can't afford it,'' Senator Brown said.

''If I was run over a bus tomorrow this party is going to go very well.''


[ 本帖最后由 larrychang 于 2010-11-28 15:42 编辑 ]


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