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Telstra 免费 unlock iphone 4 Now~~~~ [复制链接]

发表于 2010-10-15 11:33 |显示全部楼层
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Telstra removes unlock fee for Apple iPhone for jet-setting Aussies

It is no secret that Telstra is changing and for the better.. At the centre of this is looking at ways we can better serve our customers.
One way to do this is to no longer charge customers a fee for unlocking an Apple® iPhone they purchased from us.

All iPhones purchased from Telstra are locked to the Telstra mobile phone network and as a default will only work with a Telstra SIM card. This will still be the case,
Many of you have told us that when you travel overseas you would like the ability to put a local operator’s SIM into your iPhone. However the network lock prevents you from doing this.
We’re now removing the fee to unlock your handset to give you the freedom to change the SIM in your iPhone when you travel overseas.
We are still confident, however, that the speed and reliability of the Telstra Next G network means you will have a better iPhone experience with us.
If you have purchased an iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 from Telstra and would like to remove the network lock restriction, all you need to do is contact Telstra.
When you contact us, make sure you have your details: your mobile number, your iPhone serial number and your iPhone IMEI number. You can locate these by pressing the Settings app, scroll down and select General then press the About tab.

To complete the unlock process you need to make sure you have the latest iTunes software on your computer. Once the unlocking has been processed, the next time you tether your iPhone to your computer, iTunes will unlock the phone.
Consumers: call 1800 iPhone (1800 474 663).
Business: call 1800 027 167 or contact your Telstra account representative.
Enterprise and government: simply contact your Telstra account representative.


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