发表于 2024-9-21 11:28
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本帖最后由 china88a 于 2024-9-21 10:31 编辑
What do you love about the sports that High offer?
There are many things which make the sports offered at High special. Some may say it's the variety, while others may say it's the winning mentality, but for me, it's the culture. I've played basketball for 5 years at High and when I came in year 7 we were losing badly, like 40 points every game badly. That didn't matter to any of us though. We put our heads down and kept working hard. We had each other's back and pushed each other to our limits. In year 8, we were losing by 10, but by year 9, we were winning. That's what I love about the sports in High. We are never the biggest, fastest or most athletic players, but we played hard, played smart and we played together.
What drew you into choosing waterpolo as a sport?
As mentioned above, there is a great amount of camaraderie in each sport and for me I just felt most attracted to waterpolo. It might be
because many of my closest friends also chose play waterpolo.
What advice you can give to the Year 9s? There are two main things I would change if I could go back to Year 9.
The first is setting up a good work ethic. While Year 9 is a pretty relaxing year because "who cares it's just year 9," I still find it very important that you know how to study and work hard because that's something you take everywhere you go after HSC.
The second thing is to take advantage of everything that is offered here at High. The extra-curriculars, such as ISCF, band,
environment team and CSC. Your friends here at High and you'll soon learn that they are your brothers. After HSC, there are not many places where you can form these intimate friendships with people so savour it while you're at High and enjoy it.
How do you balance sports and extracurriculars with your academics?
You can go about this in two ways. Either you procrastinate and have the mindset of "I'll do it later" and fail to balance your life or you can plan out what you're going to do. For me, I have 3 training sessions a week, 3 tutoring sessions,1 piano lesson, youth group and church,
although I do often fall into the first category. However, through the work ethic I mentioned in the last question, by working hard and planning ahead, you can get everything done. There's also one last point I'd like to add. If you ever need help, don't be afraid to ask. Ask your teachers, your prefects, your peers and so on. Be proud to be a High Boy and make the most out of it. |