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澳大利亚的age pension相当于中国的低保金。
绝大部分老澳大利亚人民不符合age pension/低保金的收入和资产资格。
Pensioners are tested on both their income and assets when they apply for payments, and Centrelink applies the test which will give the applicant the lowest payment, Coyle said.
To be eligible for any pension payment, singles can currently earn $2318 per fortnight, while couples living together can earn $3544 combined.
Single homeowners can have $634,350 worth of assets aside from their home for a pension payment, and couples $954,000.
To qualify for a full pension, a single person can earn $190 per fortnight before their pension payment is affected, or $336 for couples.
A single homeowner can have about $280,000 of assets outside their home to qualify for a full pension, while a couple can have $419,000.
Non-homeowner singles, on the other hand, must have less than $859,250 in assets or $1,178,500 for a couple, to get approval for a full pension.
“Every $100,000 of asset value reduces your pension by about $7800 a year,” financial adviser Noel Whittaker said.
On July 1, many seniors who were previously ineligible for pensions, because of the value of their assets or income, will be able to claim part payments.
While those people, who were previously receiving part payments could receive the full pension.

Australians born on or after January 1, 1957, will have to reach 67 years of age before becoming eligible for the pension as part of the new rules.
The July 1 changes will also mean singles can earn $204 a fortnight and couples $360 a fortnight, before losing their full pension.
Single homeowners can also have about $301,750 worth of assets before their full pension payment is reduced, while single non-homeowners can have $543,000.
Home-owning couples on a full pension can have $451,500 worth of assets before going onto a part payment, or $693,500 for non-homeowner couples.
The aged pension is changing on July 1, 2023 and more people will be eligible for payments.
The aged pension is changing on July 1, 2023 and more people will be eligible for payments. Credit: Halfpoint Images/Getty Images
People who were previously ineligible for pension payments may now qualify for a part payment, with the income threshold for singles raised to $2332 per fortnight, and $3568 for couples.
Single homeowners can also have $656,500 of assets before being ruled out for a payment, and couples $986,500.
For non-homeowners, singles can have $898,500 in assets and couples $1,228,500.
For people already on full pensions, their payment will remain the same, but Coyle said this group of older Australians are also struggling.
“This is positive (change) because it makes people a little bit better off, but it’s not a lot,” he said.
“At a time of cost-of-living crisis, particularly for single renters, they really struggle. I’d like to see more incentives for senior Australians to remain in the workforce.”
Whittaker advised seniors to prepare for pension age five years before they are eligible and to see professional advice to maximise their potential payments.
https://7news.com.au/business/ce ... y-1-2023-c-11021761