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原帖由 floodp 于 2009-6-2 21:52 发表 
请问一下有经验的同志,什么情况下需要注册一个ABN比较好呢?我老婆闲着没事,想让她炒点股票之类的,这种情况注册一个ABN有什么好处吗,还是不需要注册的好?是不是有了公司,税务上就有自己折腾的空间了,我这种情 ...
having an ABN does not give you a tax advantage, that's not what ABN are for. your wife does not need a ABN to invest/trade in the stock market.
I would not recommend buying shares under a company, as it is not eligible for the 50% general capital gain discount.
Have you wife invest/trade with her own name, unless you guys are planning to invest significant amount of money (say over 200k). |