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原帖由 STS-TAX 于 2009-2-17 23:11 发表 
ATO 网站最新更新,里面没说一定要是PR,只说你做了2007-2008TAX RETURN就可以有份拿这笔钱
Will you be eligible?
We will use your 2007-08 income tax return to determine if you are eligible ...
$950 bonus will be paid if you have a taxable income up to and including $80,000
$650 bonus will be paid if you have a taxable income not exceeding $90,000
$300 bonus will be paid if you have a taxable income not exceeding $100,000
PAYMENT 改成了900,600,300。而不是以前的950。650,350。
原先的950、650、300在参议院第一轮投票时被南澳的独立参议员Nick Xenophon关键的一票否决,后经过政府与他讨价还价,达成协议。这三项各减少$50元,因此最后的结果是:
$900 bonus will be paid if you have a taxable income up to and including $80,000
$600 bonus will be paid if you have a taxable income not exceeding $90,000
$250 bonus will be paid if you have a taxable income not exceeding $100,000
:si7 |