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Mr Sandman – Sand Sculpture
VENUE W aterfront City Piazza, Docklands
M elway ref 2E D4
TIME A ll Day
Award winning international artists have sculpted 20 tonnes of
golden sand into an extraordinary and eye-catching sand installation
in the heart of Docklands. Presented by the City of Melbourne as
part of the Summer Fun in the City program.
Herring Island Summer Arts Festival
VENUE H erring Island Gallery
M elway ref 2M C2
TIME 11.30am – 4.30pm
Sculpture on the Stream – an exhibition of work by the Association
of Sculptors of Victoria. There will be demonstrations in the
courtyard by all the groups involved in the festival: the Wildlife Art
Society of Australasia, the Association of Sculptors of Victoria, the
Contemporary Art Society of Victoria, the Koorie Heritage Trust and
Ceramics Victoria. Come and visit for the day, bring a picnic lunch
and enjoy this historical site. Enquiries call 0418 546 554, http://
Australia Day Comedy Debate
VENUE W aterfront City, Docklands
M elway ref 2E D4
TIME 8.00pm – 9.00pm
Kick off the Australia Day weekend with music, laughter and the
Australia Day Eve Comedy Debate. Following the performance of
Tumbarumba, a six-piece percussion group that is so exciting that
their performances veer towards physical theatre, debaters Dave
Grant, Claire Hooper, Dave O’Neil, Charlie Pickering, Josh Thomas
and Cal Wilson will engage in some pre-Australia Day comedy
mayhem, under the watchful eye of MC Corinne Grant. Wine and
dine at Waterfront City prior to the event and party on afterwards.
Proudly supported by Waterfront City and the City of Melbourne.
Australia Day Ride to Remember –
Celebrate on Two Wheels
VENUE A lbert Park M elways ref 2K H10
TIME 8.00am
Melbourne – A Boomerang Ride. The Ride will depart Albert Park
at 8.00am and make its way to St Kilda Road, through the City of
Melbourne and on to the Monash Freeway. It will then become the
first, staged motorcycle event to travel on Eastlink heading South
to Frankston for a rest and refreshment stop before traveling back
to Melbourne via Beach Road. The finish point will again be Albert
Park where riders and guests will enjoy lunch, entertainment and a
range of other displays and activities. The public are very welcome
to come and wave off the bikes and enjoy the festival and lunch in
Albert Park while they wait for the bikes to return. Entertainment
will be provided by the Victoria Police Bands. This will be a ‘green
corridor’ ride escorted by Victoria Police Traffic Units with assistance
from Vicroads, Citylink and Eastlink, open to registered motorcycles
and licensed riders. Club, group bookings, pillion passengers most
welcome. Cost: $20 per bike and rider, $15 per pillion passenger,
includes ride, lunch, entertainment and tolls (Eastlink). For further
information/bookings call 9555 8000 or visit www.australiadayride.
com.au. Hosted by the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation.
Birrarung Yarn
VENUE B irrarung Marr, behind Federation Square
M elway ref 1B R11
TIME 10.30am – 12.30pm
From a traditional Indigenous dance performance to learning about
the Aboriginal flag, Birrarung Yarn brings Indigenous culture to
children at this hands-on workshop. Face painting representing
animals, tracks and symbols is a great way to touch on the meanings
in Indigenous art and Indigenous languages. And of course, red,
black and yellow, the colours of the Aboriginal flag will be at hand.
Suitable for children three to 12 years. Presented by the City of
Tall Ships viewing and public sails
VENUE W orkshops Pier
N elson Place, Williamstown
M elway ref 56 E9
TIME 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Revisit history, on the water, within the maritime heritage precinct of
Look for activities close to the water this Australia Day weekend;
Tall Ships bring excitement and spectacle to Hobsons Bay with
the return of the magnificent Tall Ships. Flagship this year is Young
Endeavour, the gift from the United Kingdom to the Government
and people of Australia to mark the Bicentenary in 1988. Tasmania’s
largest Tall Ship, the brigantine Windeward Bound will again join
the event along with Victoria’s own Tall Ship Enterprize in an official
Australia Day ‘sail past’ across Port Phillip between Brighton and
Williamstown, from 10.30am to 1.00pm. There are excellent vantage
points along the foreshore including Brighton Pier, St Kilda and
Port Melbourne, and then off Point Gellibrand, Williamstown at
around 1.00pm. The Parade will be led by the ex-Sydney Harbour
ferry Lady Cutler. Contact Hobsons Bay Visitor Information Centre
on 9932 4310 during January for up to date information on sail
times and other opportunities for public viewing and access. The
Visitor Information Centre is open every day from 9.00am until
5.00pm, and is located in Commonwealth Reserve, close to Gem
Pier where the ferries arrive. www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au or www.
RACV Australia Day Picnic and
Federation Vehicle Display
VENUE Kings Domain Gardens M elway ref 2F J9
TIME 10.00am – 4.00pm
A real favourite with families, the Kings Domain Gardens will feature
the famous historic vehicle display, with more than 500 veteran,
vintage and classic vehicles, entertainment, free activities and
scrumptious food stalls. Enjoy the roving entertainers that will amaze
and dazzle you as you tour the vehicles. Wave off the vehicles as
they leave the gardens at 3.30pm.
Music lovers will be blown away by the legendary jazz trumpeter,
James Morrison. One of Australia’s top entertainers, the brassy multiinstrumentalist
will perform an eclectic set of soulful, bluesy jazz from
12.30 to 2.30pm with his band and equally renowned vocalist, Emma
Pask. See the amazing RACV/AFA sanctioned Flyball Competition.
Take a walk on the wild side and follow the journey of injured native
animals from rescue to release at the RACV marquee. Join in at the
free activity arena; learn to juggle, practice Tai Chi, make your own
bird feeder to take home with you, enjoy the musical entertainment,
check your blood pressure with the Royal District Nursing Service, play
mini golf, chess, have-a-go at bungy jumping, race an electric buggy,
slip down the slippery slide, come paint and fly a kite, learn to lace,
handle the baby animals, learn about alpacas, draw, colour, create at
the RACV free activity site.
The Great Australia Day Duck Race
VENUE Y arra River
TIME 4.00pm
Watch a flotilla of numbered, bright yellow rubber ducks (with
Lifesaver caps!) race in the middle of the Yarra River (between the
Engineers Lawn and the boatsheds) on Australia Day. Best viewing
points are from Birrarung Marr, Alexandra Gardens, Federation
Square and Princes Bridge. First duck into the Parks Victoria Duck
Catcher at the end of the 200 metre course wins a new Mitsubishi
Lancer ES Sportback for its owner. To adopt a duck visit: www.
lifesavingvictoria.com.au or call 9676 6901. All profits from the
Great Australia Day Duck Race will benefit the development of life
saving activities through Life Saving Victoria.
Australia Day Voyages Concert – Luna Niu
VENUE Federation Square Stage
Melway ref 1B P10
TIME 7.00pm – 9.15pm
In 2009, Australia Day coincides with Chinese New Year and the
year of the niu, the Chinese word for cow and ox. To celebrate, Luna
Niu (moon cow) will be a voyage of discovery. Join Marloo (halfhuman,
half-kangaroo based on Pan) as he journeys through diverse
cultures, discovering enchanting stories, dances and music inspired
by life-giving bovine creatures. From the ancient Minoan culture
comes the thrilling gymnastics of the bull jumpers, realised by
Gymnastics Victoria. Voyages showcases the richness of Australia’s
cultural diversity with over 400 performers.
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