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[外汇债券] 为什么比特币 ? 进展和争论 [复制链接]



发表于 2018-6-23 21:32 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-23 21:36 |显示全部楼层
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据bitcoinist消息,位于美国加利福尼亚州的3G Venture II公司表示,1300万美元收购英特尔在科罗拉多斯普林斯废弃的芯片工厂,以用于挖掘比特币。

BITCOIN Bitcoin [BTC] mining operation gives Intel old plant a new breath!Anirudh VK Published 2 hours ago on June 23, 2018 By Anirudh VK
Bitcoin [BTC] mining operation gives Intel old plant a new breath! Source: Unsplash

3G Venture II, a California-based mining operation, recently purchased a sizable portion of an abandoned Intel plant for mining. The plant in question was made to manufacture semiconductors for Intel and was shut down in 2009.

The location of the plant makes it a tempting opportunity for 3G Venture to purchase it, as it is situated in Colorado Springs. The town boasts a lower electricity rate in comparison with the national average, with costs being 21% cheaper. The plant also has a very well-established electricity network built for Intel’s needs.

The plant has a size of 1.4 million square feet with the company purchasing 30 acres of land and 700,000 square feet for a price of $13 million. The remaining space in the facility will be leased to industrial tenants.

The on-site electricity infrastructure drew the interest of John Chen, 3G Venture’s owner, as it has a substation and dual power feeds, which is a gift for the mining operation. The operation utilizes ASICs for mining, which makes cheap electricity costs and existing infrastructure incentives for the company to move into Colorado Springs. ASICs are Application Specific Integrated Circuits and can provide hashpower many times greater than consumer grade equipment like graphics cards.

This may represent the recent importance given to mining in the cryptocurrency world, as the hashrate of the total blockchain continues to grow. In just 6 months, even as the price declined to more than half of its previous price, the hashpower of the network has almost tripled.

From about 13 EtaHash/second, the total hashpower of the entire network has gone up to 37 EtaHash/second, marking a 2.8x increase. This also significantly increases the security of the Bitcoin blockchain.

John Mackerley, a crypto-analyst said:

“The price is moving closer to the cost of mining. We should see the bottom sometime soon, but the increase of hashpower on the blockchain is good for security. If it was impossible to launch a 51% attack before, it definitely is now.”

Colorado Springs apparently is about to take its place among the ranks of cities becoming home to the complicated and confusing world of bitcoin mining and cryptocurrency.

A California-based limited liability company, 3G Venture II, paid $13 million last week for a large portion of the former Intel Corp. chipmaking complex along Garden of the Gods Road on the Springs' northwest side.

3G Venture's owner, identified in public records as John Chen of suburban Los Angeles, couldn't be reached for comment. But Michael Palmer, a broker with Quantum Commercial Group in Colorado Springs who marketed the Intel property, and city economic development leaders, say Chen plans to launch bitcoin mining at the site.

Related:        Cybersecurity startups gathering in Colorado Springs as part of program to help them grow
While still a head scratcher for many people, bitcoins are a digital currency developed nearly a decade ago. Bitcoin mining involves the use of powerful computers equipped with special software to solve exceedingly difficult math problems; those who solve the problems - called "miners" - are awarded bitcoins in exchange for their successful work.

And bitcoins have a monetary value, although it's a volatile one; bitcoin prices have risen from about $1,000 at the start of 2017 to nearly $20,000 by the end of last year and falling to about $6,700 today.

Bitcoin miners need access to vast amounts of electricity - preferably at lower rates - to run their sophisticated computers and networks, and have established operations in several cities where cheaper power is available, according to news stories about the industry.

That's where the former Intel property and Colorado Springs come in, Palmer said.

In 2000, Intel opened a semiconductor plant in Colorado Springs after buying the former Rockwell International Corp. campus at 1575 Garden of the Gods Road. The 1.4 million-square-foot complex included manufacturing, office, warehouse, utility and parking space.

Intel, however, abandoned its Springs plant after selling the line of computer chips it manufactured there - part of the years-long decline in Colorado Springs' semiconductor industry. By 2009, Intel had shuttered the plant that once employed 1,000.

But the electricity network installed to accommodate Intel was particularly attractive to Chen and his 3G Venture for bitcoin mining, Palmer said. The Intel property includes an on-site substation and two separate power feeds, he said. The new owner also is working with Colorado Springs Utilities to increase capacity to the site, he said.

"There's just not many facilities, locations ... within Colorado Springs, that can handle anything like this," Palmer said.

CSU electric rates, meanwhile, are lower than in many cities and business leaders for years have sought to woo new employers to town, in part, by marketing the Springs' cheaper power.

With its need for electricity, a bitcoin mining operation is akin to a corporate data center, where businesses store computer servers and other equipment used to operate their websites and internal networks. Colorado Springs' cheaper power has attracted data centers operated by Progressive Insurance, FedEx and Walmart, among others.

Dirk Draper, president and CEO of the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce & EDC, said his group didn't solicit Chen and his bitcoin mining project, but did work with him after he expressed interest in the Intel property. Draper said he's unaware of any financial incentives that might have been made available to Chen.

While bitcoin mining will use large amounts of power and pump up revenues for Springs Utilities, and Chen's 3G Venture is likely to make a significant investment on machinery and equipment, the Chamber & EDC doesn't plan to pursue more such operations, Draper said.

Like data centers, bitcoin mining doesn't add many jobs - only enough to operate the computer network.

"While it is beneficial for some segments of the community to have the large base power users, and we understand that and are supportive of it, our focus is more on the employment side," Draper said.

3G Venture's purchase includes 30 acres and more than 700,000 square feet spread over four buildings. The bitcoin mining operation is planned for three smaller buildings, totaling about 85,000 square feet, on the property's south side, Palmer said.

The massive fourth building, a four-story, nearly 640,000-square-foot chip fabrication facility or fab, won't be part of the bitcoin mining operation, he said. Instead, Chen and 3G Venture plan to lease that space to industrial users, Palmer said.

The Intel property was purchased in 2009 by a partnership controlled by Los Angeles-area real estate investment firm Industrial Realty Group. The Industrial Realty partnership has since sold off portions of the site; El Paso County bought two buildings and a parking garage, where several government offices operate in what's known as the Citizens Service Center.

The sale to 3G Venture completes the sale of the old Intel complex, Palmer said.


发表于 2018-6-23 21:41 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-23 21:36

据bitcoinist消息,位于美国加利福尼亚州的3G Venture II公司表示,130 ...




发表于 2018-6-23 21:43 |显示全部楼层
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人民创投成立区块链研究院 聚焦行业难点痛点

人民网报道, 由人民网人民创投等主办的2018全球链界科技发展大会今天在京召开。会议期间,人民网举行了人民创投区块链研究院成立仪式。


发表于 2018-6-23 21:45 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-23 21:46 编辑


日本一家法院本昨日裁定,暂停声名狼藉的日本比特币交易所Mt. Gox的破产程序,并启动了一项名为“民事再生”(civil rehabilitation)的法律程序,允许将Mt.Gox剩余的公司资产分配给前客户和债务人。这些资产包括近17万枚BTC及其分叉币BCH,按当前价格算,差不多达到12亿美元。

Things may be looking up for creditors of Mt. Gox, once the world’s biggest Bitcoin exchange that ultimately went down in flames after saying thousands of Bitcoins had disappeared.

The Tokyo District Court on Friday approved the start of civil rehabilitation proceedings, meaning the bankruptcy process that’s been underway since 2014 will be put on hold, according to a document posted on mtgox.com. This may mean traders will finally get their Bitcoins back.

In Japanese bankruptcy proceedings, non-monetary claims such as Bitcoin are converted into traditional money based on the value of the asset at the start of the proceedings, the statement said. That would mean creditors wouldn’t reap the rewards of the token’s price appreciation in recent years. But the document indicates that in the case of Mt. Gox’s civil rehabilitation process, the Bitcoins won’t be turned into monetary claims, indicating that creditors could be reimbursed in Bitcoins at current prices.

Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy protection four years ago after disclosing that it lost 850,000 Bitcoins, then worth about $500 million, or around $5 billion at today’s price levels. The now-defunct company, which later said it recovered about 200,000 Bitcoins, blamed hackers for the loss.

The Friday statement appeared to be written by attorney Nobuaki Kobayashi, the bankruptcy trustee who has been liquidating cryptocurrency on behalf of Mt. Gox creditors. Many have blamed Bitcoin’s recent plunge on Kobayashi, known in the crypto world as the Tokyo “whale.” The trustee, who hasn’t previously provided much detail on his selling strategy, attempted to offer some clarity:

“Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash were sold in a manner that had no effect on market price and not by ordinary sale on an exchange,” the statement said. “At present, nothing has been determined regarding the sale of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies split from Bitcoin (collectively, ‘Bitcoin, etc.’) in the future.”

Some traders interpreted the latter excerpt as confirmation that the trustee will stop dumping Bitcoins, though the statement didn’t explicitly say that. Kobayashi reminded creditors that he’s still in control: “The power and authority to administer and dispose of MTGOX’s assets is still vested exclusively in me,” he said.

Traders who filed proofs of claims in the bankruptcy proceedings will need to refile for the civil rehabilitation, the document said. Those who missed out on the bankruptcy process are welcome to file claims in the new process. The deadline for submissions is Oct. 22. Mt. Gox must submit a proposed rehabilitation plan by Feb. 14, 2019.


发表于 2018-6-23 21:50 |显示全部楼层
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Vitalik Buterin在王峰十问称,对于“无币区块链”并不乐观,首先,“无币区块链”只能用在私有链上,只要你是一个公有链,就肯定需要激励。不管是在中国还是其他地方,都看到了一些私有链项目,有些私有链项目声称已经投产了。V神称,监管应该去专注于那些沙盒、以及特殊用途准则等领域的技术,就可以围绕加密行业的具体经验和挑战来制定规则,而不是试图重新解释几十年前的规则。


发表于 2018-6-23 21:52 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-23 21:52 |显示全部楼层
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链塔智库:我国区块链人才储备充足 将保持全球领先



发表于 2018-6-23 22:03 |显示全部楼层
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据彭博社报道,近日,法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)宣布了一项改变该国商业格局的计划,该计划还包括了与数字货币相关的风险投资。马克龙表示,该国监管机构AMF不久后将承认ICO,并向公司提供“签证”以允许此类筹款活动。该系统还将为“数字货币筹款创造一个安全的金融环境”。

Five Takeaways From Macron’s Plan to Revamp French Business
By Helene Fouquet , Gregory Viscusi , and Ania Nussbaum
June 19, 2018, 2:36 AM GMT+10
Updated on June 19, 2018, 3:19 PM GMT+10
Government aims to make it easier to set up a company
Plan will give state more powers to control foreign investment
In this article
President Emmanuel Macron set out the next phase of his plan to turn France into a “startup nation” on Monday.

In a bill that will go to Parliament after the summer break, Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire unveiled plans to cut red tape and boost investment. Macron has already loosened labor laws and cut corporate taxes and is aiming to change the country’s benefits culture to reduce the state’s spending on welfare. The measures will cost 1.1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) in the first year.

Le Maire said his changes will add 0.3 percent to the economy by 2025 with output 1 percent higher in the long run. The Bank of France said June 14 that the economy should expand 1.8 percent this year while the jobless rate will fall to 8.3 percent in 2020 from 9.2 percent now.

“This bill comes right on time to rekindle our growth,” Le Maire told reporters in Paris. “We need a deep reform, a coherent reform that will remove all the brakes on our economy.”

These are the key measures:

Less Red Tape, More Money
A one-stop shop for setting up a company... but not before 2021
Single registry for businesses
No more requirements for specialist “craft training” before getting started
Incentives for private savers to invest in funds focused on small firms
Read More: Macron Said to Unveil Insurance-Friendly Business Bill in May

Less Hassle, More Responsibilities
Easing thresholds which trigger higher taxes and more workers’ rights as firms grow
Simpler auditing and bankruptcy procedures for small companies
Formalizing companies’ social and environmental role in society
Workers’ representatives guaranteed two board seats
Foreign Investment
New rules to protect strategic sectors
Powers to sanction foreign investors who breach commitments on jobs
Industries added to list of strategic sectors include: semi-conductors, artificial intelligence, data storage, aerospace, drones and robots
Public Stakes and Golden Shares
Selling shares in energy provider Engie SA, airport operator Aeroports de Paris SA and lottery company Francaise des Jeux could potentially raise as much as 15 billion euros
Sales may not begin until early 2019 since the bill has to go through Parliament
State will retain veto right through golden shares covering all state holdings deemed strategic
Read More: France Eyes $18 Billion Engie, Airports, Lottery Stake Sales

Cryptocurrencies Welcome
Markets regulator AMF will offer a “visa” to providers of initial coin offerings who want to use cryptocurrency offerings as alternative to traditional funding
System will create a secure financial environment for fundraising in virtual currencies, ministry says

发表于 2018-6-23 22:10 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-23 21:41

悉尼一套豪宅的钱,竟然可以买下三十公顷的商业用地和四栋楼!!! ...


发表于 2018-6-23 22:13 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-6-23 22:03

据彭博社报道,近日,法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)宣布了一项 ...



发表于 2018-6-23 22:43 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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猫儿不笨 发表于 2018-6-23 22:10




参与人数 1积分 +5 收起 理由
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发表于 2018-6-23 22:44 来自手机 |显示全部楼层
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猫儿不笨 发表于 2018-6-23 22:13
法国人真好玩,一开始是金融部长大骂加密币,不久又来个180度转弯,现在是总理也出面促进了 ...



发表于 2018-6-23 23:03 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-23 23:07 |显示全部楼层
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英国央行计划改革其结算系统 允许区块链等私人支付系统与之交互


The Bank of England is planning to rebuild its Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system so that it can interface with private business and platforms using distributed ledger technology (DLT), the bank’s Governor Mark Carney announced in a speech June 21.

Speaking at Mansion House in London, Carney said that the bank will conduct an “ambitious rebuild” of its RTGS system, which is, according to him, the backbone of every payment in the U.K. RTGS is a system generally used to transfer large volumes of funds between banks.

The bank is looking to reorganize the existing RTGS so that private payment platforms could plug in directly to the bank’s system. “Our new, hard infrastructure will be future-proofed to your imaginations, opening up a range of potential innovations in wholesale markets, and corporate banking and retail services,” Carney said.

The Governor also mentioned that the bank has begun working together with the Bank of Canada, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and some private-sector organizations to upgrade inter-bank cross-border payments, including initiatives based on DLT. He said:

“The potential returns are large. At present, cross-border payments can cost ten times more than domestic ones. We estimate that in the U.K. alone there is scope to realize annual savings of over £600 million. Most fundamentally, the more seamless are global and domestic payments, the more U.K. households and businesses will benefit from the new global economy.”

Carney asserted that the new system will help fight money laundering and financing of terrorism, as well as advance access to the domestic and international financial systems.

The RTGS renewal Proof-of-Concept (PoC) was initially proposed in May 2017. The bank then concluded that DLT was “not yet sufficiently mature to provide the core for the next generation of RTGS,” however it placed a high priority on ensuring that the improvement of RTGS functionality is capable of interfacing with DLT.

In April, the Bank of England released a PoC paper that examines how to configure a distributed ledger system which would maintain privacy between participants, keep data shared across the network, and also enable a regulatory body to oversee all transactions. The central authority would have the power to issue and retire new units of assets and grant access permissions to all participants. No party other than the regulator would be able to infer details about transactions they are not party to.

The Bank of England has not closed the door on a central bank-issued cryptocurrency, despite announcing such a decision earlier this year.

Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, speaking on a panel in Stockholm on the future of central banks, said he would consider a digital currency issued by the central bank but that it is not a pressing concern, according to Bloomberg. He reaffirmed previous statements that cryptocurrencies are not acting as money at the present time.

Impact On Financial System Stokes Concern
Earlier this year, the bank said it will not launch a bank issued cryptocurrency on account of the possible ramifications on the financial system. The bank, which began exploring cryptocurrency in 2015, eventually decided that consumers would select its cryptocurrency and close their commercial bank accounts, wreaking havoc on the financial system.

The bank also expressed concern that it would lose the ability to use its interest rate policy to maintain financial stability if it introduced a bank controlled cryptocurrency.

Also read: Bank of England drops plans for its own cryptocurrency, fearing instability

Bank of England Pursues Blockchain Technology
Carney nonetheless also noted at the time that there are advantages to deploying blockchain technology for central banking. He said it brings financial stability and saves a lot of computational energy output.

In April, the BoE released a proof on concept analyzing ways to allow customers to share information in a secure network. The bank enlisted the services of Chain, a blockchain services provider, to develop a solution.

The bank said maintaining data networkwide and improving user privacy was in a preliminary stage, but the possibility of accomplishing these goals still exists.

In 2016, the bank began teaming with fintech companies and began its “Fintech Accelerator” program. In the past, it has worked with Ripple, BitSight, PwC, Enforcd and MindBridge Analytics Inc.


发表于 2018-6-23 23:09 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


Sure the cypherpunks love CryptoKitties, but it turns out luxury fashion brands are also taking a shine to the digital fluffballs.

Or at least, they're into the technology behind the ethereum-based decentralized application that captured the hearts and minds of crypto enthusiasts in December of last year.

According to French startup Arianee, which boasts former employees and advisors from luxury brands such as Tiffany's, Omega, Balenciaga and the Richemont group, the same technology can be used to help these firms create unique identities for bespoke handbags and expensive watches.

What Arianee did to test that theory was create a new blockchain – a copy of ethereum which combines both permissioned and permissionless elements through its use of a consensus mechanism it's calling "proof-of-authority." It's permissionless in the sense that users who want to sell products to one another can interact with the blockchain, but the verifying of the ledger and issuance of new tokens is controlled by the participating businesses.

"The consensus that seals blocks and adds blocks is not fully accessible. You have to register your identity within our governance to become one of those nodes, and in our case, that's really the brands or third-party experts," explained Luc Jodet, head of business architecture at Arianee.

The crypto tokens running over the blockchain are based on ethereum's ERC-721 standard for non-fungible tokens.

The ERC-721 standard is all about scarcity (non-fungible tokens are unique and distinguishable entities) and that makes for a logical solution to import from the gaming and digital collectible world to use for tokenizing luxury goods.

Jodet could not talk openly at this stage about which brands might be running nodes on the Arianee blockchain, but pointed to the startup's advisors at Richemont – a Switzerland-based holding company that owns Cartier, Dunhill, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Montblanc, Purdey, Vacheron Constantin, and Van Cleef & Arpels – as logical candidates.

Commenting on the appropriation of these types of tokens for luxury goods tracking, Courtney Brock, co-founder and COO at Blockade Games, who's been an advocate for the use of ERC-721 tokens for multiple business verticals, said one of the benefits of this token type is that a single contract could work for all goods and include all the information for each product line, season, production number, etc.   

"The thing that 721s are really good for is tracking a unique asset," she said, adding:

"If you were to use an ERC-20 or just a regular blockchain, you would actually have to create a new protocol for each line, like if you wanted to distinguish between lines."

Handbags and glad rags
And with that, Arianee's team sees two main benefits to high-end businesses from its smart assets technology.

First, there's what it calls "post-production traceability," which provides a readily verifiable authenticity stamp for each item. This can also carry details about the item's provenance or its service history (expensive watches have to be serviced every two years) and this information can then easily be transferred if the item is resold.  

The second, more subtle application is how the token connects the owner with the brand itself, as opposed to the intermediate retailer (again, useful for reselling luxury goods).

"Because it's a token it can be transferred from one owner to another and can record information about the item's history, with the smart asset there remains a connection, a communication channel, that is always open between the current owner and the brand," Jodet said.

Arianee has built three prototypes: one for watches, one for handbags and high fashion items, and a third for champagne bottles.

In the case of champagne, post-production traceability becomes extremely important to track the bottle once it leaves the vineyard, making sure it was kept in a cellar and which shop actually sold or resold it, said Jodet.

And these three tests aren't the only ones on Jodet's mind.

He told CoinDesk:

"This works for any luxury products you could imagine, such as jewelry. We have something with musical instruments we are exploring, and art as well."

Lavish users
All blockchain technology needs a network effect and certainly one of Arianee's strengths is its heavyweight advisory board which could help create the adoption.

One of those advisors is Guillaume Boilot, chief operating officer at Vacheron Constantin, which has been creating paper "passports" for the last 260 years to go with its rather high-end watches (owners of Vacheron Constantin watches have included Napoleon Bonapart, Pope Pius XI and Harry Truman).

These watch passports pertain to three individual numbers: one on the case; another buried inside the watch; and a third issued by third party, Hallmark of Geneva, which would be a potential candidate to run a node on the Arianee blockchain should Vacheron Constantin decide to tokenize their products.

Boilot stressed that his company is presently at the testing stage with this technology, but added, as a brand under the Richemont holding company, that his parent company would be the most likely to run a node for all the brands under its umbrella.

Anything that enhances authenticity in a transparent and verifiable way is a win for luxury products, Boilot told CoinDesk, adding:

"All our watches have alligator straps, for example, and we think that in the coming years our clients would like to know where does the skin come from."

Interestingly, he said, much of the demand for his company's rare and collectible watches comes from the Chinese market, and this realization has also has been a motivation to explore blockchain, since China is one of the countries where people are taking a significant interest in the nascent technology.

"We really think our clients, many of whom are Asian, will want to have the digital asset [representing their watch] in their wallet," Boilot said. "We see that many of them know about bitcoin mining and trading and are familiar with blockchain."


发表于 2018-6-24 00:27 |显示全部楼层
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据CNBC报道,tradinganalysis.com创始人Todd Gordon在接受CNBC的采访时表示,他预计比特币在反弹回一万美元之前,会先跌下5000美元。



发表于 2018-6-24 00:31 |显示全部楼层
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据CNBC消息,BK资本创始人Brian Kelly表示,比特币还没有下线,他仍看涨比特币。他表示,比特币将复兴的原因有三点:1,市场情绪正在触底;2,日本交易所被命令整改,将会肃清市场;3,Mt. Gox开始努力偿还其债券人。



发表于 2018-6-24 00:39 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-6-24 00:42 编辑

Amber AI Group合伙人:目前市场非常温和 流动性全面走低

彭博社消息,加拿大密码对冲基金Amber AI Group的合伙人Tiantian Zhang Kullander近日表示:“目前加密市场非常温和,流动性全面走低,尤其是与最近几个季度相比。日本金融厅对加密货币交易所发布行政处罚,国际清算银行的报告和Bithumb遭黑客攻击都在影响着市场情绪。”

Octagon Strategy首席交易员:市场尚未摆脱下跌趋势 但对行业是积极的

彭博社消息,加密货币交易公司Octagon Strategy Ltd. 的香港首席交易员Ryan Rabaglia在一封电子邮件中表示:“加密市场仍处于低成交量状态,尚未摆脱当前的下跌趋势,因此容易遭受抛售。虽然市场对此反应不佳,但我认为这对整个行业都是积极的。”

Bitcoin extended losses as it approached the lowest price for the year after Japanese regulators hit six of the country’s biggest cryptocurrency trading venues with business-improvement orders.

The biggest virtual currency fell as much as 10 percent to $6,045.31, testing the low for the year of $5,922 that was set on Feb. 6, according to prices compiled by Bloomberg. The MVIS CryptoCompare Digital Assets 10 Index tumbled as much as 11 percent.

Some of the targets of Japan’s regulator were quick to react. Bitflyer Inc. said it would stop accepting new customers and also review identity verification for some existing users after it received an order from Japan’s Financial Services Agency. The FSA called for improved measures at all the exchanges against money laundering. The companies must submit their plans by July 23.

Peer-to-peer money has come under fresh pressure in recent weeks after two South Korean exchanges said they were hacked. That raised fresh concerns about the security of investor holdings. New pressure in Japan, one of the most crypto-friendly jurisdictions, demonstrated the market’s fragility to regulatory moves in the absence of much positive news.

“The market is still trading on low volumes and has yet to break out of its current downtrend, leaving itself susceptible to sell-offs,” said Ryan Rabaglia, head trader with cryptocurrency dealing firm Octagon Strategy Ltd. in Hong Kong, in an email. “Although the market reacted negatively, I view this as a positive for the industry as a whole.”

Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, is down about 57 percent this year. Ethereum and Litecoin both retreated by more than 14 percent.

Targets Named
QUOINE, Bitbank, BTCBOX, BITPoint Japan and Tech Bureau were the other exchanges penalized by the FSA. While Japan created a regulatory framework for exchanges last year that proved a lure for bourses, the $500 million heist in January at Coincheck Inc. prompted the country’s regulators to increase scrutiny of the industry.

In April, bitFlyer tightened its anti-money laundering rules after the Nikkei newspaper reported that users could perform some limited functions without fully completing customer verification.

Yuzo Kano, bitFlyer’s chief executive officer, apologized on Friday for the FSA sanctions. “We deeply apologize for causing concerns and inconvenience,” he said in a tweet. “We take this order seriously and will make all efforts to improve our operations.”

Transactions on bitFlyer averaged about $2 billion a day during late April and early May, thanks in large part to Bitcoin margin contracts popular with Japanese day-traders. The venue had 2 million users, Bloomberg reported last month.

“The market is quite soft, with liquidity lower across the board, especially compared to recent quarters,” said Tiantian Zhang Kullander, a partner of Amber AI Group, a crypto hedge fund. “The FSA punishing operators, the BIS report and the Bithumb hack are all affecting sentiment.”

— With assistance by Yuki Hagiwara


发表于 2018-6-24 00:44 |显示全部楼层
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US and South Korea to Strengthen Joint Cooperation on Fourth Industrial Revolution
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US and South Korea to Strengthen Joint Cooperation on Fourth Industrial RevolutionNEWS
The US State Department and South Korea’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MSIT) have resolved to strengthen the two countries’ cooperation in advancing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, at a press conference held in Seoul today, June 22.

The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution has been characterized by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a series of technological breakthroughs that “will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another… [across] the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society.” The WEF recognized blockchain’s major role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution as early as 2016.

Today’s press conference in Seoul revealed that the US and South Korea plan to coordinate their information and communication technology (ICT) policy, as well as resolving to “strengthen [their] bilateral cooperation on cybersecurity and privacy,” with both countries recognizing that “data is a key resource” in the Fourth Industrial era.

The two governments today said they would work together alongside international organizations such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to work towards “more transparent and open global internet governance” - for which blockchain’s central offering of a tamper-proof ledger is a cornerstone innovation.

Notably, the two countries revealed plans to to enlist Korean electronics giant Samsung and

US-based Microsoft - both of which have heavily invested in the development of their own blockchain platforms - to advise on ways in which new technologies can contribute to the people and economies of both countries.

In April, Samsung said it views blockchain as the “core platform to fuel [its] digital transformation.” The company has already partnered on a pioneering agreement with the South Korean government for the creation of a blockchain platform for “welfare, public safety and transportation” by 2022.

Today’s press conference also focused on the two countries’ international organization cooperation, revitalizing the digital economy, cross-border data exchange, 5G mobile communications and artificial intelligence (AI), the latter of which is increasingly being successfully tested in conjunction with blockchain tech to revolutionize areas such as logistics, and even to run blockchain-based smart contracts.


发表于 2018-6-24 00:46 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:48 |显示全部楼层
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据coindoo消息,巴哈马副总理兼财政部长K. Peter Turnquest近期表示,巴哈马央行将在国内测试数字资产的影响力,或考虑发行试点加密货币以测试其效用。同时Turnquest还表示,希望利用区块链来打击政府系统中的腐败行为。


The famous tourist destination Bahamas will launch a pilot cryptocurrency, announced the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.
The Central Bank of The Bahamas is proud to announce that it will test the influence of digital asset within the country’s ecosystem. The statement was made by K. Peter Turnquest, the country’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance during the Bahamas Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference held between 20th and 22nd June 2018.

Turnquest wants the famous Bahamas to turn into a tech hub. He said “The production of a modern fully digital payment service is the way forward for this era of governance. A digital Bahamian currency is especially important for the many Family Islands as they have seen many commercial banks downsize and pull out of their communities, leaving them without banking services,” adding that:

“Digitization of our government and financial services complements both our ease of doing business initiatives and our digital Bahamas framework.”

During the electoral period, K. Peter Turnquest showed his interest in blockchain technology through his manifesto. In an attempt to introduce the crypto features on the country’s territory, the Prime Minister together with his collaborators will launch a pilot cryptocurrency to test its utility. In addition to technological development, Turnquest wants to use blockchain to combat corruption within the government system.

“Using technology and single points of contact we are able to eliminate a lot of the human element that facilitates corruption, and so when we talk about applying for government services, if we have a single portal for entry and all of the processing being done behind the scenes, either through electronic data interchange or through human facilitation we can eliminate that point where we Bahamians call it, you have to tip somebody in order to get service,” Turnquest said.

The Bahamas is not the first country to consider launching its own cryptocurrency. Among these, we find Japan’s MUFG, Tunisian eDinar, Estonian Estcoin, Dubai’s EmCash, Swedish eKrona, and others.


发表于 2018-6-24 00:49 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:52 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:54 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:54 |显示全部楼层
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V神:EOS不仅仅是一个技术实验, 也是一场政治科学实验

今日V神在王峰十问上表示:EOS绝对是一个有趣的实验,它试图做到跟以太坊和其他平台完全不同。 这不仅仅是一个技术实验, 也是一场政治科学实验,EOS社区试图在区块链上创建一种数字政府,包括宪法、行政部门(21个节点)、司法部门(仲裁员)等。从他们的哲学思想中看,有一点非常明确,就是EOS认为“代码不是法律”,并且这个数字化的政府有望积极地解决人们的问题。


发表于 2018-6-24 00:54 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:55 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:55 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-6-24 00:56 |显示全部楼层
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