博闻 发表于 2013-2-3 07:01 
我支持澳洲改为共和制.这也是我支持工党的原因之一.如果不是自由党阻挠,澳洲现在已经是共和制了.然后 ...
why did you say "如果不是自由党阻挠,澳洲现在已经是共和制了"? Australian republic referendum happened in 1999 under Howard Government, and Australian people have chosen Commonwealth:
State On rolls Ballots issued Yes Green tick % No Red X % Informal
New South Wales 4,146,653 3,948,714 1,817,380 46.43% 2,096,562 53.57% 34,772
Victoria 3,164,843 3,016,737 1,489,536 49.84% 1,499,138 50.16% 28,063
Queensland 2,228,377 2,108,694 784,060 37.44% 1,309,992 62.56% 14,642
Western Australia 1,176,311 1,114,326 458,306 41.48% 646,520 58.52% 9,500
South Australia 1,027,392 986,394 425,869 43.57% 551,575 56.43% 8,950
Tasmania 327,729 315,641 126,271 40.37% 186,513 59.63% 2,857
Australian Capital Territory 212,586 202,614 127,211 63.27% 73,850 36.73% 1,553
Northern Territory 108,149 91,880 44,391 48.77% 46,637 51.23% 852
Total for Commonwealth 12,392,040 11,785,000 5,273,024 45.13% 6,410,787 54.87% 101,189
The details are at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_republic_referendum,_1999 |