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[外汇债券] 为什么比特币 ? 进展和争论 [复制链接]



发表于 2018-5-19 00:09 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-19 00:12 编辑


据路透消息,挪威央行周五表示,将继续考虑引入自己的数字货币,作为先进的补充手段,以确保强大的支付系统,并确保货币体系的长期信心。挪威央行行长Oeystein Olsen在一篇工作论文中写道,“现金使用量的下降促使我们考虑是否需要在未来某个时候确定一个对确保高效稳健的支付系统和对货币体系的信心至关重要的新属性。”Oeystein Olsen同时表示,现在判断挪威央行是否应该主动引入央行数字货币还为时尚早;另一方面,工作组尚未发现问题,目前尚不能确定引入CBDC的问题是可以排除的。


发表于 2018-5-19 01:01 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-19 01:06 编辑






比特币是仅存在于网上的数字货币。于2009年1月1日起诞生,比特币可用作网上商店和其他在线服务的付款方式。比特币不同于央行发行的一般货币。所有存在的比特币都是通过让计算机参与解决特定的数学问题而产生的。比特币的工作原理如下:每个人都可以在他或她的计算机上运行专门的软件来参与解决一个特定数学问题。给出答案的计算机的所有者收到25个新创建的)比特币作为奖励。这样的数学问题每10分钟就会求解一次,所以每10分钟就会创建25个新的比特币。 截止至2014年1月1日,约产生了1220万个比特币。




由于区块奖励每四年减半,可流通的比特币总量是有限的。目前流通的比特币数量可以用下式近似计算: C = 21 - 21 * 0.50.25*t t这里C是比特币的数量,单位为百万,t等于年数。2009年1月1日, t = 0。



D = 3.65 * e0.533t

这里D是解决问题的难度,t是时间,单位是月。2013年1月1日,T = 0。D越大意味着问题越难解决。





Bitcoin is a digital currency that only exists online. It has existed since January 1st 2009 and can be used as payment method in webstores and for other online services. Bitcoin is not, like standard money, made by a central bank. Instead, all bitcoin that exist are created by having computers participate in solving specific mathematical problems. This works as follows: everyone can run special software on his or her computer that participates in solving such a mathematical problem. The owner of the computer that solves the problem receives 25 (newly created) bitcoin as a reward. Because it was the case that in 2014 such a problem is solved every 10 minutes, 25 new bitcoins were created every 10 minutes. On January 1st there were (approximately) 12.2 million bitcoin.

Question A: Assuming the above, calculate in what year the amount of bitcoin exceeded 18 million, given that the speed at which they are introduced does not change.

Solution: Each day there are 60 / 10 * 24 * 25 = 3600 bitcoin to be earned. Given that there is 18-12.2 = 5.8 million bitcoin left to be earned, that's 5.8 * 106 /3600 = 1611 days, bringing us from 2014 to 2018.

In reality the rate at which bitcoin are introduced does not stay equal to 25 bitcoins every 10 minutes. This rate reduces. During the first four years, from January 2009 to January 2013, the reward was equal to 50 bitcoin. The reward gets reduced by half every four years: from January 1st 2013 to January 1st 2017 the reward is 25 bitcoin, for the next four years it is 12.5, and so forth.

Question B: calculate from which year on the reward will be less than one bitcoin.

Solution: the amount of bitcoin y given as a reward is given by y = 50 * 0.5x where x is the amount of 4 year periods that have passed since January 1st 2009 (the first period is given by x = 0). So we need to solve 50 * 0.5x = 1. In Mathematics A you're allowed to solve this directly with your calculator, else just divide by 50 and take the log. This gives that x = 5.6, so it will be after 6 periods. 6*4 + 2009 = 2033.

The total amount of bitcoin that can be put into circulation is limited. This is partially due to the reward halving every four years. The amount of bitcoin that is currently in circulation can be approximated by the following equation: C = 21 - 21 * 0.50.25*t Here C is the amount of bitcoin in millions and t equals the amount of years with January first 2009 given by t = 0.

Question C: Determine the maximal amount of bitcoin that can be in circulation based on the above equation based on reasoning.

Solution: 0.50.25*t goes to 0 for large t, so that C = 21 - 21*0 for large t. The limit is therefore 21 million bitcoin.

To regulate the total amount of bitcoin in circulation, not only the number of bitcoin rewarded per solution is reduced, but the difficulty of the mathematical problems being solved is also increased. That is because more and more people use their computer to solve the problems. The difficulty of the problems being solved scales exponentially according to the equation

D = 3.65 * e0.533t

Here D is the difficulty of solving the problem and t is the time in months, with T = 0 on January 1st 2013. Larger D implies that the problem is harder to solve.

Question D: Write down the equation for the derivative of D and argue that D is an increasing function, that increases by an increasing rate.

Solution: The derivative is 0.533 * 3.65 * e0.533t by virtue of how the derivative of ex works plus the so called chain rule; if f(x) = ex then f'(x) is ex, and if g(x) = eh(x) then g'(x) = h'(x)eh(x). Now, e^(0.533t) is > 1 for t > 0 so the derivative is positive and D is an increasing function, and e0.533*t2 > e0.533*t1 for t2 > t1 > 0 so that the derivative grows with time, leading to an increasing rate at which D increases.

The above formula for D can be rewritten in such a way that you can find the amount of months needed to reach a specific D.

Question E: Rewrite the above equation for D in such a way.

Solution: D = 3.65 * e0.533t, taking the log (= base e logarithm, they call it ln in Dutch high school math but I dont believe this is universally true) on both sides we get that log(D) = Log(3.65e0.533t) = Log(3.65) + Log(e0.533t) = Log(3.65) + 0.533tLog(e) = Log(3.65) + 0.533t so that we can write down that t = Log(D/3.65)/0.533 using the rules of the Log function (Log(xy) = Log(x) + Log(y), Log(xy) = ylog(x))

Cryptocurrencies have found a ton of admirers recently, but guess who isn’t loving them right now — Dutch high school students.

This year’s VWO examination – a matriculation test high school students are required to take to be eligible to pursue university education in the Netherlands – featured an unorthodox theme: Bitcoin.

The students were provided a description for Bitcoin and how the cryptocurrency is mined:

Bitcoin is a digital currency that only exists online. It exists since January 1, 2009 and can be used to pay at online stores or for other online services. Bitcoin is not issued by a central bank, unlike normal money. Instead, Bitcoin is created by letting computers work on solutions for selected mathematical problems.

It works like this: anyone can run special software on his or her computer to contribute to solving such a mathematical problem. The owner of the computer that finds the solution to a problem receives 25 BTC (newly mined) as a reward. Because in 2014, such a problem was solved every 10 minutes, 25 BTC were put into circulation every 10 minutes.

Based on the paragraph, the students were asked to answer five questions, which were all about mathematical problems but developed on the provided description of Bitcoin.

The questions asked were relevant to the real world Bitcoin, including calculating the year by which the reward for miners will be lower than one Bitcoin and determining the maximum amount of Bitcoins that can ever be in circulation.

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly striking interest in the mainstream.

Some of the world’s largest companies including Facebook, Nasdaq, NYSE, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs have all recently jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon.

With the number of companies taking interest in cryptocurrencies on the rise, there is an equivalent rise in the opportunity to work and innovate in the sector.

While the initiative might not be the best segway into blockchain technology, it is an interesting way to expose younger audiences to cryptocurrencies – and an even more intriguing attempt at making exams “fun.”

But maybe it is the television shows that do a better job at sparking the interest among the younger generations, in which case, Silicon Valley is right on the spot!

You can see the examination paper here. If you do not speak Dutch, you can read this Redditor’s English translation here.

Dutch High School Examinations Feature Bitcoin-Themed Maths Questions
Dutch High School Exam Features Bitcoin-Themed QuestionsAccording to a rough translation of the examination paper circulating on Reddit, students were given the following question introduction:

“Bitcoin is a digital currency that only exists online. It has existed since January 1st, 2009, and can be used as payment method in webstores and for other online services. Bitcoin is not, like standard money, made by a central bank. Instead, all bitcoin that exist are created by having computers participate in solving specific mathematical problems. This works as follows: everyone can run special software on his or her computer that participates in solving such a mathematical problem. The owner of the computer that solves the problem receives 25 (newly created) bitcoin as a reward. Because it was the case that in 2014 such a problem is solved every 10 minutes, 25 new bitcoins were created every 10 minutes. On January 1st, there were (approximately) 12.2 million bitcoin.”

Following from the preceding introduction, students were asked to solve five different mathematical problems. The questions asked that students “calculate in what year the amount of bitcoin exceeded 18 million,” “calculate from which year on the reward will be less than one bitcoin,” “determine the maximal amount of bitcoin that can be in circulation,” in addition to posing addition problems based on the formula used to employed to solve the aforementioned questions.

Netherlands Warming to Cryptocurrency
Dutch High School Exam Features Bitcoin-Themed QuestionsThe test has been offered to students following increasing recognition of cryptocurrency on the part of Holland’s institutions.

During March, the Court of Amsterdam determined that bitcoin possesses “properties of wealth” whilst adjudicating a civil rights case between an individual seeking repayment from an unfulfilled contract pertaining to bitcoin mining. The court concluded that “bitcoin represents a value and is transferable” and “thus shows characteristics of a property right. A claim for payment in Bitcoin is, therefore, to be regarded as a claim that qualifies for verification.”

Earlier this month, the ambassador of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition, Rob van Gijzel, presented a national blockchain research agenda, which had been commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. The ministry had created a designated committee, TopTeam ICT, tasked with analyzing the potential legal, economic, and ethical implications of distributed ledger technology in the Netherlands.


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发表于 2018-5-20 11:31 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-20 11:36 编辑
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-19 01:01

据Bitcoin.com消息,有关比特币的数学问题已被纳入荷兰最近的高 ...







发表于 2018-5-20 11:35 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
一台湾公司发布数字货币硬件钱包 形状大小如信用卡

据Bitcoin.com消息,一家台湾公司Coolbitx发布新的硬件钱包Coolwallet S,该硬件钱包形状大小类似信用卡片。该卡片左上角显示钱包数据,支持NFC、蓝牙、智能手机应用,可存储ETH、BTC、BCH、LTC、XRP等资产。

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts take security and storage seriously, and there are a bunch of different hardware solutions out there. One startup has released a different kind of digital asset hardware wallet that is the same size and shape as a credit card. Due to the design of the new ‘Coolwallet S,’ the wallet can be hidden very easily alongside the option of being carried effortlessly in your back pocket.

Also read: Bitcoin in Brief Saturday: Warren Warned By Billboards, Coinbase Tempted by Banking

The Credit Card Size and Shaped Coolwallet S Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet
Coolbitx is a Taiwanese financial-tech company founded by Michael Ou in 2014 that creates digital asset hardware wallets as well as smart contract development platforms. Back then the wallet creators started an Indiegogo campaign featuring the credit card shaped hardware wallet that allowed the secure storage of bitcoin private keys. During the Indiegogo campaign, the team raised $21,686 USD through 184 backers, 108 percent of their goal. Moreover, the startup Coolbitx is backed by firms such as Bitmain Technologies, SBI Holdings, Kyber Capital, Midana Capital, and more.

A Look at the Credit Card Shaped Hardware Device Called 'Coolwallet'
The Coolwallet S specs.
Basically, the Coolwallet S is the size of a traditional credit card at roughly 85.60 × 53.98 mm with rounded corners. It has a display on the upper left side which shows the wallet’s data like sending and balances. The creators of the Coolwallet S device claim that cryptocurrencies are held in an isolated offline environment and the card’s tactile button ensures an owner’s two-factor authentication process. The Coolwallet S holds five popular digital assets such as Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Core (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and an assortment of ERC-20 tokens.

A Look at the Credit Card Shaped Hardware Device Called 'Coolwallet'
What you get for $189 USD.
Coolwallet is NFC & Bluetooth Compatible and Also Works With Mobile Phones
The wallet developers have made the card flexible, waterproof, and fire resistant as well. The Coolwallet S syncs data via encrypted Bluetooth technology and its NFC (Near Field Communication) charger powers the device with its own power dock. Moreover, the new Coolwallet S can be tethered to a mobile application for Android and iOS devices.

“Keep it private, keep it safe, keep it Cool,” says the Coolbitx developers.

Have total, end-to-end control over your cryptocurrency with an EAL5+ certified Secure Element microchip on a tamper-proof physical device.

The Coolwallet S is a bit more expensive compared to other hardware wallets on the market like Keepkey, Digital Bitbox, Trezor, and Ledger. The Coolwallet S costs $189 but users can purchase a ‘Duo’ package for $299. One thing we noticed when proceeding to the checkout is the wallet has to be purchased with a credit card, as there was no option to pay for this product with a cryptocurrency. This post will be followed up with a step-by-step review of the Coolwallet S as soon as our device arrives.


发表于 2018-5-20 11:38 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-5-20 11:38 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-5-20 11:46 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-5-20 11:50 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-20 11:57 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-20 16:23 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整



发表于 2018-5-20 16:28 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Coinbase总裁Asiff Hirji:99%的客户资产离线存储

据相关人士消息,Coinbase总裁兼首席运营官Asiff Hirji称,为了减少数据泄露的破坏性风险,Coinbase把大约99%的用户资产离线保管。剩下1%的流动资金主要来自公司账户,用来执行交易,所以客户资产从来不与市场直接联系。且剩下的1%的资产由伦敦的劳埃德银行做保,提供了另一层防护。



发表于 2018-5-20 16:32 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

《法制日报》近日刊文称,数字货币高收益的背后不仅伴随着极高的投资风险,还有不容忽视的法律风险。从目前来看,在国内具体应当由哪个部门牵头对比特币进行监管并不明晰。中国政法大学互联网金融法律研究院院长李爱君表示,“如果是虚拟商品的话,应当不属于金融系统监管范畴,可以由工商局进行监管。但如果是虚拟货币的话,应当由金融监管部门进行监管。” 她还指出,“央行下一步要发行法定数字货币,应该说对于数字货币的态度是开放的。但是,对于ICO而言,则是严厉禁止。”李爱君认为,ICO如果要监管的话,则由证监会监管比较适合。


发表于 2018-5-20 16:33 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-20 16:36 编辑












发表于 2018-5-20 16:39 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整


发表于 2018-5-20 16:50 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 猫儿不笨 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 猫儿不笨 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-20 16:33

今日工信部信息中心正式发布《20 ...



发表于 2018-5-20 17:00 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-20 17:01 编辑


据Ambcrypto消息,美国联合经济委员会(The Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States)发布了关于经济和市场的年度报告。第9章标题为““Building a secure future, one blockchain at a time”,将区块链视为保护美国数字基础设施的潜在工具。该报告相关内容为:

Committee Congress Of The United States about cryptocurrencies and blockchain (chapter 9)

There are some extracts from Chapter 9 of the Report Of The Joint Economic Committee Congress Of The United States in the article. This chapter is called «Building A Secure Future, One Blockchain At A Time»


Many significant economic events stand out in 2017—passage of tax reform, regulatory reform, the continued drop in unemployment and the emergence of cryptocurrencies should be listed among them. Sensational headlines and intense fascination drove «Bitcoin» to second place as a global news topic in Google’s Year in Search 2017. «Bitcoin» searches skyrocketed, and «blockchain» and «Ethereum» moved out of relative obscurity.

In addition to the surge in searches, the price of many cryptocurrency and blockchain assets skyrocketed.Yet, while both stock market measures experienced strong growth, cryptocurrencies dwarfed their performance.

The buzz surrounding digital currencies resembles the internet excitement in the late 1990s when people recognized technology companies could change the world. Many internet companies launched and their valuations took off in short order. Many failed, but a few succeeded spectacularly and challenged the conventional ways of doing business. A company that did eventually succeed is an online book retailer called Amazon.com, but along the way its price gyrated with stock splits and recessions.

Surging prices also drove up cryptocurrency market capitalization. At the beginning of 2017, the total value of all bitcoin in circulation was almost $15.5 billion, but by year’s end it increased almost 14-fold to over $216 billion. Other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin experienced similar gains. Ether’s total circulating value multiplied by 98 from just under $700 million to over $68 billion. Ripple’s market cap multiplied by an even larger 342 from $237 million to over $81 billion. Finally, Litecoin lost its position as the third largest cryptocurrency in 2017. It still grew robustly but increased to just 55 times its original market cap of over $212 million, to well over $11 billion.


Blockchain is the distributed ledger technology that underlies digital currencies such as Bitcoin. A ledger is the accounting tool that tracks the movement of money from one person or account to another. Conventionally, such records are stored in central locations like banks, headquarters, and Paypal servers. Blockchain revolutionizes ledger technology with a network of distributed ledgers. Instead of one central, authoritative record of all transactions or information, blockchain creates potentially thousands of identical ledgers in computers and servers all over the world.

In «permissionless» proof-of-work blockchain, people compete to validate each transaction in return for a reward. The protocol rewards users for creating and validating entries into the ledger. This reward creates an incentive for competition and gives these validators («miners» – Box 9-1) new tokens to use in the system. Users who do not earn tokens by performing verifications, i.e., not  «miners», must buy the tokens. This interplay between miners and purchasers create an ecosystem where people have clear incentives and rewards to maintain the distributed ledger for everyone.

Bitcoin was the first blockchain. Bitcoin’s network creates a new record of verified transactions approximately every ten minutes and packages the records into a so-called «block». Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency in the world, and though it uses the same blockchain technology as Bitcoin, it serves different purposes. While Bitcoin’s blockchain records each transaction in

its currency, Ethereum records results from the programs users upload to its network. It allows programmers to create applications and «smart contracts» that utilize computing power from Ethereum’s network to execute them. This brings the decentralized security of blockchain to computing power, while allowing developers to build applications, smart contracts, and other digital coins on top of Ethereum. Additionally, it uses the same proof-of-work mining that Bitcoin does, but its network produces a block every 12 to 15 seconds and rewards its miners three ethers per block, with additional rewards for solutions found but not included.

Are Digital Currencies Actual Currencies?

Blockchain technology could compete with existing mechanisms, goods, and services. Its initial application as a payment medium prompted questions about whether it might replace national currencies and challenge the U.S. dollar. Currencies serve three functions: medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. A currency will not be the only store of value in an economy. Many items can potentially store value, but money normally maintains relatively stable purchasing power over time and individuals expect it to remain an acceptable medium of exchange in the future.

At this point, many prominent economists do not believe cryptocurrencies fit the standard definition of money. Former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen considered Bitcoin a «highly speculative asset» that is not considered legal tender.Bitcoin itself has technical and economic limitations that hinder its use as a medium of exchange. Transaction processing time and fees on the Bitcoin network keep increasing and render Bitcoin uneconomical for common purchases. Bitcoin’s current design can only process about seven transactions per second, while Visa or Mastercard can process thousands. The debate over scalability deeply divides the Bitcoin community. Ethereum experienced similar problems, but underwent a planned and substantial upgrade in October of 2017 that improved its processing time.If Bitcoin or other digital currencies can improve their underlying protocols or find off- chain solutions, they could speed up processing time and reduce transaction fees.

Extreme volatility in the dollar price of cryptocurrencies also impairs their use as money because people price goods and services in dollars and thus their purchasing power fluctuates wildly. In order to value items in terms of bitcoin, ether, or ripple, the dollar exchange values of these units would have to stabilize. The dollar loses about two percent of its value per year due to inflation, but its purchasing power loss is modest and predictable so people can incorporate it in their decisions. If digital currencies become less volatile in the future, valuing items in those denominations could become easier and individuals might begin using them more frequently as a medium of exchange.

Initial Coin Offerings

A new market formed around blockchain startups, called Initial Coin Offerings (ICO). An ICO allows developers to raise funds for a project by issuing tokens to use on that project. For example, if a group of economists wants to exchange papers, research, analysis, and review or editing services, developers would  create an online platform to allow each person to have an account for conducting these activities. Before blockchain, such a site would usually use outside payment systems such as Paypal or Visa to process transactions, but in this example, users could transact with hypothetical scarce tokens called EconoCoins.

The second element would be a «smart contract». With smart contracts, a program enforces the contract built into the code.

An ICO consolidates two important elements of building a new economic ecosystem, obtaining funding and creating a network. ICOs do not offer equity and are much less expensive than an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

Blockchain Innovations

Blockchain technology offers a decentralized, secure, and efficient way to store almost any form of data across multiple platforms. Developers, companies, and governments recognize the potential and have already starting to implement blockchains for many different uses.

Growing Pains and Misuses

The potential for theft remains a problem but not due to the structure of blockchain. No evidence exists of anyone hacking blockchain’s underlying protocol, but digital currencies are still vulnerable to theft. Users keep their currencies on digital «wallets» stored as files on a computer. For many, this could be a technical barrier deterring them from directly using the tokens. Centralized exchanges and internet services emerged to solve this hurdle where users could buy, sell, and store their virtual currency on that site. However, using an exchange to store ones’ digital assets increases the risk of theft. When individuals keep their digital asset in a single «wallet», the only way to access it is by knowing their private key. But with online exchanges that pool multiple assets into much larger «wallets» to facilitate trading, many people will have access to those funds.


Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and their exchanges present novel regulatory challenges. Their rapid ascension led to instances of new products running afoul of America’s current regulatory framework. This demonstrated how certain regulatory environments are simply out of touch with the internet age. The market expanded with a light regulatory touch, but its explosion in 2017 and the well-publicized nefarious actions in this space prompted regulators to act. Further, American regulators spent years convening working groups, watching developments, and conducting research to ensure they understood how these

technologies operated and how they could be regulated. Rather than covering the plethora of regulatory challenges cryptocurrencies and blockchain present, this Response will focus on securities regulations, money transmission laws, taxation definitions, and possible future regulatory action.

Future Regulatory Questions

Solving the challenges cryptocurrencies and blockchains present will require unique solutions that balance the needs of consumer protection, security, and entrepreneurship. While it is impossible to determine precisely which rules, regulations, and guidance will result from this process, one thing is certain. Regulatory agencies will need to coordinate to ensure they do not work at cross purposes.


Technology presents evolving challenges and generates new solutions. Blockchain technology essentially stores and transmits data securely, in large volume, and at high speeds. So far, the technology has proved largely resistant to hacking, and given this feature, developers first applied it to digital currencies. Yet blockchain has many more potential applications, such as portable medical records and securing the critical financial and energy infrastructure.


发表于 2018-5-20 17:04 |显示全部楼层
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猫儿不笨 发表于 2018-5-20 16:50




参与人数 1积分 +6 收起 理由
猫儿不笨 + 6 感谢分享




发表于 2018-5-20 17:13 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-20 17:16 |显示全部楼层
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本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-20 17:20 编辑


据Bitcoin.com最新消息,俄罗斯司法部部长Alexander Konovalov称他和同僚们认为数字货币合法,应该被视作财产。如果不把数字货币看做财产,那相关的偷盗行为将不会犯法。Konovalov还称如果数字货币继续发展,相关规制必须跟上,要保证这不会进入金融金字塔。数字货币是是否合法,最终还需要国家杜马来决定。

The Russian Ministry of Justice has taken side in what looks like a lively debate about the status of cryptocurrencies that are still unregulated in the country. A bankruptcy case involving a modest amount of bitcoin has sparked discussions in Russian legal circles. Some say a crypto is nothing more than “a set of characters.” Others, including the justice minister, are categorical – cryptocurrency can’t be anything else but property.   

Also read: Cryptocurrencies to be Called “Digital Money” in Russia, Tokens – “Digital Rights”

Russian Justice Ministry Takes Side in a Legal Argument

Cryptocurrency falls under the legal category of “other property,” Russia’s Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov told reporters this week. With two draft laws on the matter still pending in the State Duma, he also noted that digital coins should not be considered electronic money, at least on this stage.

A bankruptcy case involving some bitcoin holdings has recently stirred the Russian legal community, which was challenged to provide a provisional answer to the question about the status of cryptocurrencies. In the absence of firm definitions in the current legislation, this question split Russian legal experts in two camps. On one side are those who think that cryptocurrencies have real value, on the other – their colleagues who believe they don’t, if the law doesn’t explicitly say so.

Cryptocurrency is Property in Russia, Justice Minister ConfirmsAccording to Konovalov, his department has adopted a “consolidated opinion” on the legal nature of cryptocurrencies and it supports the view that they should be defined as property. “If digital money is not property, its theft would not be considered criminal offense because there would be no object of the crime,” he warned.

“If cryptocurrencies are to develop, additional regulation will be necessary. The main point is to ensure that all this does not grow into financial pyramids,” Konovalov added, quoted by Prime. He is convinced that Russia should introduce rigid crypto regulations but also recognizes that the phenomenon is itself a “manifestation of the people’s desire to escape from total dependence.”

The Question Will Be Answered by the Duma Soon

Minister Konovalov’s comments added to the ongoing debate among experts and officials in Moscow on whether cryptocurrency can be considered a property in accordance with the current Russian legislation. The discussions were prompted by a bankruptcy filing from October last year. During the arbitrage proceedings, the debtor protested the trustee’s request to include his crypto funds, less than 0.2 bitcoin (BTC), in his bankruptcy estate.

According to his legal representative, such move is impossible as the term “cryptocurrency” is not mentioned in Russia’s Civil Code at all. The Moscow Arbitration Court accepted this position. “A conclusion can be drawn that cryptocurrency is a certain set of symbols/characters contained in an information system. It cannot be an object of the civil rights,” it said.

Cryptocurrency is Property in Russia, Justice Minister Confirms

But then, earlier in May, an arbitration court of appeals overturned this ruling recognizing cryptocurrency as a valuable property, as news.Bitcoin.com reported. On Thursday, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeals published its decision on the case. According to the document quoted by Interfax, cryptocurrency cannot be regarded as anything else but property. And, since the current civil law does not contain the notion “other property”, the widest possible interpretation of property is permissible, the court explained.

The question about the status of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation will be answered very soon. Two drafts have been filed in the Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, and the one that focuses on legalizing initial coin offerings will have its first reading on Tuesday, May 22. The second bill is expected to amend the country’s Civil Code in order to regulate crypto payments. According to comments made by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev this week, the new legislation will refer to cryptos and tokens as “digital money” and “digital rights”, respectively. Whether this means that bitcoin will be accepted both as currency and property remains to be seen.


发表于 2018-5-20 17:22 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
本帖最后由 Hetbert 于 2018-5-20 17:24 编辑


项目筛选和投票规则均遵循已有的HADAX投票规则。欧澳专场项目均标有 “欧澳专场”的标识,并会和其他项目一起并列投票榜,但将单独进行投票排名,每轮投票的前三名将会上线HADAX。



发表于 2018-5-20 17:26 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-20 17:22

{:12_789:} 海带丝还学习中国高考,上币按区域划片儿了。。。


发表于 2018-5-20 17:30 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-20 17:31 |显示全部楼层
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业内人士:4月住户存款大降1.32万亿 定有部分流入数字货币市场

看多 602 看空 88


发表于 2018-5-20 17:33 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-20 17:31
业内人士:4月住户存款大降1.32万亿 定有部分流入数字货币市场

近日,中国人民银行发布的2018年4月金融统 ...

(paopaobing(82)) 这个排除法看起来好有道理。




发表于 2018-5-20 17:35 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-20 17:38 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2018-5-20 17:44 |显示全部楼层
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今日,华尔街日报公布了其对1450份白皮书的分析数据:内容重复的项目共111 个;团队信息造假的项目共124 个;对收益进行明确保证的项目共25 个。

Buyer Beware: Hundreds of Bitcoin Wannabes Show Hallmarks of Fraud

A Wall Street Journal analysis of 1,450 cryptocurrency offerings reveals rampant plagiarism, identity theft and promises of improbable returns
By Shane Shifflett and Coulter Jones | Graphics by Hanna Sender
May 17, 2018 12:05 p.m. ET

Hundreds of technology firms raising money in the fevered market for cryptocurrencies are using deceptive or even fraudulent tactics to lure investors.

In a review of documents produced for 1,450 digital coin offerings, The Wall Street Journal has found 271 with red flags that include plagiarized investor documents, promises of guaranteed returns and missing or fake executive teams.

“Jeremy Boker” is listed as a co-founder of Denaro, an online-payment project. In investor documents for a public offering in March, which claimed to have raised $8.3 million, Mr. Boker boasted of his cryptocurrency startup’s “powerhouse” team. In his biography, he noted a “respectable history of happy clients” in consulting before he launched Denaro.

In fact, Mr. Boker’s bio image was a stock photo, there is no evidence he exists and the rest of his team appears to be fictional, except for two freelancers who said they were paid by people unknown to them to market the project, the Journal found.

The principals behind Denaro couldn’t be identified and attempts to reach the company went unanswered. The real person whose image was repurposed as Mr. Boker’s turns out to be Jenish Mirani, a banker in Poland. Mr. Mirani, who had posted the photo on his personal website, said “it was really shocking” to find out about its afterlife.

Investors have poured more than $1 billion into the 271 coin offerings where the Journal identified red flags, according to a review of company statements and online transaction records—nearly one in five of those reviewed. Some of the firms are still raising funds, while others have shut down. Investors have so far claimed losses of up to $273 million in these projects, according to lawsuits and regulatory actions.

Companies use coin offerings to raise funds by selling their own digital currency. Led by the bitcoin fever, the 1,450 projects analyzed by the Journal—a number believed to encompass most of those aimed at an English-speaking audience since 2014—say they have raised at least $5 billion. Since 2017, cryptocoin offerings have generated more than $9 billion in proceeds globally, according to research and data firm Satis Group.

Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued warnings to investors that many deals in the booming private market for cryptocurrencies could be violating securities laws, and on Wednesday launched a website touting a fake coin offering as an example of what to avoid.

Since December the agency has filed civil charges against companies and individuals in four separate cases involving initial coin offerings, known as ICOs. At least a dozen companies put their offerings on hold after the agency raised questions, an SEC official said in February.

At the heart of most coin offerings is a company’s “white paper,” a document that typically details mission statements, team biographies and the technical specifics of a project.

Of the 1,450 white papers downloaded from three popular websites that track coin offerings, the Journal found 111 that repeated entire sections word-for-word from other white papers. The copied language included descriptions of marketing plans, security issues and even distinct technical features such as how other programmers can interact with their database.

Explore the ICOs
◀ ▶
All red flags
Duplicate language
No team
No website
Guaranteed returns
In the initial coin offerings reviewed by the Journal,
271 raised at least one red flag.
Source: Wall Street Journal analysis of 1,450 white papers
At least 121 of the projects didn’t disclose the name of a single employee and several of them listed team members who either didn’t appear to exist, as with Denaro, or were real people who said their identities were being used without their knowledge.

The Journal also identified more than two dozen companies that promised investors financial rewards without any risk—something the SEC prohibits. These white papers went as far as pledging weekly payouts or doubled returns. The SEC has recently taken action against ICOs making such guarantees, including PlexCorps, which raised as much as $15 million by promising a 1,354% profit in less than a month. In December, the agency obtained a court order freezing the company’s assets.

PlexCorps didn’t respond to emails seeking comment. On April 23, somebody posted a statement on the company’s Facebook page saying that “the PlexCoin project is not dead, it is simply on hold because some court orders prevent us from continuing the development of the project for the moment.”

Interest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies exploded as a frenzied rally pushed coin prices to all-time highs late last year. Now reality has set in for many in the industry as regulators step up their scrutiny and issue warnings to investors about fraud in the lightly policed market.

Unlike public offerings, ICOs generally happen outside the strict framework of regulation and don’t require filing much official paperwork, if any. That leaves it to investors to do a lot of the detective work about what’s real and what’s not.

Copied language, the absence of named employees and promised high returns are “warning signs for investors,” said Bradley Bennett, a former enforcement chief at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

“There are going to be some legitimate players that emerge from this but it’s going to be a handful—a lot of it looks like penny-stock fraud with lower barriers to entry,” Mr. Bennett, now a partner at law firm Baker Botts LLP, said of the broader coin market.

To feed the growing market, ranks of freelancers have sprouted up to write white papers for as little as $100.

At least five projects filled out their white papers or websites with executive images pulled directly from online stock photography or other sites, the Journal found.

Hired Help
Premium Trade's website describes CEO Idan Cohen as an "experienced entrepreneur."

But the picture of Mr. Cohen is actually Eduardo Carillo, a friend of the photographer. Images supposedly showing Premium Trade's five-member executive team were likely bought from stock photography sites.

In many cases, images used by Premium Trade are of people who appeared on other sites around the Internet.

The people whose photographs were used to depict Premium Trade's five-member executive team also appear on nearly 500 unrelated websites, according to a Journal analysis of Google Image search results.
Number of websites featuring Premium Trade staff photos

Diana Zahavi
Data Analyst
181 sites

Ram Rosenfeld
Lead Blockchain Developer

Shmuel Wiseman
Chief Marketing Officer

Idan Cohen
Founder & CEO

Andrew Ravitsky
Source: Wall Street Journal analysis of Google Image Search results
Photos: Designed by Freepik (stock images)
Premium Trade website (screenshot)
Among the most extreme was investment startup Premium Trade. The images for its five-member executive team were simultaneously being used on nearly 500 unrelated websites: Premium’s co-founder Andrew Ravitsky was also “Dr. John Watsan,” in an online cardiology course.

Premium Trade didn’t respond to several requests for comment and Messrs. Ravitsky and Watsan weren’t reachable, if in fact they exist.

LoopX, which began soliciting money last year, vowed to build “the most advanced” trading platform in the cryptocurrency market. The company didn’t name any team members or detail how the platform would be built. Its white paper featured several key entries identical to another coin project’s.

“Along this journey, we found great partners and mentors who were strongly committed and excited to work with the ever-progressing vision of LoopX,” the company wrote in one of several passages identical to those in an earlier online payment startup called UTrust.

After claiming to raise $4.5 million, LoopX disappeared from the internet in early February. Its website is now down and its Twitter account features a single message linking to a news article alleging the founder or founders ran off with the money. LoopX couldn’t be reached for comment.

When contacted by the Journal, Swiss-based UTrust’s CEO, Nuno Correia, said he was aware his white paper had been plagiarized but didn’t think there was anything to be done about it.

“We get a lot copies of our white paper,” Mr. Correia said. “My picture, my description, my team, even our website was copied.”

Seven other coin offerings also featured passages that appeared earlier in UTrust’s white paper.

Along with Mr. Correia’s biography, the Journal found lawyers in California, an escrow agent based in Ukraine and the co-owner of a media company whose identities had been hijacked in order to lend credibility to a range of cryptocurrency projects involving education, e-commerce and crypto mining.

“I’m a little creeped out by the whole thing,” said Amanda Gavin, co-owner of a media production company in San Francisco, whose image and name were taken from her LinkedIn page and used for a coin offering she had never heard of called Pixiu.

Pixiu didn’t respond to several requests for comment via email and social media.

At least four coin promoters have been sued by investors seeking to start class-action cases. During its 2017 offering, Paragon Coin raised more than $70 million, according to a lawsuit filed in a California federal court alleging the business was an “overly ambitious, vague, and impractical” venture to raise funds to purchase real estate.

Paragon, founded by a Russian internet entrepreneur named Egor Lavrov and his wife, Jessica VerSteeg, promises to “connect the cannabis industry through the blockchain,” according to the company’s white paper. This July, the company plans to open a co-working space in Los Angeles paid for “exclusively in cryptocurrency,” according to the company’s website.

“Paragon is dedicated to staying compliant with all applicable laws, and endeavored to do so throughout the entire ICO process,” said Ms. VerSteeg, who was the 2014 Miss Iowa United States and is currently Paragon’s chief executive, in a statement provided by the company. “Paragon holds itself to a high standard of compliance with our token holders and will continue to do so as it moves forward.” Mr. Lavrov couldn’t be reached.

After the coin offering for Denaro closed in March, the entity’s website went dark and investors are now alleging on social media that the founders ran off with millions.

Daniel Armstrong, who said he worked for Denaro as a freelancer through February, proofreading company literature, now believes the startup was run by Lithuanians, based on evidence he saw from payment details, documents he edited and a message posted to Slack by one of the founders written in another language.

“I did some marketing text for them,” Mr. Armstrong said. “When they sent it to me it was terrible and written by a non-native writer.”

Denaro didn’t die entirely. An offering for a new payment system recently emerged called Pluto Coin with a similar website and an identical white paper. Half of the Denaro team members had also been recycled for Pluto Coin, including an image of Mr. Boker, which appears in coding for the website but isn’t visible to casual viewers. He has been renamed “Ivan Denver.”

So far, Pluto Coin claims on its website to have collected at least $10 million from investors. It couldn’t be reached for comment.

—Jean Eaglesham contributed to this article.

—Additional development by Shane Shifflett

—Illustration by Jessica Kuronen


The Wall Street Journal compiled a list of 1,958 cryptocurrency projects that announced an initial coin offering from three websites: Coinmarketcap.com, Tokendata.io and ICORating.com.

The Journal downloaded PDF-formatted white papers from either a project’s website or the source of the listing. Duplicate and non-English white papers were removed before conducting an analysis.

To prepare for its search, the Journal converted 1,450 PDFs to plain text and removed punctuation and case after identifying individual sentences.

To identify duplicate language, the Journal compared sentences with at least 10 unique words to every other sentence written. The Journal then reviewed 2,483 sentences appearing 6,392 times among the 1,450 papers analyzed.

To find documents that listed no team members at all, the Journal searched for names appearing in a list of more than one million maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau.

To identify fake team members, the Journal reverse image searched photos of people associated with 343 projects lacking key details about team members.

To identify “can’t miss” opportunities, the Journal searched more than 484,000 sentences for the following terms: nothing to lose, guaranteed profit, return on investment, highest return, high return, funds profit, no risk and little risk. Sentences fitting those parameters were further reviewed manually.

To identify projects with unresponsive websites, the Journal pinged each project’s website and attempted to download a copy of public pages on March 31, 2018. The Journal visited each site not responding to its request to confirm it was unavailable.

—Shane Shifflett and Coulter Jones


发表于 2018-5-20 17:46 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 Hetbert 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 Hetbert 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-20 17:44

今日,华尔街日报公布了其对1450份白皮书的分析数据:内容重 ...



发表于 2018-5-20 17:50 |显示全部楼层
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巴菲特办公室外惊现广告牌 被提醒不要错判比特币

近日,巴菲特办公室门外出现了一个大型广告牌,上面写道:你说过自己曾错判了谷歌和亚马逊,或许你也会错判比特币?据悉,该广告牌由比特币云挖矿公司Genesis Mining所设,该公司经常通过类似举动去平衡主流媒体对比特币的负面报道,并试图提高公众对比特币的认知。

发表于 2018-5-20 17:51 |显示全部楼层
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Hetbert 发表于 2018-5-20 17:46
这个比例真心不高啊,中国被禁之前发的ICO,99%都是诈骗币,远远高于国际平均水平。 ...



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