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NSW - My School 中小学的NAPLAN排名 [复制链接]

发表于 2010-1-29 18:02 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-29 18:10 |显示全部楼层
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这个排名可以决定未来房价走势啦 (paopaobing(56))


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发表于 2010-1-29 21:26 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 patrickzhu 于 2010-1-29 17:37 发表



发表于 2010-1-29 21:42 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 goldenkiwi 于 2010-1-29 18:18 发表

oatley top quarter 有70%, 而hurstville只有11%

你是不是理解了ICSEA 中的top quarter 是什么意思?它只是学生家庭背景的综合评分,与学校的成绩无关。不是你理解的是素质教育,还是应试教育的评分。

发表于 2010-1-29 23:19 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-29 23:26 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-30 00:04 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-30 08:50 |显示全部楼层
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SMH报道了NSW NAPLAN排名的冠军学校St Francis of Assisi Regional Primary School


Happy learners in a class of their own

January 29, 2010

AN EASTERN suburbs school has scored number one in NSW at primary level in numeracy and literacy.

The principal of St Francis of Assisi Regional Primary School, in Paddington, was astounded yesterday when told by the Herald her school had the best average score statewide in National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy testing.

The program assesses all students in Australian schools in years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Louise Minogue, principal for 12 years, said she could not be prouder.

"We knew our results were excellent but I certainly wasn't expecting this when I got the phone call. It's just such an outstanding achievement."

Miss Minogue said the school's success came from first-class teaching, a strong curriculum and the students.

''We have excellent teachers as well as quality programs. Both focus on the achievement of all students in our school to achieve their personal best. That's our main aim.

''I think it's that culture you embed into the life of the school where you have high expectations … when you believe that children can learn, doesn't matter what level, then you will be able to help children to learn effectively.''

She said that analysing the school's results had really paid off. "[We use] any information that we can get. We're very strong on analysing data here to improve student outcomes. We use a range of data and NAPLAN is just one of them."

While many NSW principals have condemned the Government's My School website, Miss Minogue believes it can be an effective tool.

"If it is used effectively to improve the outcomes for students, then it is a good program. For me it's not about comparing us to other schools, it's about giving the best learning opportunities to students to achieve their personal best."

Eleven-year-old Angus Kelleher, in year 6, was thrilled by the news of his school's success. "That is just amazing. I never thought it would come out like that," he said.

His classmate Sabia Salvatore said the school deserved the ranking. "We've worked really hard and we've got good teachers."

Miss Minogue said she was hopeful the school could maintain its ranking, but that it was not the main goal.

"We want them to be happy learners. At the end of the day that's the most important thing, that they end up being confident students who develop a love of learning," she said.

The school has 175 students and 15 teachers, seven of whom are full time. The scores on the website reflect results from 2008 and 2009.

发表于 2010-1-30 09:22 |显示全部楼层
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参与人数 2积分 +3 收起 理由
password + 1 对地产意义大过对教育意义
1997 + 2 我很赞同




发表于 2010-1-30 12:25 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 BjToSy 于 2010-1-29 19:02 发表

其实很多北区的学校是传统鬼佬区,我想学生大多应该是local的孩子。那里的房价也不是一般华人可以负担的,可他们的成绩照样很靠前。所以我觉得看不看华人比例和在外补习并不重要,教学质量好的学校,学生成绩就好是相关联的。ashifield burwwod auburn  carlton 我想也有很多华人学生,在外补习的也不算少吧。可成绩并不十分理想~

发表于 2010-1-30 12:47 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 1997 于 2010-1-30 13:25 发表

其实很多北区的学校是传统鬼佬区,我想学生大多应该是local的孩子。那里的房价也不是一般华人可以负担的,可他们的成绩照样很靠前。所以我觉得看不看华人比例和在外补习并不重要,教学质量好的学校,学生成绩就好 ...


发表于 2010-1-30 13:08 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-30 13:31 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 PurpleRipples 于 2010-1-30 13:47 发表



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发表于 2010-1-30 16:20 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 PurpleRipples 于 2010-1-30 13:47 发表



发表于 2010-1-30 17:23 |显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-31 17:39 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 patrickzhu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 patrickzhu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
SMH今天继续报道My School所引起的“口水”。。。

因为My School把一些精英的私立学校和一些名不见经传的公立学校分在一类(组)里比较,让某些教师觉得这个网站有重大的缺陷。

网站根据ICSEA的值来分组可比较的学校,产生了一些令人质疑的结果,比如把在Summer Hill的贵族学校Trinity Grammar和Wollongong的Bulli High放在一组里,把墨尔本久负盛名的私校scotch college和公立的Epping North Public放在一起比较。

教师联盟的主席由此用了incomplete, inaccurate and invalid来形容My School。

教育部长Julia Gillard承认ICSEA的值不能总是很精确的反映一些学校学生的总体情况,例外是存在的。
但是她一如既往的坚决捍卫着My School,说这个网站是usefulness,it had a ''very robust methodology''.
(我个人向Julia Gillard在这次My School中所付出的努力和坚持致敬----------patrickzhu)


Teachers slam index comparisons


January 31, 2010

Some of the most elite private schools have been classed as comparable to regional public schools on the controversial My School website, in a move teachers say is another sign that the website is deeply flawed.

The website has created groupings of about 60 schools, which are supposed to be comparable across a range of indicators.
But the site has thrown up questionable results such as placing Trinity Grammar in Summer Hill and Bulli High School, near Wollongong, in the same group, or Epping North Public School with one of Melbourne's most privileged schools, Scotch College.

''It confirms what we have been saying about the website, which is that it is incomplete, inaccurate and invalid,'' the federal president of the Australian Education Union, Angelo Gavrielatos, said.

''It is peculiar and mind-boggling to say that schools in the ACT and South Australia are comparable with one of the wealthiest schools in the country. If this is transparency, then heaven help us.''

Mr Gavrielatos was referring to the King's School in Parramatta, which has been placed in the same group as Concord West Public School and Gundaroo Public School, a small town about half an hour from Canberra.

PLC Sydney and Ascham have both been listed as comparable to public primary schools in South Australia - one that offers intensive language classes to people from non-English speaking backgrounds and another that has just 84 students.

A spokesman for NSW Education Minister Verity Firth said any anomalies on the website were a matter for the Federal Government.

Education Minister Julia Gillard has admitted that the index used to group schools as similar does not always accurately reflect some schools' student mixes.

But she continued to defend the site's usefulness, saying it had a ''very robust methodology''.

The education union is also concerned about the margin of error that exists in the testing results for literacy and numeracy that are included on the site. In some cases, particularly in small schools, the margin of error has been as high as 34.

The union says this demonstrates why the tests should not be used for comparative purposes but only for the reason they were created - to see where a child is up to.

Despite teacher concerns, more than 9 million people have looked at the website.

发表于 2010-1-31 18:23 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 joyceliu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 joyceliu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原来还在打算等我家的要上小学的时候跑去carlton租个房子,宁可搭点钱了,也要把孩子送那去,谁让大家都说好呢.结果这几天发现,我家旁边的两个小学排名还都在carlton前面,不用折腾钱了,真好,my school真是给我省钱了,不错不错 


发表于 2010-1-31 18:28 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 1997 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 1997 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 joyceliu 于 2010-1-31 19:23 发表
原来还在打算等我家的要上小学的时候跑去carlton租个房子,宁可搭点钱了,也要把孩子送那去,谁让大家都说好呢.结果这几天发现,我家旁边的两个小学排名还都在carlton前面,不用折腾钱了,真好,my school真是给我省 ...

发表于 2010-2-1 11:29 |显示全部楼层


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查了个差区的OC小学:http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/sc ... ecord&code=1596  Colyton Public School 位于 Nelson St, Mount Druitt NSW
排名Colyton Public School Mount Druitt 453


2012年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2011年度奖章获得者 2013年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-2-1 11:39 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 BOC 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 BOC 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 contactus 于 2010-2-1 12:29 发表
查了个差区的OC小学:http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/sc ... ecord&code=1596  Colyton Public School 位于 Nelson St, Mount Druitt NSW
排名Colyton Public School Mount Druitt 453

OC ...


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发表于 2010-2-1 11:44 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 patrickzhu 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 patrickzhu 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整
原帖由 contactus 于 2010-2-1 12:29 发表
查了个差区的OC小学:http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/sc ... ecord&code=1596  Colyton Public School 位于 Nelson St, Mount Druitt NSW
排名Colyton Public School Mount Druitt 453

OC ...

School ICSEA value: 949 大致在全国平均水平
但是Bottom quarter 65%, Middle quarters 33% 1%,  Top quarter 0%,说明学校的学生大部分来自于比较差的教育背景家庭,成绩差些也不奇怪啊。

Mount Druitt 是个有名的地方,13年前,Mount Druitt High School因为HSC的成绩就被媒体贴上差学校的标贴,引起了广泛的争议。

Being labelled worst still causes pain

January 31, 2010

Dianne Pyne has seen firsthand the suffering that comes from being labelled the worst school in NSW and she was depressed and disappointed to see ranking tables appear last week.

''For a school to be singled out and denigrated, it's so hard to recover - to recover the confidence of the community and to encourage teachers to come back there,'' she said.

Mrs Pyne is one of two teachers still at Chifley College which, as Mount Druitt High School 13 years ago, was branded the ''Class We Failed'' by The Daily Telegraph.

Its distressed HSC students, whose class photo was used with the article, successfully sued the newspaper for defamation. The appearance of the My School website brought back bad memories for Mrs Pyne.

''It's so hard to convey the outrage, the anger, the hurt that we felt at that time and how hard it was to rebuild from that,'' she said. ''A test like this is not the summation of the school. It does not tell you about the broad curriculum or how hard people have worked. Unfortunately some people will base their entire opinion of the school on this one piece of information. It will force principals to concentrate on just numeracy and literacy at the cost of the broad, rich curriculum.

''The shame that those students went through was horrible … Now we are being reminded of it again.

'' These are children's lives and I think our public schools deserve better than that.

''It's not just our school. It's many schools that will be labelled as failures because they appear lower down on a league table.''


参与人数 1积分 +1 收起 理由
contactus + 1 谢谢奉献



发表于 2010-2-1 11:45 |显示全部楼层
此文章由 PurpleRipples 原创或转贴,不代表本站立场和观点,版权归 oursteps.com.au 和作者 PurpleRipples 所有!转贴必须注明作者、出处和本声明,并保持内容完整

发表于 2010-2-1 12:46 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 BOC 于 2010-2-1 12:39 发表



发表于 2010-2-1 12:50 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 patrickzhu 于 2010-2-1 12:44 发表

School ICSEA value: 949 大致在全国平均水平
但是Bottom quarter 65%, Middle quarters 33% 1%,  Top quarter 0%,说明学校的学生大部分来自于比较差的教育背景家庭,成绩差些也不奇怪啊。

Mount Dru ...

嗯。MT DRUITT这个区是很差的。能在这样的差区里有OC小学,不由得担心生源质量和教师的质量呢。不知道这个OC的标准是根据什么设定的呢?
BTW,这个ICSEA怎么翻译合适呢? 谢谢!

[ 本帖最后由 contactus 于 2010-2-1 13:52 编辑 ]

2012年度奖章获得者 2010年度奖章获得者 2011年度奖章获得者 2013年度奖章获得者 2014年度奖章获得者

发表于 2010-2-1 13:02 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 contactus 于 2010-2-1 13:46 发表




参与人数 1积分 +1 收起 理由
contactus + 1 谢谢奉献


发表于 2010-2-1 13:23 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 BOC 于 2010-2-1 14:02 发表



发表于 2010-2-1 13:48 |显示全部楼层
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原帖由 contactus 于 2010-2-1 14:23 发表



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发表于 2010-2-6 10:27 |显示全部楼层

SYDNEY'S TOP 20 schools

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SMH今天有弄了个Sydney Top 20的排名,呵呵。
同时报道说,大学研究和房产中介都预测League Table(及其My School)将会影响家长们的购房决定。
通过和一些买公立好学校(比如Burwood Girls, Cheltenham Girls, Epping Boys, Killara and Cherrybrook Technology High School)学区里房子的家长的采访,得出的结论就是已经存在的趋势(好学校的学区里房子紧俏)会进一步的加强。


Schools website leads parents to change address
Anna Patty
February 6, 2010 - 12:35AM

LEAGUE tables will influence parents to buy homes in suburbs with top-ranking schools, university researchers and real estate agents predict.

Academics from the University of Sydney who have researched school choice say parents will consult performance rankings on the Federal Government's My School website when deciding where to live.

But those who cannot afford to move to suburbs with better ranking schools may become prone to feeling trapped, said Craig Campbell, an associate professor from the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney.

Professor Campbell, who co-wrote a book on school choice, has interviewed parents who bought real estate within the catchment areas of reputable public schools. Popular high schools include Burwood Girls, Cheltenham Girls, Epping Boys, Killara and Cherrybrook Technology High School.

''It is likely the trends that already exist will get stronger,'' he said. ''The league tables are going to be a powerful new source of information for parents. I have no doubt it will impact on real estate decisions.''

British research had found that some people who felt they did not have the financial or educational resources to work the education system felt alienated. Others who had the resources had become more engaged in making it work for them.

''It has been a long-term trend kicked off [in Australia] by the dezoning of government schools,'' he said. ''There are going to be a lot of people who feel more trapped, who can't afford to buy into the areas with good government schools.''

Professor Campbell said he agreed with commentators such as the academic Michael Pusey who have argued that the rise of neo-liberalism has contributed to undermining confidence in public institutions.

The middle classes now felt a need to insure themselves against failing government health and education systems.

''The collapse of traditional working-class jobs has also put more pressure on people who have been less reliant on schools and education in the past.

''Those people can't afford the good real estate and, possibly, better schools.''

Helen Proctor, a fellow lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney, co-wrote School Choice, How Parents Negotiate the New School Market in Australia with Professor Campbell and Geoffrey Sherington.

She said the new data would contribute to parents thinking more about primary school choice. ''In the research we did for the school choice book we were finding parents who had moved right across Sydney because they had identified a good high school,'' she said.

''It will be interesting to see whether real estate agents will be saying a primary school has good NAPLAN tests.''

Virginia Nicoll, of the real estate agency Harris Tripp First in Summer Hill, said good schools in the area, including Summer Hill Public, Trinity Grammar and St Patricks Catholic, were a selling point.

''We've been experiencing that solidly for the past 10 years, parents moving into the suburb for the schools in the area.''

Maria Gerber of Elders real estate in Stanmore said she had spoken to parents wanting to buy in the Stanmore area, to be in its school catchment.

''We are surrounded by a good selection of private and public schools. Parents will be looking at those … statistics and making decisions based on those as well.''

SYDNEY'S TOP 22 schools

1. Sydney Grammar School, Edgecliff Preparatory School

2. Sydney Grammar School, St Ives Preparatory School

3. St Francis' School Paddington

4. St Mary's Preparatory School North Sydney

5. Artarmon Public School

6. John Colet School Belrose

7. Woollahra Public School

8. Mosman Church of England Preparatory School

9. Abbotsleigh Wahroonga

10. SCEGGS Darlinghurst

11. Holy Family Catholic Primary School Lindfield

12. Our Lady of the Rosary School Kensington

13. Queenwood School for Girls Mosman

14. Beaumont Road Public School Killara

15. Carlingford West Public School Carlingford

16. St Aloysius' College Milsons Point

17. St Ives North Public School

18. Epping West Public School

19. St Philip Neri Catholic Primary School Northbridge

20. Summer Hill Public School

Source: Herald analysis of data from My Schools website.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/schools-website-leads-parents-to-change-address-20100205-niqw.html

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2010-2-6 15:05 编辑 ]

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1. Sydney Grammar School,
2. Edgecliff Preparatory School
3. Sydney Grammar School
4. St Ives Preparatory School

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1. Sydney Grammar School,
2. Edgecliff Preparatory School
3. Sydney Grammar School
4. St Ives Preparatory School



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