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Dear Lord Mayor, Councillors of the City of Adelaide,
I am writing to you today regarding Mr Simon Hou's irresponsible comments on Fun Tea assault, and his improper influence among Chinese businesses in Adelaide. As you may well know, this assault against a young female worker who is attempting to collect her stolen wages from the business owner happened last week, resulting in she to be forcefully kicked to the ground and head to be hit on a table by the business owner and his associates. Police and Fair Work is investigating this case.
This is a horrible incident. However, right after this incident goes viral on the social media, Mr Simon Hou, Central Ward Councillor for the City of Adelaide and president of the China Business Network of South Australia (CBNSA) made an extremely irresponsible and improper public statement on this incident (which can be seen in the attachment). In this statement, Mr Hou, as he claimed to be the leader of the Chinese community, stated that he is a friend of both Jason Duan, the owner of Fun Tea, and Gavin Guo, the attacker and friend of Jason Duan. Mr Hou stated that wants this incident to be mediate in a private settlement without formal legal process or involvement of authority. He also insists that Jason Duan's practice is not "as bad as claimed by the Internet", and he "will never distance himself from his friends". He also showed little sympathy on the victim, and made no condemnation on the unacceptable violence or salary theft. Such statement already sparks fury among the Chinese community in Adelaide.
As a Chinese student in Adelaide and a member of the Chinese community, and especially someone who were force working under $11 per hour in my previous part-time job, I urge Mr Simon Hou to step down as Councillor representing the City of Adelaide and the Chinese community. I also petition for Adelaide City Council to perform an investigation on Mr Hou's improper behaviour regarding the following issues. I hope Mr Simon Hou will explain himself to the public that why,
Under his leading of the China Business Network of South Australia, wage theft and employer abuse been a common practice among Chinese business in Adelaide, and no attempt ever been made on this issue.
Over the past few years, it is well known among the Chinese community in South Australia that Jason Duan, owner of Fun Tea and other businesses in Adelaide CBD, will threaten employees who dare to ask for a fair wage that he "have connections among high-ranks in the Adelaide government", "have a good friend in the city council", especially to Chinese students who just arrived and are not familiar with the Australia political system, and such threaten caused fears in Chinese students and let workers to back down from their rightful demands. We can also clearly see in the video that in this case, Gavin Guo the attacker also threatened the female worker with his "connections with high-ups". Since Mr Hou admits that he and Mr Duan are "friends", and he knows Gavin Guo for 14 years, why he never published any disclaimer about his roles in the City Council, and why he never stopped his friends from using his name to threaten employees over the years?
It is reported that previously there are Chinese students contacting Mr Simon Hou to seek advice on defending themselves against wage theft, and Mr Hou turned them away, stating that "I myself started working on jobs that pays only $5 per hour, you either accept it or walk away. If you attempt to collect your wage through legal process, not Chinese business in Adelaide will ever hire you again." Can Mr Hou please explain his positions on wage theft and Chinese business's practice in Adelaide.
Wage theft and employer abuse have been around Chinatown for more than 2 decades, and this kind of assault will continue to happen until decisive action to be taken by both the government and the community. Please let it to be one of the last examples of the systematic abuse against minorities here in Adelaide.
Yours sincerely