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sugarling 发表于 2019-10-27 11:40 
楼主,我很理解你现在的迷惘,我也曾经有过。与其听他人的观点,不如整理一下自己的内在,看清楚自己;之后 ...
Very good analysis !
In a medium sized company, normally there are about 4-6 accounting staff while only one payroll staff. Clearly there are more accounting job than payroll jobs.
However, the other factor which should also be considered is how many people are looking for accounting jobs and payroll jobs. It is automatic for accounting graduates to look for accounting jobs but it is very rare for them to look for a job in payroll.
Every year, thousands of accounting graduates are looking for accounting jobs, not payroll jobs.
At the moment no uni offer any course in payroll,only a few certificates and a diploma (for senior positions) offered by Tafe, therefore, compared with accounting, much less people are looking for payroll.
That's why at the moment, payroll job is easier to be obtained.
Those tafe courses are not as practical/relevant as the training (some of them are even just rubbish) , much more expensive, has nothing to do with job hunting skills....... only a certificate is not enough for most of we Chinese guys to obtain a job.
If only 1/4 of the accounting graduates shift from accounting job to payroll jobs, the payroll job hunting would be much harder than accounting's.
Happy to discuss and hopefully this kind of discussion can give more useful info to those in needs.