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奇思 发表于 2016-6-24 23:36
的确Nature vs Nurture究竟哪个影响大的辩论从来没 ...
似乎人的思想很容易被环境(外界的信息)所左右,我们不是有自由意志(free will)的吗?
The most extreme case is represented by feral children. A feral child is a human child who has lived isolated from human contact from a very young age, and has no (or little) experience of human care, loving or social behavior, and, crucially, of human language.
Feral children lack the basic social skills which are normally learned in the process of enculturation. For example, they may be unable to learn to use a toilet, have trouble learning to walk upright and display a complete lack of interest in human activity around them.
Oxana Malaya began her life living with dogs, rejected by her mother and father. She somehow survived for six years, living wild, before being taken into care. There are few cases of feral children who’ve been able to fully compensate for the neglect they’ve suffered.
Oxana is now 22, but her future still hangs in the balance. Have scientists learned enough from previous cases to rehabilitate?
For six years, Oxana Malaya spent her life, living in a kennel, with dogs. Totally abandoned by her mother and father, she was discovered, behaving more like an animal, than a human child.
For two centuries, wild children have been the object of fascinating study. Raised without love, or social interaction, wild (or feral) children pose the question: What is it that makes us human?”
我们不得不尝试去回答这个最基本的问题:What makes us human?
Cognition allows animals to separate themselves from the immediacy of their environment and to reflect on the past in order to solve future problems. Cognition involves the ability to make novel associations. Cognition was once thought to define humanity, or to separate humans from animals, but scientists now recognize that cognitive abilities are not confined solely to humans. Learning through cognition may be more removed from genetic constraints than other forms of learning, but cognitive problem solving ability can vary substantially among different animals within a species. Variation in ability is inherited, so at its core, there is a genetic element underlying cognitive abilities. Cognition gives animals a high level of flexibility in their social and physical environments, but even cognition is ultimately constrained by genetic limits.
One interesting aspect of cognition is that it can allow an animal to distinguish itself as a distinct identity. If an animal looks at its own image in a mirror and recognizes "self" rather than identifying the image as another animal, then some investigators interpret this as evidence of cognition. A common test is to modify the visual appearance of an animal (e.g., dying a patch of hair) and then observe the reaction of the animal to its mirror image. If it touches the dyed patch this is taken as evidence for the animal having a concept of "self." Apes, some monkey species, elephants and dolphins, all respond positively in mirror tests, supporting the idea that cognition is important in behavioral development across a broad range of animals (Plotnik et al. 2006).
Social cognition, the ability of an animal to forecast how its own actions will affect its future relationships within a social group, exists in chimpanzees (although it is more limited than in humans) and may extend to other species. In social groups without cognition, behavioral interactions are very much "in the moment," driven by factors such as dominance and family membership. Social cognition allows animals to be more calculating and manipulative in their social relationships. Chimpanzees do not appear to be mean to other members of their social group without justification, but they can, and do, exact revenge against group members that exhibit selfish behavior (Call 2001, Jensen et al. 2006).
Imagination, collective imagination and collective learning
Namely, our openended ability to imagine and reflect on scenarios, and our insatiable drive to link our minds together. These two traits explain how our species was able to amplify qualities that we inherited in parallel with our animal counterparts; transforming animal communication into language, memory into mental time travel, sociality into mind reading, problem solving into abstract reasoning, traditions into culture, and empathy into morality.
Homo sapiens rules the world because it is the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in its own imagination, such as gods, states, money and human rights.
How did Homo sapiens came to dominate the planet? The secret was a very peculiar characteristic of our unique Sapiens language. Our language, alone of all the animals, enables us to talk about things that do not exist at all. You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death, in monkey heaven. Only Sapiens can believe such fictions. But why is it important? After all, fiction can be dangerously misleading or distracting. People who go to the forest looking for fairies and unicorns would seem to have less chance of survival than people who go looking for mushrooms and deer.
Fiction is nevertheless of immense importance, because it enabled us to imagine things collectively. We can weave common myths such as the biblical creation story, the Dreamtime myths of Aboriginal Australians, and the nationalist myths of modern states. And it is these myths that enable Sapiens alone to cooperate flexibly with thousands and even millions of complete strangers.
At the heart of our mass cooperation networks, you will always find fictional stories that exist only in people's collective imagination. Two Catholics who have never met can nevertheless go together on crusade or pool funds to build a hospital because they both believe that God was incarnated in human flesh and allowed himself to be crucified to redeem our sins. Two Serbs who have never met might risk their lives to save one-another because both believe in the existence of the Serbian nation, the Serbian homeland, and the Serbian flag. Two lawyers who have never met can nevertheless combine efforts to defend a complete stranger because they all believe in the existence of laws, justice, human rights—and the money paid out in fees.
Yet none of these things exists outside the stories that people invent and tell one another. There are no gods, no nations, no money and no human rights, except in our collective imagination.
The end result is that in contrast to all other animals, we Sapiens are living in a dual reality. On the one hand, the objective reality of rivers, trees and lions; and on the other hand, the imagined reality of gods, nations and companies. As history unfolded, the imagined reality became ever more powerful, so that today the very survival of rivers, trees and lions depends on the grace of imagined entities such as Almighty God, the European Union and Google.
人类思想的基础是大脑中的神经回路,基因决定了神经回路的形成由外界的刺激引发,外界的刺激是人所有感官接受到的神经冲动,包括所看,所听,所感觉到的等等,这些都可以称为信息。控制人们所接受的信息(外界的刺激)可以影响神经回路的形成,从而影响人们的想法,营造出我们的共同想象,如文字,语言,国家,法律,公司和金钱。教育也好,social engineering也罢,都是通过让人们,尤其让人们从幼年开始,接受相应的信息从而改变人们的集体想象,制造出想象中的现实。这些想象的现实的作用就是让人们能够大规模的灵活的合作。
我做了一下功课去努力了解一个人是如何定义自己是LGBTIA+,除了intersex(双性人)有真正的定义,是一种真实的生理结构,其他的定义根据我的理解其实是一种社会结构的概念化,也就是一种新的共同想象,推动这些概念的人其实是想将这些变成一种社会现实,an imagined reality. 要达成目标,所能做的就是让尽可能多的人尤其是青少年来接受这些概念。
Sex(性别):The parts of your body (身体结构)
Gender Identity(性别认同或者性身份):How you feel(你感觉自己的性别是什么?)
Sexual Identity(性取向):Who you like(你喜欢谁?)
Sex(性别)是现实,Gender Identity(性别认同或者性身份)和Sexual Identity(性取向)与人的感觉相关,在这些相应的教学视频中,所有这些LGBT的年轻人(除了Intersex的年轻人)只是在说自己的感觉,cool或者not cool是标准,然后建议怀疑自己是LGBT的年轻人去上minus18的网站,我也上了Quora看到了LGBT的回答者对于不接受他们身份的态度,只是一句That's their problem。 这更像是一种想象中的现实,其实并不能反映人的真实的行为,LGBTIA+更像一个社会群体的标签。
比方说transgender(变性人),我一开始认为他们会选择改变自己的身体生理结构,其实按照定义,他们或者她们只需要思想上和行为上表现的像自己认为的性别就可以了。而且根据gender fluidity,一个人不需要改变自己的生理结构就可以在生命的任何阶段改变自己的性别认同,即性身份(Gender Identity)。这种理念已经引发了美国D211学区关于一名transgender学生使用女生更衣室的权利的行政命令和与之相应的一场诉讼:http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20151015/news/151019300/
根据sexual fluidity,一个人可以在生命的任何阶段改变自己的性取向(Sexual Identity),一位美国的前参议员在与他有三十年婚姻的妻子去世后最近和一位同性伴侣结婚了:http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36127215
也许这只是这些社会活动家的第一步,可能正如你在回帖中所说的,“ 很多左派人士反对的是婚姻本身。觉得现代社会不再需要婚姻,只要经济部分就足够了。…生了孩子要不要锁在一个家庭的模式里也是个人选择。” 也许有一天,婚姻不再存在,家庭这个社会基本单元不再存在,当性别,性别认同和性取向被模糊了之后,也就意味着一个人可以自由和任何人相爱,自由的和任何人在一起,孩子的抚养权也会变化,也许很多人不再愿意养育孩子,这时候社会就会接过孩子的抚养权,可能是政府,可能是慈善机构,可能是其他组织结构,就像有些部落中一样,孩子由整个部落抚养。
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi
对于生育的看法,你在回帖中说:“ 但如果教育的基础是鼓励生育繁衍,这无疑对无法生育者(除了LGBT,还有生理无法生育者)是有伤害的。是否生育,甚至是否有情感伴侣,都是个人的选择,这其中变数很多。如果人类的本性是想要繁衍的,那么自然大部分会想要去生孩子。生了孩子要不要锁在一个家庭的模式里也是个人选择。”
世界上没有绝对的公平可言,一代人不生育,整个人类就自我灭绝了。一些国家已经遇到了低出生率的问题,他们都在想尽办法去提高出生率,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aging_of_Japan 你可以从中知道低生育率所造成的后果,其实澳洲的生育率已经低于人口世代替代所要求的出生率,政策上也是鼓励生育的,https://aifs.gov.au/publications/fertility-and-family-policy-australia/summary,你可以参考前面的链接。
你在回帖中说“ 就像现在的世界正在因为我们得到的便利而需要去保护地球,不要让地球走向毁灭一样。难道因为现在的危险,我们可以理直气壮地说,当时的科技发展都是错误的么? ”
科技发展没有正确和错误而言,人类能够现在生存得这么好,正是因为科技的发展,但是在自然的伟力前,人类还是无力的,海啸,台风,洪水,地震,火山喷发,人类只是能够避灾以及做到更好的灾难救护而已,甚至很多时候还不能做到,在我看来,现在在人类通力合作下,唯一制止的灾难就是饥荒(当然有些国家还会有这个问题,但这不是全球粮食生产不足引起的问题)。我们只是在挣扎求生,看上去人类生存很好,但能不能避免像恐龙一样的命运,还是未知,如果将宇宙的历史压缩在一天内的话,恐龙是在一天结束前19分钟出现的,在一天结束前6分钟被陨石灭绝的,只存在了13分钟,我们人类是在一天结束前最后四秒才出现的,还不知道能生存多久。你可以看看这个网站https://www.bighistoryproject.com/home 里的内容,从一个大的时间尺度来了解我们人类自身。
“The instinct to survive is human nature itself, and every aspect of our personalities derives from it. Anything that conflicts with the survival instinct acts sooner or later to eliminate the individual and thereby fails to show up in future generations.”
Robert A. Heinlein |