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gifox 发表于 2016-6-21 18:40 
re ...
厉害的。 这个也可以看出来。。 不知道是TV的暗示还是如何。 Goodread能找到的唯一的部分。 呵呵
不管是hints 还是subtle. 反正我没看出来。 呵呵。
http://www.goodreads.com/topic/s ... y-until-the-tv-show
Did anyone else not realise Renly and Loras were Gay until the TV show??
Ami BAmi (last edited Jul 03, 2012 01:50PM ) Jul 03, 2012 09:38AM
seriously, am i being really stupid? i swear their not gay in the books, im only part way through the second book and only in secondary school so no need to be condecending
Renly and Loras being together is not blatantly stated at any point in the books, but there are a few hints. The jibes by Stannis about Margaeray , Cersei's strangeness re. Loras in A Feast for Crows , Maester Cressen's description of Renly as a child, Loras being upset about being asked how his sister was coping, the boys private ""praying"" sessions, plus Baelish: "" and when will you be having YOUR friend??"" Taken together, they make it fairly easy to spot, but these are scattered sparingly through several books, and both are fairly minor characters (I'm not sure if they even have a scene together) and when you're not looking for it, its very simple to miss. I realized about Renly in the start of Storm, but Sansa's fangirling over Loras really threw me off. One kinda gets the feeling that the TV series only expanded on it to have a homosexual scene, (a load of shows do this; most soaps have two or three gay characters, which is great and everything, but it comes across as if they're only in the script for the sale of it, and that their sexuality ends up defining their entire character.) The GoT TV series doesn't leave much to the imagination, but they carry it off with more authenticity than most nowadays. The only thing I'd say would be that there was more than enough sex in A. the books without putting in even more. My own opinion at least.
PS thanks for reading this far, you rock!!
Shawn Shawn Oct 06, 2013 09:34PM 0 votes
You're not stupid at all. It wasn't obvious in the books. We are only given subtle hints. I, for one, did not think being the knight of flowers implied that Loras was gay. Afterall, the rose is his family symbol. The first hint I caught in the book was when Renly was more interested in talking to Loras at the feast than he was with his wife. But some straight men are like that with their friends. So we weren't being stupid, just not jumping to conclusions.
Wichard Fella Wichard Nov 15, 2013 11:51PM 0 votes
I never realised it when reading the book, odd, i should have picked it up since i am gay.... Seems like my gaydar did not work this time
J. Alberto J. Alberto Sep 28, 2012 08:53AM 0 votes
Ami wrote: "seriously, am i being really stupid? i swear their not gay in the books, im only part way through the second book and only in secondary school so no need to be condecending"
I didn't get it either. To me, Renly was just nice, but looking back, Stannis did infer something along those lines when they last met. |