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hj1985 发表于 2013-10-17 08:18 
我最近写SC 给一个Senior Financial Accountant Role是 City of Sydney的,写了写了,就放弃了
http://www ...
应该不是Financial Accountant, 是MA方面的。看了下JD,虽然title是senior accountant,但是一个manager level,管着一个management accounting team. $118,644 pa plus Superannuation ,薪水差不多也是个初级Manager的工资。
Essential Criteria
• CPA/ACA or similar qualifications. (这个都有吧,简单写几句就得了)
• Extensive experience in budgeting processes and practices in an accrual accounting environment. (要的绝对是management accounting 的经验,key word: Extensive experience, budgeting, accrual...)
• Able to interpret and understand a diverse range of Council activities and identify and implement appropriate funding, budgeting and control mechanisms. (还是Management accounting 经验,强调对business的熟悉和理解,有local gov经验的TX有的写了。Key word: interpret - 向管理层解释汇报的能力,Council activities - 相关部门的经验, funding, budgeting & control - MA部门经验)
• Experience in corporate finance systems. (大型财务系统的经验,一般的ERP都行)
• Ability to present complex and varied data in a simple, concise, easy to understand manner. (向非Finance部门汇报的能力)
• Highly developed ability to communicate effectively with people at all levels. (沟通能力。Key word - all levels)
• Proven high-level management skills in defining and communicating work targets and priorities and ensuring work is in accordance with performance standards and measures. (领导队伍的能力,management skills,强调工作目标完成能力)
• Strong leadership qualities with an ability to lead a team, communicate Section and Unit goals, motivate and guide/counsel staff, and create a positive and vibrant work environment. (和上一条差不多,但强调的是team建设)
• Familiarity with preparation, administration and maintenance of detailed working papers to support auditable financial information. (documentation, 写作能力)
• Knowledge of EEO and Occupational Health and Safety issues. (最不重要的一条,网上Google下差不多了)
Desirable Criteria
• Knowledge of statutory requirements, regulations and practices which apply to accounting in a Local Government environment, including a comprehensive knowledge of Australian Accounting Standards and in particular AAS 27 and Department of Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Management Regulations. (Council 相关工作经验,非必须条款,但是有就最好了)
这个职位今晚Close,同学们抓紧啦。 |