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本帖最后由 猫儿不笨 于 2020-11-24 15:51 编辑
这是True Allele 对Stain 91 和5受害者DNA分析结果数据:
a) a match between a contributor to Stain 91 and Yun Bin Lin is 4,410 times more probable than a coincidental match to an unrelated Asian person; (Irene)
b) a match between a contributor to Stain 91 and Yun Li Lin is 27.1 times more probable than a coincidental match to an unrelated Asian person; (Lily)
(c) a match between a contributor to Stain 91 and Min Lin is 379,000 times more probable than a coincidental match to an unrelated Asian person; (Min)
(d) a match between a contributor to Stain 91 and Henry Lin is 1,330,000,000 times more probable than a coincidental match to an unrelated Asian person; and (Henry)
(e) a match between a contributor to Stain 91 and Terry Lin is 1,030,000,000,000,000,000 times more probable than a coincidental match to an unrelated Asian person. (Terry)
咋一看,(a)和(b) 代表的2女受害者数据是4410和27.1,陪审团员们很容易被误导而同意这数据说明2女受害人DNA存在于车库污迹里面
但如果把单位增大10亿倍,也就是退掉后面10个零,Terry的相关系数还是显著的103000000,而最接近的Henry相关系数变成0.133,Norman的0.0000379,Irene的0.000000441,Lilly的0.00000000271 !!!
这一下清楚了吧,Stain 91就是Terry 一个人的。True Allele的Mark Perlin配合检方,故意选用了极小的单位,来衬显出基本不相关的2女受害者的数字,蒙骗陪审团!